Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Thanks for the compliment family tree. Glad that most of you ladies have been spared chemo, but although not pleasant, it is doable.


If you don’t mind, I might have a couple of questions in the future for you spongebob. I’m waiting for a bilateral mastectomy with immediate DIEP flap reconstruction. Would be good to draw on your experience. Ann x x

I have jelly belly and boob with shark attack style chunk out of it,not sexy!!!

Thank you so much ann for your message I’m hoping I will get through it like you. I’m very grateful and will stock up on those things. I was a given a book for my birthday and it says chocolate ice cream helps if you don’t feel like eating so I’ve stocked up on that already :slight_smile: thank you glad your appointment went well spongbob and having a rant is a good thing ange get it out of your system that’s what we are here for :slight_smile: xxxxxxxxxx

Well that’s something for me to look forward to an ironing board tummy :slight_smile: I am having a delayed diep in 18 months or so. New boobie and flat stomach must be a perk!! Not long then Jill :slight_smile: feeling the support today :slight_smile: think I need it xx

Easy to have a bad day with all this going on Ange,I had a really bad one Friday and I couldn’t get on here to speak to people ,it was crap.Next week you feel at least have clear plan and timescales.

Yep you are right Jill :slight_smile: I think it’s only natural that we will have a mixture of emotions I will keep battling. Yep it’s frustrating when u need to speak to you guys and you can’t. I hope they sort the glitch soon xxx

Think the tamoxifen is affecting my joints, mustn’t be eating enough Galaxy or could be not enough gin …

Tramadol does strange things to you. , had it when I broke mg leg.My son gets results next week too,AS levels.

No Lorna, it’s a painkiller, heavy duty.

Hi SpongeBob,


I’m up in Aberdeen, so only Aberdeen Royal Infirmary is available for me. Can I ask if you had bilateral or single? And how long did your op take? Have a bit of a fear of being knocked out for hours and hours. (Although much prefer that to being awake!!!) Have been in the waiting list since December last year, and the longer it’s taking to get to the top of the queue, the more afraid I seem to be getting. Bit silly, but can’t help it ?. Glad to hear that you’re doing so well after your op. It’s so nice to read success stories. Do you mind me asking how old you are? I’m 52 and almost 1 year post active treatment. Did you have rads and if so, how’s your skin baring up? So sorry. So many questions!! Would try to PM you, but couldn’t get it to work earlier and kept losing my posts. Ann x x 

Thanks for that SpongeBob. Wish I’d waited for mastectomy with immediate recon when I was first diagnosed. Hope you get good news and don’t need rads when you get your results. May well be back with more questions later!! Ann x x 

Do you go for results of scan tomorrow Sarah?

Or is it scan tomorrow?

Hi Jill I had my scan on my throat today and very happy to say that it’s a nodule and nothing to do with B.C. C.T scan tomorrow fingers crossed it’s as good news as this xxxxxxxxxx

Also my family bought us a chocolate box from hotel chocolate for our wedding anniversary you melt 4,pots of different chocolates and then dip lots of other gorgeous chocolates in to it. Me and my husband have spent the afternoon pigging out and think it’s a must for your trial and lovely to have that over indulgence wish I could buy all the ladies on here a box :slight_smile: xxxxxxx

Hi Sarah, Fan news about your scan glad it’s good news. This waiting sucks doesn’t it. Got one more week to wait to see what the masectomy has confirmed then I can face the next stage :slight_smile: have a sore throat today think my youngest has shared his cold germs. Not good xx

My goodness that chocolate sounds delicious Sarah! X

Yes,I think it needs to be in the trial…

Lol :wink: x

I had a bit of a breakdown this morning ange. So fed up with being in limbo. But having good news this morning really helped and the chocolate :slight_smile: good luck with your results Hun xxxxxx