Sandra you haven’t posted on the wrong thread don’t worry!!!It is impossible to take in all your are told when you are diagnosed, you are in shock and it all a blur and like a different language too !Lots of on here going through similar and inferring each other support.You are very welcome to join us.You get given the number of a named nurse who you can ring and ask questions about your treatment .
Your treatment sounds pretty standard.They give you radioactive injection day before or on morning of op so that the surgeon can pick out which of your lymph node the cancer is draining into,this number varies from person to person .They also inject blue dye sometimes to help surgeon identify the nodes (sentinel nodes) they remove and test those nodes to see if there are any cancer cells present if there are this informs what sort of treatment you have.Lumpectomy involves removing the tumour and an area around it,they try and get what they call clear margins ie an area around tumour that has no cancers cells in it to be sure it has all been removed.Radiotherapy is done 6 to 8 weeks after op when wounds have properly healed.
Grade and size affect treatment plan as well , they should give you that information of you ask.Nurse told me at my appointment but zi specifically asked,she said some people don’t want to be overwhelmed with information.
Same as me Fiona…Great news! X
That’s good Fiona,not a bad day then?Are you celebrating with your girls ?
That’s great news Fiona. You will soon be able to up this behind you xxxxxxxx
Hello ladies
i am a newby here and have had the worst news today. I had screening in monday at which pint they immediately did biopsies in my lump in my boob and in my lymph. My results were in today and although would haven over to haven even in th t5% benign I wasn’t so lucky!
so here I am… 41 years old with a very young family and in the middle Of a house renovation and I have beast cancer. Cat scan in a week, MRI on the 25th and my meeting to plan treatment on the 27th
i am devastated
Great news Fiona xx
Fiona, the galaxy coated sprouts are vodka injected make sure your daughter has that info when she works on the cure…
Ladies I am off to spend the weekend with my daughter in law to be on her Hen do ??I’ve had my hair dyed Ombré style today ?? gel nails booked in for the morning ?? the moral of this story… there is life after Breast Cancer … Wooohoooo bring on the hangover!!! ???
Have a good weekend Jo, did you mange to buy a tent you like??
Scary how quick they grow up ,but always your children even when married men!!!
So like Sandra and Scaredchelle, I am a relative newbie (been on the waiting for results section before) and on Tuesday was diagnosed with a Grade 2, 10mm invasive ductal cancer. Lumpectomy and sentinel node removal is planned, then radiotherapy. They wouldn’t speculate on the stage, as they want the results after surgery. No date for that yet, but seeing the surgeon next Wednesday.
I feel reasonably calm at the moment, I think I will definitely get a bit jittery after surgery while waiting for further results, though.
You do get used to it and quicker than you might expect and you also learn to stop thinking about worst case scenarios and distract yourself if you do. Things are going to change but try to think of it as a ‘new normal’ for a while as it all beds in and gets underway.
I have noticed our lovely ladies here referring to the ‘journey’ and that is a very good way of putting it, as like most journeys; you are not always sure what is around the corner and there maybe bits of bumpy road on the way, but the ride is there to get you from this point to or all ultimate goal of being free of the C.
I am going to admit I’m scared and unhappy about it of course, but very glad to have this place to come to for advice and support when I need it and hope that as my journey progresses and I gain more knowledge, I will in turn be able to offer help xx
Hi ladies sounds like everyone has had an eventful day congrats to all the mums whose kids did so well. Just thought I would tell you I went for an M.R.I scan today I put the gown on got put into the machine and then taken straight out again as they said I must have some sort of metal on me. None of us could work it out then suddenly realised that it must be my boobs! As they have put a tissue expander in. I had no idea there was metal involved so they couldn’t do and will have to do an ultra sound instead! But as I was leaving they thought they better tell me if I go abroad and go through customs I will start beeping! Can’t wait for that!
if and when I do go away I hope they will have an English spelling customs officer on the way back fancy trying to explain that one lol xxxx
Hi Schelle,we have all been where you are,totally overwhelming and scary ,but it does get better once you know exactly what you are dealing with and what happens next.Lots of support here from people who totally understand.Try and focus on the fact that the vast majority of women diagnosed with breast cancer will still be around in 10 yrs time and progress with treatment being made all the time .Jill.
Hi Amanda,welcome to the next stage!!!
Sarah don’t get too excited ,I have metal in my leg after breaking it, was really looking forward to setting scanners off at airport ,but has never happened ,think it is titanium so doesn’t affect alarms as are clips …
And probably tissue expander ,but you may have more fun than me…will be interesting body search…
Aww no! I was starting to feel very special As long as they don’t want me to flash anything to prove it
I have been waiting to show my scar and get them to feel my metal plates /pins for years ,but nada …