Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Still not sure how it gets better. Hardly use to cry at things, but now I’m a wreck lol

Maybe you should think of going to the docs for some help with how you are feeling?

Not sure what the doc could do.

Barry things do get better , we were in your shoes a few months ago and went through all the same feeling of shock,disbelief and fear…bucket loads of fear!! There is no magic wand to wave and make it all better,its tough but its happening so you have to find a way to cope otherwise no one would ever get through it, songs will make you cry, memories will make you cry its all a natural reaction , but once you get the op out of the way on Tuesday and have a definate treatment plan you will start to see a way forward trust me xx


A question about bra’s. My wife is very large chested. A K cup in fact. Can anyone recommend comfortable bra’s for when she is recovering?

M and S have a whole section called post sugery.

Do they Jill…now nice of m&s ! I went to Victoria secrets and they were great x

Much more glam !!!

They aren’t glam like bloody hammocks lol but do comfy. Been a godsend through this! X

Hi Jill hope you got on ok today? Xxxxx

Is rads every day?

Nikkis op is tomorrow. I’d sell my soul for her right now! Just like in those rubbish horror movies.

Flora maybe the fact we’re under 40 and only been married a couple of years my devotion shines through lol. I did just read that out and brought on tears from both of us! x

Hi Barry. Just wanted to send you and Nikki some virtual hugs for tomorrow. I’ll be thinking of you both. You cannot under estimate the comfort that a supportive partner gives to someone going through this horrible time and you are providing that hugely. My husband and I have been married for 40 years and he has been my rock. I couldn’t have got through the last 8 months without him and it has bought us even closer together. We’ve cried together, laughed together and learned a lot about what is important in life. Nikki is stronger than you could ever imagine and she will get through treatment and come out the other side. I’m preparing for my third op on Friday and he’ll be by my side as always. Stay strong. X Francine

I’m sending my love to you all for your support, it’s much appreciated. Let’s get this thing out of her! x

If you want to see what Nikki and I look like. Just search Barry Dole on FB x

I didnt realise this was a thread for other people to contribute.


I have been diagnosed in the last two weeks with Lobular Cancer in the right breast, to say I am shocked and devastated is an understatement.  I am numb.  Barely function but trying to sort my head out.  I am mentally drained, and exhausted.  Not physically but mentally and all I want to do is sleep


I had a mamogramme, 2 x Ultra scans and a biopsy all in one day, returned a week later to be told the news.  I then got a call yesterday for another ultra scan under the armpit and was told there was nothing that was causing concern from what they could see.   (having said that this cancer did not show up on the ultra scan or the mamogramme, only the biopsy


I spotted it myself as an inverted nipple and went to the docs, who referred me the same day.  Its been about three weeks and its been a whirlwind.  I have an MRI tomorrow, and a consultancy on 1st September.


I know its my head I need to sort out and I am a strong type of person and been dealing with Crohns too in the last two years, abd before that I had a pneumothorax.  I have been so healthy and I dont smoke, i  just cannot think for the life of me why all this?  I have only just turned 50, I have just done a 11 mile charity walk in the Isle of Man, I have my own horse, I walk my dog, I keep busy, and its like I hve hit a brick wall.  I am also right in the throws of the menopause which has been dreadful, so popped me on HRT about 2yrs ago.  I was due to take my motorcycle test tomorrow and had to cancel it as my brain fog is horrendous.


I feel like an outcast, i am on the outside looking in on everyone else, its just awful

Hey,you may feel like an outcast but you are certainly NOT on your own in going through this!!!I felt so relieved when I made my first post and people came back and spoke to me who understand just how I felt.The first few weeks are really overwhelming and scary but it does get easier and you will feel calmer and more in control,in the beginning when I read people posting about going to see bands,planning holidays etc,I couldn’t believe it,thought how on earth can they make plans,do normal things amongst all of this,but you do.Life does continue you find a way to do normal every day things amongst it all.There is lots of support here,please feel free to moan,ask questions or have a laugh ,we can be a bit daft at times,but humour helps.Jill.

Francine ,hope you are stocking up on the cheesy wotsits to help with your recovery ???

It’s an absolute nightmare pink, we hear you and have all been there. A rollercoaster of emotions and appointments but you will freely better as soon as you have a treatment plan and get on with removing the swine! Sorry you have had to join us but we are here for you. Sending lots of cyber support and love. Lorna x