Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Is eating protein recommended then? x

Hi Lorna

No it’s just that my surgeon has had two attempts at getting a clear margin via a WLE but no success so he’s going to try again. He’s very keen on avoiding a mx if possible, as I’ve had other health problems but if this one doesn’t work, it will be mx. Good job I have big boobs, as there’s plenty of tissue to take, lol. Pretty fed up with it all now, as it’s been going on since January when I was diagnosed. What can you do but just keep going, giving up is not an option is it. Don’t always feel positive and have a good snivel sometimes (don’t care!) Friends have got rather bored with it all by now so lot less contact. You certainly find out who your friends are! X Francine

It certainly sorts the wheat from the chaff Francine.

Nikki’s worried about swelling of her hand. Is there a way to reduce it? x

May be worth ringing NHS direct or BCC helpline for advice re that Barry.I haven’t had full node clearance so Im not sure re swelling of hand.

Hi Barry

Yep protein is very good for healing definitely. Perhaps the lighter ones like chicken or turkey to start with. I agree with Jill that it’s too early for Nikki to be pushing the exercises. I didn’t have as much surgery as her and I didn’t start mine for a few days and then only very gently. It’s OK for these physics to tell you what you should be doing but they haven’t been through a major op! Makes me cross, as you can tell! What she needs now is rest and her body will tell her when to start being more active. Give her my best. X Francine

I’m annoyed with them telling her that too as she thinks that’s what she should be able to do. How should she keep her arm? Hang of have a cushion under it? x

Barry,  think the usual advice for swelling is to elevate the part that is swelling but not sure it that would help after node clearance. Do you have a nurse coordinator or contact number for if you’re concerned, you could get some advice from? I expect there might be some help in the ‘Going through treatment’ board, too. 


Write down your questions for the nurse tomorrow, anything that comes to mind…keep pad and pen to hand so you can get it down before you forget!


Amanda x

Keep it elevated and supported and if you are concerned re swelling of hand get some advice .

Thanks all.  I will get a pillow for the journey. How long are most people in pain for?  I tend to heal quite quickly so havent really been worrying about this part.  Just so much going on. Im supposed to be moving home, travelling to Australia in a few weeks, changing jobs and am looking at some other operations as I have mobility issues.  Everything comes at once so being diagnosed with BC is just damn inconvenient! lol


Thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it and hope that you all have easy journeys.





Yeh , it is very blooming inconvenient !!!Most people don’t have much pain with lumpectomy,sentinel node a bit more painful under arm but I didn’t need painkillers after first day until I started doing alot more then I took ibuprofen .

Absolutely, BC. Is very inconvenient for sure! I could say something stronger but I’m not sure how the bleep machine is functioning at the moment! ???

Go for it Francine !!!

Here we go! Its’s **bleep**, crap and a sodding pain in the neck (or boob should I say).

Let’s try some more! It’s **bleep** and **bleep**ting awful!

I wish I could cure Nikki and everyone else of this **bleep** thing!!!

I am now retiring to my bed for another **bleep** sleepless night, lol. Laughing like a drain (forgive the pun!). Night all.

S H I T T Y BC! Hee hee!

Found lump mid July. 2 week wait diagnosed with grade 3 cancer. MRI last week and promised results after Multi Disciplinary Team Meeting today. Rang breast nurses. Mines never there as she only works two days a week as she is doing a degree. Oh you wont get results till next week as it is a bank holiday. Silly me this is the UK. You cant be ill at a weekend or BH. I’m just having a nightmare. Ill wake up and tm and this will have just been a dream… God knows what else is to come. Someone told me they were only in hospital for a day. My brother who lives in Germany spent 10 days in hospital and 8 weeks in a Converlesance clinic in the mountains. Oh yes forgot to say insurance is paying.

Hello Turnercat yes it’s the waiting that is nerve racking I would ring again after the BH I found things moved quickly from being diagnosed to op which was 16 July since then nearly 6 weeks I have had blood tests ultra sounds etc. another biopsy next Tuesday not Monday it’s a BH then perhaps I can get started on the dreaded chemo. Oh silly me my oncologist is then on holiday for 2 weeks so 17 September before I see her again. Crazy.


hope you move faster than I good luck
