Francine, let me know if a simple vitamin D tablet is safe for her to take. Need to see about the turmeric supplement, or just use it to make a soup she can drink in a mug. I don’t eat loads of veg, but I’ve always been a big fruit eater. Where as Nikki’s never really eaten either, I’m giving her nutri bullet shakes now though She was upset as they hadn’t been, so I called the district nurses. She’s so relieved to have it out and healed well x
Apparently it’s D3 she needs to take specifically. Not D2. Dosage suggestions are a bit varied but taking too much can cause problems with excessive calcium absorption, which can overload the kidneys and leach it from the bones. Still looking in to that one! What would we do without Dr Google??
I’m looking at my weight too, pity I’m just looking at it! Really must take it in hand. Did very well when I was a week on nil by mouth, lol, but that’s a bit drastic now I think! Husband is a feeder unfortunately but then I’m easily tempted. As Oscar Wilde said (I think) ‘I can resist anything except temptation’.
Francine have you bothered to give up dairy too?
Hi everyone I’m just jumping in on this a bit too as since diagnoses have completely changed what I eat! I have given up dairy gluten sugar and alcohol. I won’t eat anything processed anymore and only eat organic fruit and veg and organic chicken and fish. I’m having smoothies from the bullet all day too. It might not be doing much but I do feel better for doing something. I also read about the turmeric. I’m reading a really interesting book called your life in your hands and it focuses a lot on the western diet contributing to cancer xx
Nikki’s already said she won’t give up everything, but if we can eat healthier with more fruit, veg and spices it can’t do any harm x
My feeling is that eating healthily is always a good thing, but a little bit of what you fancy cheers you up (which is also good for your immune system) and this is difficult and miserable enough without depriving yourself of things you enjoy.
Has Nikki got rid of her drains yet Barry?
Hence the chocolate coated sprouts…
Jill the drain came out last night, they didn’t turn up during the day! She tried to wear a bra today, a bit sore though. We have an appointment with the fertility clinic at St Barts on Thursday. Personally I think it’s too far to travel and the tube will be horrible for her x
Broccoli is our new favourite veg!
You could have it like fondu Barry, broccoli dipped in chocolate…only joking obviously, only works with sprouts…You should def explore your options re fertility while you still have options,up to you whether you go anywhere with it but gives you choices at least.Im guessing Nikki will improve quite rapidly without drains as she can move about more freely.
She feels a lot better without the drain. Still a little sore obviously. A bit put off as fertility treatment sounds quite stressful. Then again either of us might not be fertile anyway.
The more I read up, the more I can’t believe how many women have to go through this x
Still worth knowing your options,it may be something for several years hence when you feel up to dealing with it and hopefully all this will be behind you.
Neither of us like sprouts! x
Wondering about kale dipped in batter ,deep fried and then with choc fondue dip…actually maybe not…feel sick just typing it !!!
Mushy peas in batter???Prefer Mars bars!!!
They had an Austrian Fondue restaurant near us( closed now ) was yummy, gave you loads of weird things to dip in mega strong cheese and the dessert was things to dip in chocolate (with brandy in it)…very sliming!!!