Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Loads off suggestions!Can’t put it on here but every swear word imaginable lol x

Don’t **bleep** come back or else!!!

Evening all. I’ve been on a sensible eating plan today, well it made sense to me! Cheese and crisp sandwich for lunch (brown bread of course) and a chinese for tea. No sprouts I’m afraid, do bean sprouts count? Have my date for my results now, 17 Sep. Going to be a long 2 weeks so am stocking up on Cadbury’s chocolate fingers! Sending hugs to everyone fighting the **bleep**ty BC. X Francine

I think bean sprouts count !!!The waiting is a bugger isn’t it.

Evening Francine. Bean sprouts are vegetables the last time I checked :wink: The horrible waiting game. They should give you a health warning about it! x

Well my first op was on my birthday, 10 Feb, so perhaps it’s a good omen. Some present! I was diagnosed on 27 Jan, seems like a lifetime away. No sign of that tiny pucker I first noticed now, think it’s sitting in the path lab along with most of my right boob, lol. Sorry, too much information! Time for bed. Night all. X Francine

Hope your appointment today is helpful to you and Nlkki Barry.

Thanks Jill. I’m hoping Nikki is going to be Ok with the journey, that’s my main concern x

Fiona, if there are no complications I think you will be fine just need lots of padding around your boob as seat belt rubs against your wound.just don’t plan to do too much while you are there.

You will just have to take it slowly Barry, stop and rest when you can even if just for 5 mins and get her to take some painkillers before you set off(not strong ones).

Sending my best to Barry and Nikki for their appointment today. Jill, you’re smashing those rads!

Thanks Fiona and Francine. Nikki’s health is my primary concern in all this. If we can’t have children it will just mean more holidays together! Xx

I am absolutely exhausted by it,don’t know how I dragged myself here today ,In fact don’t remember driving here!!!

Are you able to drive during rads? x

That’s a long way! No hospitals near you? Some people have offered to take her to chemotherapy when she has it, if not we’ll get a cab ( more incentives for me to learn to drive) x

They have specialist centres that deal with radiotherapy ,dependent on where you live there can be quite a journey ,I’m also 50 mile round trip.

Thankfully our nearest hospital has a breast care centre x

Hope you and Nikki had a productive appointment today, Barry and that journey went ok. Bet Nikki is exhausted now…you too, probably!


I was told that radiotherapy would start to tire you as it progresses, try to get as much rest as you can Jill.


Amanda x

Hi Amanda and everyone else. It was fairly useful. The doc said although oestrogen levels are boosted to harvest the eggs, he said no evidence shows it does any further harm. We’ve got a small window. So just going to do the early testing first. I think she was glad to get home alright, thankfully noone knocked into her which is amazing for central London! Xx

Good to hear Dr was positive in the main…must bring some hope,…love to Nikki x