Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

I’ve just had a read about estrogen food! But I don’t know how far to take things as some of the healthier things that I have been eating are on that list. Where do you draw the line? I’m seeing a nutritionist tomorrow so I will ask them what foods are high risk xxx

What foods are they? Let us know what the nutritionist says. At the moment we’ve added/increased our intake of broccoli, turmeric and blueberries. Can you ask about milk and flax seeds please :wink: x

Hi all
I haven’t posted on this page before! I have a fantastic support network round me but I agree this page really helps knowing others are going through the same and also have the same feelings and worries. Today I’m going for pre chemo assessment feeling nervous … Xx

Where did you find the list Sarah? I’ve tried to find one but it’s all bitty. I’m sick of all the Damn adverts 're cancer. Why is there so many different ones…surely one rcompsny would do. And it is a company with many employees. Which one is the best, which one ispends donations wisely etc. A minefield. Of course we are all more than grateful for their advances and findings in treatment but penny for penny is it efficient? X

Hi Shazza, best wishes for tomorrow x

It’s saying things like soy soya peas, chickpeas beans. I have been eating all of the above. I will see what the nutritionist says and get back to you I looked at estrogen foods to avoid with cancer. Hey shazza how are you today? Really pleased to see you came on here. :slight_smile: xxxxxxx

Ask for all drugs that are available shazza emend plus an extra anti sickness and a strong painkiller for possible headaches and a mouthwash diff lam is the one I have then it will all be there when you start :slight_smile: xxxxxx

A few of these charities are our clients. I think they get a discount but is the money being spent wisely. Plus you see stories about the execs on higher salaries than the PM. Milk, caffeine , red meat all boost estrogen x

Thanks Sarah and Bazza!
I’ve 3 appointments this week assessment today picc line tomorrow and 1st chemo Thursday ? I want to get on with it but I don’t if you get what I mean?! How are you doing now Sarah and how’s Nikki today? Take care xx

Hi Shazza, welcome. I have mine on Wednesday so we can compare notes. Sarahd maybe able to offer some advice as she has been there and had started :slight_smile: xx

Is the picc line in your arm throughout your chemo treatment? I’m just wondering how that would affect sleeping? Nikki still has to sleep on her back due to the discomfort from the node clearance (just her luck she’s always slept on her front) x

Hi Ange
Thanks comparing notes will be good! Yes I’ve already been chatting with Sarah over on the sept chemo page. She is lovely and has already given me great advise, which I really appreciate ? xxx

Yes Bazza I believe so. I’m quite squeamish to be honest and hope it can stay covered out of sight out of mind! I didn’t get a choice they just said that’s what I would have? Xx

Nikki’s just said she’s read up on it, she’ll never be able to sleep on her front again! Lots of small sacrifices but they’ll be worth it. You’re right if it’s covered up most of the time, hopefully it’s forgotten about.

Further info on estrogen. To save some people from reading up. High fibre intake helps reduce levels. Sorry of it’s a bit early but estrogen attaches to your stool, and fibre helps you go more oftern lol.

And of course exercise reduces estrogen levels plus body fat (which influences estrogen).

It’s tough being a woman! Xx

Thanks Barry…didn’t know that. Better eat some porridge! X

Hi Barry, Nikki us the same as me. It’s so hard getting comfortable to sleep. I think I will be picking a picc line as I really don’t like needles and at least they don’t have to put one in every time xx

Porridge with water or non dairy milk lol. Need to confirm if almond milk is good or not! x

Saves them using you as a pin cushion Ange. Obviously laying on your back all isn’t good for it either, so wakes in a bit of discomfort x

Yep, hopefully when I heal more I may get a better nights sleep :slight_smile: the things we have to endure. I need to start looking at diet stuff because to be honest I have not really done anything different apart from extra greenery xx

Yes the picc line is with you all the time during chemo. I was really peed off with it at the start especially hot weather as I had to wear a long sleeve too but that shouldn’t affect you all as it’s cooling down. I can sleep in my picc Line side now I have got used to it. You get it it flushed out and redressed every week and it’s again not what you want but it’s doable :slight_smile: that’s the trouble with google it’s so conflicting about food etc xxxxx