Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Thanks caffy. No this is not with the nhs it’s with penny brohn centre close to me. They offer some amazing things. I think there are other centres like this over the country. I have had some relaxation classes acupuncture reflexology nutritionist. There are also cookery classes shiatsu. I would google it’s more of an holistic approach to cancer xxxx

Glad it went well and that parts over for you. chill out now and be a couch potato! X

Glad the op went ok Fiona. Nikki got a few bruises from sitting/laying, so be careful of that! x

Hi Fiona, glad it went ok. Lucky you no drain!!! Rest up let everyone look after you xxxx

Have you joined the. “blue boob” club Fiona?!! My scars were not nearly as bad as I thought although I was scared to look at first.

Yes my scar is fading …still got the blue area though x

Hi all, I’m another newbie.


I received my diagnosis on Friday following a routine mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. I have one of those mixed ductal and lobal cancers, stage 2, no sign of anything in the glands so far, but no doubt that might change. I am hormone receptive and the likely treatment is lumpectomy, radiation and tomoxofen. My appointment with the consultant is on 18th and I will need an MRI scan to check whether it has migrated anywhere else. I don’t understand why they haven’t arranged for this to be done before I see him, so that he has all the facts then - the waiting is unbearable.


I haven’t cried at all, but have dealt with practical issues to do with work almost as if this is all about someone else. Is this normal? I’ve also been reading everything I can get hold of to try and wrestle back a little control. I don’t think I’ve been very successful! Listening to music also helps. The words of “Titanium” are apt, and even more so seeing as I currently have a piece of it in my right boob!


Like others here, I have regrets that I have brought this upon myself. My diet is mostly very good, as I prefer healthy food such as salads, veg, fruit, nuts and non-processed food, but I am overweight and I probably drink too much wine/have a sugar addiction. As my cancer is hormone receptive, I can’t escape the feeling that, in my mid50s, it has all caught up with me. I have been reading up on diet and supplements, but some of it is very difficult to understand, particularly in relation to supplements. My feeling is that my hormones have been out of balance since I was a teenager - awful periods, years of infertility (although treatment was successful & I now have three teenagers) mood swings, menopausal sweats and brain fog - perhaps the same hormone imbalances lay behind all this.


Anyway, I read through this entire thread and want to thank you for the reassurance you have already provided. Mutual hand holding will be much appreciated.


Gracie x

Hi Gracie , welcome to you ( even though you don’t really want be here). If you have any questions and any of us can help please ask. All I can say the waiting is hard but the guys on this thread give lots of support. Big hugs xx

Hi Gracie, welcome to the club non of us asked to join! Your diagnosis sounds like mine. Though I didn’t have a CT scan until going for my radiation to mark area to be zapped. Do you know the size of your tumour? Anyway I hope like me its been caught early as it was spotted on mammogram. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions for sure so brace yourself and be kind toyourself and you will get to the other side. Sending love Lorna x

Hi Gracie, sorry you have had to join us,the first few weeks are really intense and overwhelming and you are bombarded with information and words you don’t understand.They piece together information from different sources and at different times to decide on the best way to treat you, that can be really frustrating as you just want the full picture from the beginning and to know what is happening and when.I would ring up about your scan cod it doesn’t make sense to see the surgeon before that really.Please don’t give yourself a hard time about lifestyle etc ,if you have read through the thread you can see that we have all talked about this and it is really not as simple as that and a large part of this is down to shear bad luck .

Just looked and seen that apples, strawberries and blueberries are on the dirty dozen list :frowning: x

What you reading and what’s the dirty list? Don’t tell me fruit is bad for you! What info do you want Barry and who off? Sorry if I’ve missed something in thread asking all these questions x

Sounds like a worthwhile visit, need to find pesto recipes. I’ll have to wash the blueberries Ive got in the freezer

What about soy? Sorry lots of questions lol

I’ve not heard of Penny Brohn centres before. Don’t think there’s anything like that down here in deepest darkest Cornwall (though we do have Poldark - and he’s down here filming the next series right now!!) 

Thank you everyone for your welcome. Just to answer some of the questions-


Lorna, on the day I was given my results, I think the nurse said that the size of the cancer is 15mm, but at that stage everything was sloshing around in my head and I’m not totally sure on that point. However, I have been told since that it is very early stage - 1A or 1B - so I think that indicates it’s quite small. She said that the bit they would remove would be the size of a broad bean, or perhaps a cherry tomato. I have big boobs, so no-one will notice LOL.


Is yours lobular? My understanding is that I need to have the MRI because that type has a tendency to migrate, although there is no indication it has done so at this stage. To be honest, this is the bit that is worrying me the most. But it was the doctor at the clinic, rather than at the hospital that told me I would need an MRI scan, so maybe that won’t happen. I have had one of those new scans where they scan you in slices, if that makes any sense. I think that gives a better indication than normal ultrasound as to what’s there.


Jill, I have been referred to a consultant at my local hospital after having been diagnosed at a specialist breast clinic. After reading your post, I rang the breast clinic at the hospital to see why I wouldn’t get my MRI scan before I saw the consultant, and was told that itis protocol for me to be seen first, but that it would happen fairly quickly after that ifthe consultant wanted me to have one. I was told last week that it is likely that I would have my operation at the end of September.   


Sarah, was the nutritionist at the hospital or is it one you found privately? I’m very much interested in anything you and anyone else has to say about nutrition, although it might be easier to talk about it than do anything about it! I looked at the website someone mentioned on the thread -  canceractive.com/cancer-active-page-link.aspx?n=1285, There is some interesting stuff on there. One of the things mentioned is how helpful it is to go on a much reduced calorie controlled diet. I’m sure it’s right, but it seems almost impossible at this precise time, when all I want to do is eat the entire biscuit lane at Sainsbury’s.


Barry - I’m assuming it’s Sarah you want info from?


I’m really suffering from lethargy. I’m self employed and working at home this week. I really can’t be bothered to do anything, which is not at all like me. Should I just allow it to wash over me or attempt to kick my own backside into action? 




Poldark?That should cheer you up???A lot of local cancer charities seem to offer complimentary therapies,counselling etc for free.

Biscuits are definitely the order of the day when you’ve just been diagnosed Gracie, comfort food.Time to look at your diet in the coming months, just take one thing at a time.I felt knackered when I was first diagnosed I think it is all the adrenaline pumping round in your body makes you feel wiped out,I think you do feel better for doing rather than not as it just gives you time to dwell on things otherwise.I could be wrong but I think that because lobular cancer can be hard to see on a mammogram they do a scan to ascertain the exact size of the tumour .Happy to be corrected if I have got that wrong.

Sorry Gracie. Yes it was Sarah I wanted information from x

Sarah did dietitian mention sprouts???