Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

That must have been scary Lorna. Hope you feel better soon. I think the bottom on my garden is about the furthest I’ll go today but it really is lovely now and there is the most beautiful butterfly on one of the plants.

Lovely Lorna, we all have bad times. This is what we are here for … Support, hugs and moan time. Big hugs xxx

I hope you feel better soon Lorna. Sunny in Cambridge (at Nikki’s parents) too. Physio tomorrow and oncologist on Wednesday. So more appointments.

How scary Lorna hope you’re feeling better now. Hope everyone’s enjoying the weekend! Actually got out of the house yesterday, took my daughter back to uni. I was pleased that I managed that and felt well! Good luck with your appointments this week Barry. Take care everyone xxxx

Thanks guys, always a tonic. Good luck with appointments and treatment next week everyone. I see onc on Thursday too. X

Oh dear Lorna, that was horrible! You just sometimes wonder when all this s**t is going to stop raining down on you! Perhaps the Dr had a red blood cell count done? Maybe that would have been down if you had had an internal bleed. (If I sound like I might know what I’m talking about it’s just because I’m good at blagging!) You need to rest as much as possible.


Sunny here in Herne Village, two loads of washing on the line and now watching Disney Junior (20 month old Grandson is staying at the moment) and eating grapes, not too shabby a day so far!


Amanda x

I miss seeing my grandson he has just started preschool and thought that at the moment probably best not to see him as he is picking up alsorts at the moment. Xxxxx

And the weekend is nearly over :frowning:

My sis lives in Cornwall…flushing. Love visiting her x

Oh Lorna, know just how you feel I think. After my 2nd surgery I collapsed at home and had to be blue lighted to hospital, lost the blood supply to my bowel and nearly ended up with a stoma. 10 days in hospital. Just what you don’t need when you’re battling BC too. The human body has an amazing capacity to heal itself I’ve discovered but you need to help it by resting. If you get anything similar happen again you must go straight to A& E. If you’d had a serious bleed, your iron levels would be low and that’s why they did a blood test. Sometimes **bleep** never seems to stop happening does it. Sending you lots of hugs xx

Evening. How was everyone today?

Good news bad news day, I have quite bad infection in area of broken skin from rads, may need iv antibiotics if doesn’t improve in 48 hrs, good news doc doesn’t think my hair falling out is due to Tamoxifen and thinks it’s related to stress and the radiotherapy treatment and will grow back, we shall see!!

Yes ,got penicillin .

Hi Jill, that does not sound good. Big hug. Just plodding here. Had mad toddler again today. Have a couple of hospital appointments on Wednesday one with surgeon followed by one with oncologist to pick up pre meds and stuff. As its getting closer I am starting to get a little apprehensive. I know it needs to be done but I am still scared xxx

Not surprised you are scared Ange, each stage is anxiety provoking ,you just don’t know what to expect and how you will deal with it .Such a shame we all live so far apart ,we could help with toddler,give you a bit of peace ,could send him and the dog out for a walk!!!

Had a word with the other half so I am having him some of the time but not all :slight_smile: just feel tired. Never mind won’t be long xx

Fingers crossed about your hair Jill x

Ange, good you need some rest sometimes x

We want to the physio and because Nikki still has a bit of pain and discomfort doing her exercises. She recommends Nikki not go back to work until that’s improved and do as little as possible, plus I should massage her before she does her exercises . So Nikki’s a bit frustrated by that. But she needs to rest and recover as she’ll have chemotherapy and radiotherapy to deal with soon.

Sounds like she just will just have to accept the advice given Barry, but it’s really hard as you really just want to do normal things and not have your world be totally about cancer.

Ange ,the stress of this takes it’s toll on your energy levels , adrenaline pumping round your body due to anxiety /stress saps you of your resources, hard sometimes to mange normal life but life carries on as normal and expects you to manage !!

Evening all.


Sorry to hear about your infection Jill but at least hopefully the drugs will sort you out before too long. I’m sure that the general stress your body and mind have been under all these months have lowered your resistance to everything which hasn’t helped.


Hope you manage to get some rest Ange. Sounds like you really need it. You are bound to feel anxious about what’s to come and I completely feel your anxiety here - I have my first onc appointment tomorrow afternoon and am having to have a nerve-steadying glass of vino just now - but we are on our way through this. I think you said you’d be finished early in the New Year. Hopefully I won’t be too far behind you.


Barry, sounds like you are being fantastic and perhaps a new career as a masseue awaits in the future. :smileyhappy:


Good vibes to all. x