just diagnosed

Hi Rhian
Good to hear from you. What is cording? Is that something I should now add to my worry list?

You can get cording when you have your lymph nodes removed. It feels like a string from your armpit to your wrist, restricting your movement. This is why you need to do your exercises three or four times a day, gently stretching each time - but not real pain. Many of us have found we have got full movement back within a few weeks. I thought at first I’d never be able to reach up above my head again, but now I don’t even think about it.

Hi Karen,

Great to hear that all went well. I know everything feels weird at the moment but just keep going with the exercises and you’ll be fine. Don’t do it until it hurts, I used to do maybe 5 minutes 3 times a day, slowly does it.

I’m still a wee bit numb at the top of my arm but I only notice it if I prod it, it’s not a problem at all. I got cording (which no-one seems to tell you about!) which was a very tight string thing from my armpit down my arm. It wasn’t there straight away, but appeared maybe a week or two after surgery, not everyone gets it, stretching gets rid of it but again you have to be patient. I think it’s caused by lymph fluid slowing down because it obviously can’t drain under your arm anymore so it has to find somewhere else to go.

I also think the burning sensation is due to your nerves being cut but if it carries on or gets worse I would mention it to your BCN, there’s always something that can be done.

Keep going Karen, you’ll be OK, you should be proud of yourself, stage one is complete!

Take care


And now the nasty little thing is in a petrie dish somewhere, instead of in your boob!

Hi Karen

I had the burning sensation across my boob and under my arm. The boob bit has gone now as has under the arm unless I touch it. My arm pit feels numb and it was strange when I was shaving as I could see I was shaving my arm but couldn’t feel it properly - now I know why BCN said not to wet shave or wax! My Consultant had warned me there could me some nerve damage and that some loss of feeling might occur he said sometimes it returns. Last week my left shoulder ached but that has stopped now and my arm is moving freely. My WLE and SNR was on the 21st July so only 2 weeks ago.

Had my Re-Excision yesterday and it was only 10/15 minutes. Had a bit of a reaction with the anesthetic so had to stay in over night but had a lovely private room with on suite, was almost worth the reaction! Results next Tuesday, if cells have continued to grow then it’s got to be a MX so keep your fingers crossed.

I had a reaction to the dressing with my WLE as well Momo so this time I had some green wadding and a clear waterproof thing on top - hope this will be better.

Take care ladies x

I just had SNB and 2 nodes removed - bcn says that it’ll always be numb under the arm because the nerves get cut, so be careful when shaving !

Hi all,
Sorry Karen i didnt mean that you would be left with the burning sensation and pins and needles they will go but numbness may continue. But hey its a small price to pay. Do try and do the exercises as they not only restore arm movement but go a long way to stop cording and lyphodaema. take care kitty x

Hi all Thank you for all your replies and advice. I am religiously doing my excercises and stretching my arm upwards. I really dont want to get lymphodema or cording. Do I have to continue with the exercises long term or just until I have recovered from surgery? I am having the stitches out tomorrow so thats another thing to tick off. Just want next Thursday to come quickly so I can find out my results then move on to the next stage (whatever that may be).
Good luck Katie for next Tuesday hope the results are all good.
Take care everyone
Karen xx

It’s a good idea to get into the habit of doing the lymphodema exercises long-term, as it can come on years after your op. I use a small stress-ball, just hold my arm straight up over my head and squeeze - I’m up to about 30 squeezes, do it three times a day when watching TV of surfing the net.

I have lymphodema in my boob - going to see the lovely Mr.Hinton on Friday. I’ve been massaging it, but it doesn’t seem to be going down yet, and I worry a bit about my nip, which sometimes looks as if it’s getting blood-deprived. And also a lingering paranoia that it might be IBC - it looks very similar, although the history is very different. But as I’ve repeatedly advised others, if you have any worries - ASK!

yes i agree i think the excercises have to be accepted’ as part of your life and well worth perservering with. i have had cording a few times and it does ease, the temptation is not to move as it feels so tight but movement helps. I bought i stress ball when i read Susanne’s comment and i do feel it helps its one of those silly little things you can be doing without even realising, while watching the telly etc. The burning and the soreness does ease. If any of you get the opportunity try and get an alternative therapy through macmillan, i had a couple of massages and the therapists know what we have been through and are so good truly they are wonderful.

rhian xx

Hi Katie

How did the results go on Tuesday, hope everything was ok. I go for mine tomorrow (13th) so Im hoping they will be ok. Had to see the breast cancer nurse yesterday as I had a build up of fluid from my op,had it removed, felt better after that. Have still got a tight feeling all down my arm and feel a bit battered in that area. Any idea how long this will continue? I am doing my exercises 3 times a day and keep stretching my arm above my head (or try to!). Take care. karen xx

Hi Karen

I got my results and this time my margins were clear so no need to go back for MX- hurray! HER2 negative. Signs of lymphovascular invasion. Definately chemo and then radiotherapy but I have a 4 week break, (Oncologist will confirm tuesday with details of what chemo and %s), for my body to get over the recent ops. I am still a bit swollen under my arm and have newly bruised boob but as long as I don’t touch my arm the burning feeling is not there so I guess must be getting better. I have my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow.

Rhianne I’ve taken up Suzanna’s suggestion too and squeeze with my arm in the air, thanks Suzanna I think it’s helped.

Take care


sorry about name spellings Rhian and Susanne - brain still not working, over tired but can’t sleep all night and keep waking at 4.30



Hi Katie

So pleased that you dont have to go through any more surgery. Hoping for the same result myself. Will let you know.

Take care
Karen xx

Katie - no worries re name, been called worse ha ha , make the most of the next 4 weeks relax, eat healthy food and prepare your bod for the chemo etc. one chunk of the journey over and remember keep smiling…if only because it confuses people :0)xx

Karen , you keep smiling too you hear me ,I will be thinking of you tomorrow. the tightening goes on for a while, don’t forget your body is healing and tissue mending, keep doing those exercises, little and often more important than one big session once a day. I had my boob reduction 3 weeks ago and my scar is still healing and sore and that was just taking away healthy tissue (the path lab results came through on the tissue they sent after doing it because i had two lumps in there just cyst but they thought it best to check and thats come back ok woop woop)

rhian xx

Thank you Rhian. I tend to do stretching arm movements throughout the day as my arm tends to seize up. I then find it hard to raise my arm above my head. I was out yesterday with my husband just generally looking around the shops. I kept stretching my arm above my head as I could feel the tightness coming back. The amount of strange looks I received Im not sure if people thought I was waving at them or I was just a bit weird! Keep fingers crossed for me for tomorrow, really dont want another operation. Take care. Karen xx

My sympathies! I am 65 now and 7 weeks ago found a lump the size of an egg in my left armpit. They thought it was Lymphoma but after a dissection it apparantly is secondary cancer and they can’t find the primary! All tests were clear but have just had a breast MRI, bone scan and am having a vaginal ultrasound scan on Frid.
So…do understand how you feel!!! Am going on holiday for two weeks on Sat and then will return to final results, chemo and then total removal of lymph nodes on 6 months.
It is a frightening prospect but I am trying to look apon the chemo as a friend who will make me well at the moment. Realise though that is easy to say at the moment whilst feeling well.
Let me know how you get on please.
Good luck and chin up

Hi all,

All the very best for today Karen, will be thinking of you.

Lovelife, totally understand your thinking about the chemo, that’s what I told myself as well and it helps. It is a friend not an enemy and it is do-able, for every side effect there is usually a solution.

Take care


Hi all

Another op for me! Results showed pre cancerous cells still in breast so consultant wants to remove further tissue. No spread elsewhere in the body and no further lymph node involement. Grade 3 aggresive. They are going to send me the date for my op so not sure when it will be, sooner rather than later I hope. Disapointed I have to have another op as it means delaying the start of chemo (not that I want it). Hope everyone is ok and coping with whatever process you are going through.
Take care. Karen xx

What a crock, Karen. I know what you mean about delaying the chemo - I was in a dead panic in case anything interfered with my start date. On the Big Day, OH was driving me, and we stopped off at the local shopping centre so I could pop into Boots to get a thermometer. I came out - and he’d vanished! I was racing up and down the car park like a lunatic - didn’t have a watch, which made it worse. Suddenly there he was, calm as you like - had gone to get the paper (which we could have got at the hospital anyway!) Sometimes…!