just diagnosed

Oh bugger Karen, but the positives are no spread elsewhere and no lymph node involement and hey another op you will handle, you sound a lot calmer in your posts than at the start of all this. Delaying chemo is a bum because at least with chemo you feel you are ‘getting treatment’ in an odd way but make the most of the pre chemo time to get yourself healed and get your body stronger

sending you a BIG hug

Rhian xx

Hello Ladies

Bummer Karen! But I’m really pleased no further lymph node involvment or spread. Hopefully the operation will be soon. If you don’t get a date in the next couple of days I would ring and ask/chase them. Don’t worry by yourself, we’re here and know just where you’re coming from.

I was really peed off that I had to go back and was more spaced out after the re-excision for a day but general recovery was a lot faster. Less than a week and 1/2 on and my scar has rehealed and isn’t bad at all. I went in to work Fri and Sat after the Tuesday op, probably a bit early as I was tired at the end of the day but my head was happier being distracted! ( I’m self employed so it’s my “baby”).

The Surgeon reopened the previous scar by just under a cm (going by what it looked like and they had said it would be tiny this time)to remove the extra tissue. No stitches were used or glue just had the dressing on. I think the op was only 10/15 minutes. Try not to worry Karen (ha, ha - easier said hey!)

I know what you mean about the delay in chemo, don’t want it but lets not mess about and get it done now! Do like me and try and take advantage of the delay, eat well to build up your immune system and exercise for endorphines and strength - not sure if the chinese and 1/2 bottle of wine with walk round the shops that I did yesterday covers this but hey it was happy therapy!

Susanne - men! LOL, love them…

Lovelife - have a lovely holiday, let us know how you get on when you get back.

Take care all of you


Hi Karen keep your chin up,and I know its hard at times,I remember being very negative and if it wasnt for my OH and family I dont know what I would have done.

I wish I had found this site at the start of treatment as everyone is so supportive,kind and understanding.
I am now 2 years since dx and still use this site and feel I have made some new friends even though I have never met anyone.

You will be fine and Take each day at a time.

Love and Hugs

Jackie xx

Hey Karen,

Sorry you’ve not had the news you want but it’s fantastic that there’s no involvement anywhere else. I know it’s frustrating having a delay in your chemo but you will get there.

Take care


Haven’t read all this thread but wanted to ask how long you normally have to wait for results after a lumpedectomy. Had lump removed Monday 10th and 4 nodes removed. Been told will get results on 27th August. Seems a long time to wait. Looks like some of you got your results much earlier.
Also when I was in the breast clinic pre-op having ultrasound so could be marked so the surgeon knew where to op I noticed someone had put on my notes lump found with “poorly defined margins”. What does that mean. Was too scared to ask at the time.

Hi Gocat

Not sure what normal waiting time is, but I had WLE & SNB on 31 July and don’t get results until 20 August - so just under three weeks. The waiting is awful - the first week post op was okay as I think I was still under the effects of the anasthetic but this week has not been good. Still less than a week to go now!


Sounds like similar waiting times then Kazza.
Good luck with your results.

Hi Gocat

At my hospital (Basingstoke) they book you in for an appointment for results 8 days after surgery, after my re-excision they told me 7 days after. I have spoken with a few people from different areas and they all seem to get results 2 to 3 weeks later so I guess we’re very lucky here.

Sorry I’m not clear on “poorly defined margins” ask your BC Nurse, hopefully they gave you a contact number.

The waiting is the worst, I’ll be thinking of you and have my fingers crossed the results are good.

Take care


Hi All

Thank you for your posts. The breast cancer nurse rang me this morning to say my op is next Wednesday on the day surgery ward, I’m pleased because it means I dont have wait and can get it over with. Couple of questions - will I have to have a drain in this time? also all day today in my armpit and the top of my arm has been super sensitive, I cant even bear material against it, I am wearing my husbands tshirt. I realise the nerves are settling down but today has been particularly bad even the pain killers dont seem to take the edge off it. It almost feels like there should be a rash there but there isnt. Any ideas? hope you all have a good weekend and see some sunshine (we live in hope!)

Practice varies but most people do not have drains for WLe, though you do for the M-op.

Wishing you lots of luck and the best possible result.

jane x

Hi Gocat - welcome to the club none of us wanted to join. I think the thing with margins is that some tumours are more compact than others. (I (most of us?) used to think of “breast cancer” as just one thing - wrong!) They have kinda tendrils growing out of them, and some have more than others (if you want nightmares, go to Google Image.) When they take it out they have to have clear margins of 2mm all round to be sure it’s clear, which in about 80% of cases they get first time, but sometimes they have to go back in. Sounds bad, but people who’ve had it all seem to say it isn’t nearly so bad the second time.

Karen, I don’t think you’ll have a drain this time. They said I might for the first op but wasn’t even discussed for the 2nd, it should be avery quick procedure.
I did have that horrible feeling where I couldn’t even stand my arm touching material before it started to get better - poor you - but again if it’s not improved after tomorrow again ring a BCN.

Please take care, wish I could take the hurt away for you, (((hugs)))


Hi Karen

just checking in to see if you’re ok.
Love to everyone else aswell.

take care



Hi All
Home agin after another op. Thought I was never going to come round from the anesthetic. Consultant has took a substantial amount of tissue ( his words) to ensure he has the remaining pre cancerous cells, BUT he said should cancer cells still be in the tissue he has removed then its mastectomy! results in 10 days, waiting again. Boob very swollen, looks like a big cut again. Should I leave my exercises for a day or 2 or should I carry on with them? Dont want to undo the good work I had done since previous op. Hope everyone is ok. Karen

Hope you are keeping well and have recovered from your op now. Have you managed to go back to work yet? I work in a school so fortunatly on the summer hols, but must say this has been the worst summer hols I have had! Not sure when I will be able to go back to work, BCN said whilst I was having chemo they didnt advise me going in to school due to getting infections from the children so have got to sort that one out. Have you had a date for starting chemo? do you have to have radiotherapy as well? Keep smiling, take care of yourself. Love Karen xx

Hey Karen,

Glad you’re home and that things went well. Sorry you’re having to wait again for results, it’s the pits isn’t it? Hopefully they’ve got everything this time.

I would just do a wee bit on the exercise front, just rolling your shoulders round but gently does it, I think it’s important to keep things moving.

Take care


Hi Karen, glad you got through the op ok. I agree with Veggie - waiting is the pitts.

Take care of yourself and make the most of the recovery time between your op and chemo. My surgeon said the same to me about the mx and luckily I had clear margins the 2 nd time so I have everything crossed that you’re the same too.

I’m supposed to start chemo next week on Thursday but written conf hasn’t arrived yet so I guess it could change. I having E-CMF chemotherapy. Chemo then hormone therapy then radiotherapy then,depending on periods, ovaries out. Onc said expect next 12 months taking up.

Sorry Karen I had to dash off before! - I have gone back to work, went after 3 days, but it’s my shop so I can take it easy and go if I’m too tired. Felt better at work as when I’m at home I tend to think too much… I’m going to work 2 1/2 days from September when I have cover in the shop - thurs pm, fri and sat. I have to have one week in 3 off work because of the chemo (s/e and low blood count etc) will take each day as it comes.

Take it easy over the next few weeks to get your strength up before chemo, do you know what sort you’re having yet? and again I agree with veggie, keep exercising but very gently…

take care


Hi Katie

They havent told me what chemo I will be having yet. I suppose they will wait and see what the next lot of results show.After chemo I will have radiotherapy then drugs for 5 years. I really hope they have got it all now as I really dont want another operation. I am in so much discomfort with this 2nd op. I am still getting that awful burning sensation in my armpit so feeling pretty yucky at the moment.
Im dreading chemo when you read about the side effects it sounds like hell on earth. I suppose its a necessary evil. Hope you are keeping well at the moment. Take care. Love Karen xx

Hi Karen
sounds very similar to me, big plus (and I have to find a plus!) we can compare notes… My burning sensation has really calmed down this week so 2 and a bit weeks after re excision you should feel a bit better, don’t suffer though - tell your BC nurse if you’re worried at all and have pain relief. The “golf ball” feeling under my arm has gone down and whilst I have some puffiness around my back and side my BC nurse seems pleased and expects this to go down soon too. Still have blue nipple but bruises just about gone. I know how bad I felt so sending big but gentle(((hug))), just to say I also felt really weepy after 2nd op on and off.
Re the side effects of chemo- really not looking forward to but my Onc said they will help all they can and that they have made great strides in recent years and that it is possible to work through (not with standing catching bugs from youngsters etc!) I’m going to see if diet can help, will let you know.

All the best take care

love Katie

Hi Karen and Katie,

Just wanted to say that in my experience the anticipation of chemo was far worse than the reality. Everyone is an individual and SE’s vary enormously. I was fine throughout it all (3 X FEC 3 X Taxotere), I had a couple of wobbles but I managed to look after my daughter fine. The chemo team will do everything to help make it as easy and straightforward as possible for you, you can do it!

Karen I hope the discomfort goes soon and I would echo Katie’s advice to contact your BCN if you’re at all worried.

Take care
