Just had the most horrible news

My family have been living with breast cancer since 1992, when my sister was diagnosed. Unfortunately she died 5 years later.
I’ve just finished my treatment for a 2nd time (2003 and 2010)
My Mum had it twice in about 1993 and 1995 and has been fine ever since, but now has suspicion of secondaries in the lungs. She has not been well for about a month and went for a check up last week, after xrays and blood tests her GP said it’s not looking good, and she is waiting to see the oncologist.
It’s just not fair, I want to scream, well I did when I heard the news, now I just can’t stop crying. It’s so out of the blue 15 years later, surely it can’t be, I feel so helpless. I am here in Switzerland and my Mum is in the UK.
Can’t do this…

Dear Marial,

I’m so sorry to read your post, if you need to talk to someone in confidence, even though you are in Switzerland you can still contact the helpline here. The overseas number is (+44) 2076 200077, lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2 (UK time).

Take care.
Jo, Facilitator

Dear Marial
You’ve had the most awful time and I feel so sad reading your post - I can feel your pain and I cannot say I can’t imagine how you feel because I really can and also being the distance away that you are makes it even harder. I just wanted to send you loads of hugs and say I’m thinking of you.
Ruby xxxx

So sorry to hear about your mums news. It’s a terrible thing. Thinking of you. x


I am so sorry. It must all seem just too much. I really hope your mum feels better soon. Debx

So sorry to hear the news about your mum Maria. Thinking of you.

Sue xx

My Dear Maria, I am really so sorry about the awful news you have had about your mum. I am thinking of you and I understand what you are going through. My Dad died Christmas 2002, and my mum was diagnosed with Motor Neurone just before christmas 2003, and she lived till mothers day 2004. I know any time of year is so very sad to have bad news abouth the ones we love so much, but christmas still affects me so much. I will be thinking of you my dear Maria, and hoping it is good news you get after she has seen the oncon. This is a big problem I have with having BC, you are never sure if it is going to come back.
(((((((( hugs )))))))) Maria,
See you on your thread,
Love Heather,

Maria I am so sorry that you have had this news. Sending hugs your way. Px


so wish I could reach out and give you a real hug but hoping a virtual one will reach you. Words don’t help at a time like this but I am thinking of you and sending my love to a very special lady who really doesn’t deserve this cr*p.

Karen x

Maria, being away from your mum facing these terrible news must be the hardest thing ever. Just want you to know you are in my thoughts and I am sending you a big virtual hug and support! Tinax

My Dear Maria,
When does this nightmare ever end? My heart goes out to you and your Mum, l know how hard it must be for you being away from your parents, l can only send my Love and Hugs to a very special lady.
Truly wish l could do more for you, will pm you!
Thoughts, Love and Hugs to You
Sandra xxx

Maria,just want to send big hugs to you.The news is bad enough but must be worse when you are abroad.
Love n megahugs

Maria so sorry to hear your bad news - this awful awful disease is a real b*stard… big hugs xxxx

Dear Marial so very sorry to hear your awful news after all that has happened to you this year the nightmare is never ending for you. Sending you lots of love and hugs at this truly dreadful time. Wish I could do more. Jackie

so sorry to hear your news, not what you would want to hear especially after all this time. thinking of you


Nothing I can say could cover it. Sending you all my love maria. Xxx

I’m so sorry to hear the news about you Mum being so unwell, I hope that she is feeling a bit better very soon.
You’ve had a rotten few years with this b----y bc and you are such a loverly lady, you really don’t deserve this.
Lots of love and cyber hugs,
Thinking of you,

Isabelle xxx

Hi Maria,
So sorry to hear about your mum. It must be so difficult for you being so far away.
Sending you lots of hugs and love.
Gill xx

hi maria
not sure what too say but myself and maryanne are so sorry, just complete s**t!! all the good people seem too get the crap while the b*****ds keep on going, BUT you must think posative reason i say that maryanne has lung mets and the xeloda seems too be doing the trick so there is hope, love and hugs and 1,000,000,000 wishes to you.
wayne everyday passed is one closer too a cure

Thank you all for your support, it means so much. Thank you Jo for your suggestion to phone the help line, maybe I will, I have so many questions, but I suppose we need to wait for the onc’s opinion.
I am still in a spin. Can they really tell just by an Xray and some blood tests ? Shouldn’t they be doing more tests while they wait to get an appointment with an onc ? She is so breathless and has a little cough when she talks, so phoning is not to be done more than once a day, it’s so difficult. It came on so fast, surely it could be something else, but then her GP would be doing something else, I suppose.
Someone said: don’t borrow tomorrow’s sorrow. I’m trying to make it my mantra, but cannot manage to convince myself.
Hugs to you all,