Just newly diagnosed

Hi Pink - saw the consultant on Tues and confirmed BC which is grade 2, ER+ PR+ and HER neg (not really got my head round the meaning properly yet) - booked in for lumpectomy on 1st Feb but he wants an MRI first due to me being pre-menopausal and dense breast tissue and wants to make sure just in case he thinks mastectomy would be preferable? He said can’t say whether or not I’d need chemo again not really sure suppose in case any lymph node involvement but he was happy with the scan that showed they were normal (although I understand things can easily change). Feel a little calmer but still anxious x

Thanks Jo x

Hi Alex, it will take a few days for that bit to settle in now. It’s like you get your head around one part, then the next lot of results or appointments sets you back a few steps again!

It’s good about your lymph nodes, you may not need chemo if they are clear? I’m awaiting my node results now (2 weeks!) but they said they did the biopsy/removal as I have ‘characteristics’ of node involvement… oh the joy!

What is good in all our processes, is that they aren’t really hanging around. There’s always some appointment being arranged! Your next step is the lumpectomy, tick that off, then deal with the next step. I’m extremely impatient so that whole thing has been hard for me!

At least you have your official diagnosis now, keep us posted xx

Hi.  I’ve also just been told I have bc. Going today for a talk about my surgery and what happens,the last 3days have been a roller coaster. But I’ve decided from today on I’m going to be positive and not let this beat me,will I be told today how far my cancer is?

Hi Anne

Welcome to the ‘club’! This is the one of worst but best places you can be!

I wasn’t told at my first consultant appointment, just what treatment I was likely to get! I’m meeting with oncology later on today though so I’m going to ask then. But I was told they don’t know what stage until they get in there and do lumpectomy/node removal. The most frustrating part of all this is, is the waiting. But you do right in thinking positive, it really does help! You will hear from other ladies who are at the other side of all this, and are completely fine. It’s just the fear of the unknown xx

Hello everyone,


I hope it’s alright to just jump in on this thread, but I was diagnosed on Monday (three days ago) with grade 3 IDC, so this looks like the place to be.

Since my initial GP appointment on December 15th I’ve been reading the forum here, and I have found it informing and inspiring. 


It is all a huge whirlwind, and so far the worst time was the wait between having mammogram/ultrasound/biopsy (28th Dec) and then hearing on Monday that I do have cancer. To be honest, I was relieved as I strongly supected the diagnosis, and I wanted to know what I was dealing with.

Had my MRI today (Lionel Ritchie was chirpily singing on the headphones in the scanner - it was so surreal it helped me forget my anxiety!) and then get full results on Wednesday next week to hear what else they may have found today, and what my treatment will be. I am worried about that, I really hope it’s just the one tumour. But at least then I’ll know the plan.


My family, friends and work colleagues have all been amazing. It’s quite overwhelming to hear their messages of support and affection. It is hard dealing with their shock as well as your own though. I get home each day quite exhausted, but I’m trying to focus on the positive and I have quickly learnt to never google!


Looking forward to chatting with you all x



Hi cartwheels,

I’m sorry you on here but welcome Hun , we will def support you … good and bad days …You sound really positive so that’s great … I have really good days speckled with moments of panic and tears ( at sad songs and every time I have to tell someone ) not doing sad films yet I value my eyes too much ( they verging on suitcases ATM ).
I had MRI last friday and have to wait till 16 th . But so far s2 and sentinel lymph … after biopsy …,
It’s so hard - the waiting, but I’ve been getting on with life and enjoying it so much as I know soon I will be stuck in a pattern of hospital and drugs … but that’s also a good thing and looking forward to beginning treatment … let’s get rid of this horrible thing and get on with our lives …??
But in the mean time , nice to meet you and Illet you know how mine goes Monday .
Zena xxx

I’m so sorry meant to add Anne to that message … derr!! some of the ladies on here are so amazing, it’s helped me so much … It helps just to connect xx

hi Cartwheels,
yes, do jump in & come & chat whenever you need to, sorry you find yourself here, but there is loads of support with others going through similar things at similar times.
So glad you’ve found out about the google devil, its a wonderful thing, but tread carefully. The best info is here or on macmillan.
ann x

Hi Cartwheels and Anne, yes, welcome to the the forum and this thread, so understandable you are feeling a bit anxious… This journey is a long road isnt it?


i know I found/still find,  that the very worst thing is the unknown.  


I remember how very scared I was when I was at the same point of travel you are at now…just thought id be dead in a short time. i had 12/13 lymph nodes involved  as well as a large tumour. That was 16 years ago and I was lucky enough to have around 10/12 cancer  free years before the cancer came back.  Have been on chemo for just over three years for mets now and am living a pretty normal life.


We all get anxious at times, but over time, things change and somehow we manage to adjust. 


This forum is chock full of lovely ladies, all who understand precisely how hard it is. Do come back and chat to us, we are all here for one another xx





Hello Cartwheels,

I’m sorry that you find yourself here but welcome to a great group. You have probably realised by now that we are a friendly bunch and I have found so much support here over the past few weeks.

You sound incredibly positive and have a good support network. I’ve found it really touching how many people have offered support and just been there for me when I’ve needed them.

Do come back and talk to us and let us know how you are doing.

Jo xx

How was your soup jo ? it sounded delicious Hun x

Welcome Anne also. I’m sorry, I’m just catching up and missed your post.

You will find lots of support and friendship on here and a surprising amount of humour!

Jo xx

Zena, the soup was lovely very thick and it just felt like it was doing me good. Probably wishful thinking but perhaps I’ll get a placebo effect ? The kids just took one look at it and it was just a big yuk from them. I’ve stocked up with a few healthy bits and bobs and my OH has been busy researching the effects of beta glucans.

How are things with you? xx

QJo…the soup sounds lovely…making me hungry…what is the recipe?



Sorty about the big O…my ipad kerps editing my posts…need to be quick off the mark to catch it!

Moran, it was a few leftovers and lots of green leafy stuff and turmeric…carrots, sweet potato, shiitake mushrooms, spinach, onions, vegetable stock, turmeric, mixed herbs and black peppers. I was going to put kale in but the pit was too full! I just put it all in the slow cooker and then blended. It tastes healthy ?

Moran…sorry your name auto corrected ?

Mojan… twice!!

I’m in a bad way
A lot of nodes affected and tumour is 5 cm … I’m so scared to leave my babies so young
I’m in a bad way xx

Oh Zena, big, big hugs xxx Were the nodes diagnosed frim the CT scan? I can empathise with the fear. It seems to be the worst thing about this diagnosis.

Your team will put in place a plan that is specific to you and will give you the best treatment. Did they know how distressed you were? It might be worth speaking to the BCN and explaining to her how you feel. She might be able to give you some support.

Keep talking to us Zena, we are all her for you Hun xxx