Just wanted to say, a BIG "Thanks" for all you do on this fantastic Forum

Am sending sending out flowers today, Delivered courtesy of “Delly-veroo”! Give us all some cheer.

With Many Thanks to all you good people and lots of love, Delly xx

Delly what a beautiful idea - I love it and they are stunning.

Poppy, the moglets and a large bag of wine gums xx

@delly  - what a lovely post, how thoughtful and kind of you. And I love the “Delly-veroo” service, made me laugh! If I knew how to be clever and post pictures I’d send some flowers to you too, for thinking of our wonderful moderators and also for cheering up the forum. Evie xx

That is really sweet of you @delly  - thank you!  :sunflower:

This is lovely!  :sunflower: Thank you delly for brightening up our Monday morning