Katie Price / Tickled Pink Campaign

So… ‘they thought long and hard about it’ .Obviously they thought that people devastated by this illness would appreciate a barely dressed sex symbol flaunting her almost naked body. How depressing.

I can’t even begin to understand why Asda would think KP was a particularly ‘worthy ambassador’? I really do despair, yes so many millions of pounds are being raised but there’s so very little knowledge of the reality of this disease. I thought there’d be an added awareness during all the Pink of this month but all I ever seem to read about are certain celebrities who have been given ‘all clears’…they’ve ‘beaten’ breast cancer.
I’ve come to the sad conclusion campaigns like Tickled Pink are all about the amount of money raised, if we, the people who have breast cancer find it crass, hurtful it seems our feelings don’t matter one jot.
Tickled Pink, In the Pink, Pink Fridays…all sound so very jolly. Just 3 weeks ago I lost a friend to this disease, she left a young daughter…these Pink campaign names are so inappropriate.

So Asda say KP has donated 30k of her own money to the appeal. What percentage is that of the amount she receives for the KP underwear range currently being sold in Asda?

Have just emailed Adsa, it hasnt bounced back, yet! Dont shop at Asda, and notlikely to in the future.

Oh for pity’s sake!!! I’ve just read Leah (PR Manager for George at ASDA)'s reply - typical PR reply, however, she’s totally missed/ignored the points raised so here’s a rather long (sorry) note to Leah.

Leah, in your reply, you seem to have totally overlooked what has annoyed many women here and you’ve suggested that the offence is caused because KP has not suffered BC herself. It doesn’t matter that a celebrity hasn’t suffered BC, but a bit of savvy, compassion and common bl**dy sense might not go amiss!!!.

Just to clear it up Leah, your chosen celebrity decided in her infinate wisdom (during a photo shoot for yourselves) to joke around nearly naked behind a white curtain while giggling, 'I don’t think the public need to see my pot belly or ‘scarred tits’, and then flapped the curtain back and forth, saying ‘oooooh, ooooh’. Leah (and Katie for that matter), have you ever seen the ‘scarred tits’ of someone who’s had BC? Have you? because I don’t think KP would be joking about ‘scarred tits’ if she had. Also, I don’t think wearing provocative bust exaggerating bras (not needed anyway!) while waving a saucy pink feather duster is going to make any woman who is feeling less than feminine and sexy after treatment feel any better at all. Sure, do this in a lads mag or fashion mag but don’t insult the many women who can’t even stand to undress in front of their loved ones due to BC treatments and don’t have the best self image right now.

Sorry Leah but you overlooked the real issue when you replied (and there are others in addition to what I’ve written above, but it’s time to give someone else some space!) Do you think the above behaviour/choice of clothing, for example, was appropriate for this campaign? If so, please explain and I for one will shut up as I (along with many others) must have missed something … Thank you.

I started this thread because not only was I disgusted with KP and her behaviour and absolute bad worded comments, my 12 year old daughter also felt the same immediate response of anger. She has always been a bit of Jordan fan, nothing that I am proud of and which my husband and myself have had raised eyebrows over and spent many discussions trying to divert towards olympic atheletes, NHS staff etc. The only good out of this episode was that she finally saw what a poor example this woman is.

So my messge to Leah at Asda and BCC

Jordan is crude, she is literally at the top of a massive hate campaign, she is looking for any way to gain public attention, her comments and attitude were not caring or was there any mention of a friend, she seemed reluctant and stroppy to be there, the photographer and co were pampering her galore and all she wanted to do was go on to the recording studio asap, basically the attitude was she didn’t give a toss it was just another photo shoot which filled in time in her reality show.

Perhaps BCC need more input and integrity, its no good to keep taking money from the unsuitable big money spinners, i.e. do PETA take sponsorship from KFC???

Debbie X

Hi debsy and diepcat…so, so true…and so very well said…xx

I also agree with the things said about KP.

She’s not the type of roll model women need, she doesn’t seem to have any compassion and to me appears totally fake.
Surely there are other celebs they could have asked such as Gloria Huniford who’s daughter died from BC, but maybe they won’t think her young or glamarous enough.
Shame on them.

I agree with everything that’s been said here. I think we are all very aware of the increased media circus surrounding the popularity contest raging between KP and her now X hubbie… At the moment she’ll go with anything she thinks will get her the most exposure and paint her in a good light… Asda being the “bum Slapping, can’t believe we’ve just bagged KP kinda people that they are”. well, they think they’ve done good?..They can think again!!!

Fiona xxxx

I am so disgusted that I will NEVER shop at Asdaa again....I have forgiven their obvious ignorance about breast cancer in the past....but NOT this....I feel so strongly that I would stand outside asda in my pink pom pom skirt and show Katie Price what REAL scars are, and what REAL women look like after a mastectomy!!! Any Sisters out there want to join me?

Hi ladies

All your posts put into words what I am thinking and feeling about bc/Katie Price/Asda. It has made me feel good to be a member of this forum.

I was moved to tears when I read Diepcat’s post from yesterday. She described exactly how I am feeling. I hope whoever decided to use Katie Price will be able to read this thread to see how we feel. Why don’t these people just ask us how we feel??

Maude xx

Perhaps ASDA may like to contact this lady:

I have just phoned Asda…Spoke to a very polite young man who said he will pass my comments onto head office and someone will contact me as they value their customers…however, he failed to ask me for my name, or phone number!! I just cant let this rest, I feel so strongly about it…we are a tough group of women (we have had to be) so we should get together and make our voices heard…how about newspapers, tv,??? Im willing to do all the contacting…what you all say?

go for it Linda! The comments from asdas PR lady show how little understanding they have and if they think that one response is enough to quieten us all well heaven help them!! I am still waiting for a reply to me email and doubt if I will get one

Hello All

I didnt see the programme which has caused so much offence. I would rather have my fingernails pulled out than spend precious time watching that self obsessed idiot. However I get the gist from all the posts.

I agree with Linda that Asda probably dont really care about a ‘few’ sufferers if this is part of a successful marketing campaign that makes them lots of money. Petitioniong the more responsible end of the press is probably the way to go.

I admire you for having the energy to take this forward. You do have my support for what its worth. I wont be bothering with Asda because I seriously doubt whether they give a monkey’s but if lots of people let the press know how they feel there may be one responsible journalist somewhere who picks this up.

Leah, in particular

I think ASDA probably thought about Katie Price for their campaign for about as long as I thought about taking my cancer medication last evening!

I find it galling, appallling, in poor taste, inappropriate, wide of the mark and all the rest of it to have an airheaded so-called celebrity, who let’s face it is only famous for being a wannabee, involved and fronting what is a serious campaign about a hideous incurable disease. Of all the people you could have picked??? Whatever any of us thinks of someone like Katie Price and her persistence and insistence on splashing her unsavoury private life all over the media, it is totally shaming to me to have someone like her to be “chosen” as some kind of “representative” of women with BC in any way shape or form; it feels as if she is mocking us.

I hope every woman in the UK with BC boycotts your stores and swamps you with complaints about this.


Hi everyone … quick note for Leah, PR Manager for George, ASDA.

Hi Leah

Please could you respond to my question (post on page 6). I appreciate that you have provided an initial response but I think we need to know if the PR execs at ASDA actually care about the image their ‘representative’ celebrities put forward in the name of their ‘Tickled Pink’ campaign (it is your name after all that is being associated with Katie Price here) and, indeed, how they are going to handle the negative impression that has tainted the campaign which I’m sure someone at ASDA initially though would be a fantastic idea?

Maybe Katie could, herself, respond on here and at least apologise for the offence caused. Well it’s surely no more a stupid idea than letting things stand as they are … after all, it would be another PR opportunity!

Look forward to hearing from you Leah… Kind regards. Cathy

Shame on you Asda,I don’t want to be represented in any way shape or form by Katie Price,who the hell thought that would be a good idea !

I would be interested to know if any women literally scarred by breast cancer is happy to have someone who has self inflicted scars on her breasts as something we should be proud of…well not in my name Asda, we didn’t choose to have ours ! The insensitivity shown to us is beyond belief.

I have just rung the man at the BBC who helped me fight for the right to pay for avastin left a message re K.P. and Tickled Pink so if I hear anything will let you all know.
We have to keep up the pressure things really do need to change. The problem here could be by us complaining we somehow promote Katie Price undies that are sold in asda. She may of kindly donated £30,000 to a breast cancer charity but in K.P. land that is not big bucks.
Love Debsxxx

For all you Facebook uses there is a group you can join Crazda and my bc pals on there are sending messages to the papers etc.