LD Flap June 2011-

After having MX and implant plus reduction to the other side in 2010 I am counting down to LD flap operation on the 22nd. I am having the flap operation as radiotherapy sent the original implant hard and the BS and PS said the Flap with another implant was the only option.Last two ops went ok apart from racing heart rate after the second. I was quite brave through the cancer diagnosis and original treatmentWent through everything ok and still taking Tamoxifen(with side effects).
This time round am feeling reaally worried.It seems such a big op when I am relitively well (although a new normal since BC).I am wondering approx how long the drains will be in this time,how long the catheter will be in and how soon they will let me go home.How long does it take to get back to usual activities and work?My job is physically active.

I am also feeling as if I am being a burden on my family again. My OH found it really difficult last time and distanced himself looked after me physically well but cut him self off from the emotional side. He now says he just couldnt cope with it all but is prepared this time and will be there for me. I have 3 children 24,20 and 16.Eldest lives with hus girlfriend they all found mum being ill hard and things have just about got back to normal.
I do have supportive friends other family etc but I think some collegues think this op is just a bit of a boob job and can’t see why I need a spell off work.
My cancer was stage 3 grade 2 so the long term prognosis is not as good as it could be so I am wondering whether long term all the disruption will be worth it.
Outwardly I am carrying on as normally as possible but inside is a different story. I hope that people who have been through this will be able to help with advice and tips and if there are people who are having an op at about the same time it would be great to compare notes

Hi sunflower 1, thought I would give you my experience of ld flap, which was done last july. I spent 5 days in hospital with 1 night in high dependency unit, I did not have a cathetar and my drains came out on day 5. I was able to shower on the 3rd day (very slowly). When I came home I rested for a few weeks but did potter around through out the day but nothing to strenuous. I have never regretted having it done and love being able to wear whatever I like without worrying about the neckline. I found it is a big op, but doable with great morale boosting results. Good luck, and take it easy for a while, before you know it you’ll be. back on your feet.

Hi Sunflower

I had MX to left breast and immediate LD flap +implant recon on the 26th Jan.

Didn’t need any morphine post op, catheter in for 36hr (just to make life easier for me!), gentle walking 48 hrs after. Total of 4 drains - 2 out after 48 hrs, one after another couple of days, last one out after a week (when I was let out). I live by myself and so stayed with my sis for a couple of weeks post op. Would of been able to cope before, but she lives on the other side of the country.

My plastic surgeon (who took over once the BC surgeon had done the MX and lymph node removal) has done a great job of matching my ‘new’ boob to the old one - even down to the right level of ‘droop’!

Four months post surgery and the new boob is really starting to feel like it belongs to me - obviously don’t have the level of feeling and it still feels a bit firmer and heavier than the other one, but improving all the time. It’s a bit bigger than the other one but this may still alter and I have a port in the implant so it can be adjusted at a later date if needed. It’s a bit perkier (they are now nicknamed Pinky and Perky) than the other, but all of this is totally unnoticable in bra and clothes - and I’m wearing lowish cut tops with a very natural cleavage. Still in a sports bra 24/7, but I think that mainly cos I’ve got used to it and find it v comfy compared to my previous underwired lace numbers!

My scars around nipple area and on back are improving all the time ( I do use Bio Oil). I can see that the nipple area scar will be difficult to spot in a year or two. The scar on my back is bigger and more ‘serious’, but still improving and is covered by my bra strap.
My shoulder and under my arm still feel a bit stiff and tight, but I have virtually full range of movement and am back gardening and horse riding - albeit carefully! Make sure you get and do the exercises! I was driving and back at work (part time for a couple of weeks at first) 6 weeks post op.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!

Thankyou to the replies so far they are much appreeciated.Op date fast approaching and there seems so much to do before I go in. OH is going into hospital for a minor op tomorrow so hopefully he will be recovered before I go in. Tamoxifen makes me really tired so I dont seem to be able to go at my pre cancer pace. I am wondering at how soon I will be able to get out of bed. After the mx I was independant more or less straight away I find it quite hard to be reliant on others.

Hi sunflower
I had my mx and ld flap last Tuesday:-)
It was a six hour op, I was using a morphine pac until the Wednesday lunchtime. I got out of bed with help on the Wednesday morning and I had help getting a wash. I was cathetered until the Thursday morning. Then came home on the Friday with 3 drains. I feel much better than I thought I would:-)
Hope your op goes ok
Kerry xx

I think maybe because of the previous surgery I think its going to be worse than it actually will be. Thinks do pass quickly. It seems strange that I only have our days left at work before the op. Am trying to stay calm and positive.

Good luck for next week Sunflower - look forward to hearing how you have got on.


Thankyou Diane. Getting really nervous now.Luckily I have a busy weekend, we have been to one uni look round with daughter today then another one tomorrow. Have stocked up food cupboard with basic items (not meals for when I am away yet).Only two more days left at work,they haven’t been as good this time round I suppose because I may be off a while again. I don’t thimk they understand what reconstruction entails and that I am still very fatigued from the original treatment.OH is being a lot more supportive than last time which is helping alot.

I’m sure that all will be fine Sunflower.

Just be prepared for an awful lot of people to be looking at your new boob for the first few days post op! - my recon included having a circle of skin from my back inserted into where they took the nipple and so they had to keep checking that the blood circulation was ok.

Take care


All marked up and consented. Will have to wear high necked tee shirt for work tomorrow.Will be prepared for lots of comings and goings at least I won’t be lonely. Surgeon says I will need implant or expander implant with the flap. I have told her that I hope she will able to avoid any expander as I found it really tight every time they put the fluid in to expand.Im looking forward to new boob but am feeling nervous.

Hi sunflower1, just wanted to wish you good luck with your op. hope all goes well and look forward to hearing from you soon .x

Back home with LD flap done. surgeon also put in temporary implant so more surgery to follow. Op went well. catheter etc no problem. Lung collapsed on the second day felt poorly that day but feeling much better now.Have appointment with chest consultant for two weeks.One drain still in.Back to hospital on Friday for wound check.Hospital staff were lovely even when having to do hourly checks all night.Am staying in P.Js for a few days as more comfy.Not allowed bra yet.Will make sure that this time round I will take it slowly.Flowers have arrived from work. It was better than expected

Glad to hear that you’re home and OK - tho a collapsed lung doesn’t sound good!

Take it really easy for the first few days - I read, watched TV and did my exercises! Realised how much it had taken out of me when I tried to hang out some washing for my sis!

Diff PS obviously do diff things - mine had me in a sports bra 24/7 after two days! I’ve found that Triumph Triactive are v good - supportive, but don’t squash you in too much!

Keep us posted. Sending hugs and good vibes!

Diane x

Thankyou.When I had the mx and first implant I was fitted with a bra straight away.Not sure why I havent this time.Feel more swollen than sore but taking brufen and the paracetamol no need for the morphine.Drain still in am more worried about the lung that collapsed as the xray showed some shadowing as well as the air. Concentrating on eating drinking and resting.Building on excersize. Still feel quite tired but a bit more myself each day.

Glad you are gradually improving.

Try not to worry too much - don’t forget that when they zapped you with the rads they will have zapped the lung as well and that can cause shadowing.

Take care.

Am progressing ok healing wise but am experiencing very strange sensations around my side. Has anyone else experienced side discomfort? it feels like something is shifting around form my ribs to the side of my my tummy. Tummy felt numb straight after the op but can feel it now.No pain from back and just a bit of swelling in new boob. Im on day 13 so things are settling down it is really weired.

Hi Sunflower

Don’t forget that the muscle they take from the back runs down the side as well. I still have a slight pulling sensation down my side, just behind where my arm hangs, when I stretch.

The link below goes to a website that has a good diagram. (haven’t read the site!)


Does this help?


Now three weeks post surgery. Lung has reinflated which is good. Back to hospital on Friday tp see surgeon,phisio and nurse. Have had a few days where I felt generally anxious but this is subsiding a bit.Am going for walks but am really missing driving and swimming.How long Is it before I can go swimming?

Hi Sunflower

I’m not a swimmer - all I wanted to know was when I could get back on a horse! I’m sure they’ll be able to tell you tomorrow.

Glad that you are now recovering well - it does take time. Hope it continues!


Hi Sunflower. I was back swimming 7 weeks after op. So far I’ve only done breast stroke but I have had no problems. My boob gels a bit tight afterwards but not sore or uncomfortable. Also think it really helped my arm movement. My scars had healed up so there was no risk of infection.