Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

I did send private messages to quite a few people with my e mail address when this was first mentioned but only 3 people replied,so when I saw this I assumed it was being done so have told those who did reply that I wouldn’t do it. as it seemed a few were going along with Liverbirds suggestion which I am happy to go along with.


It’s not easy arranging these things. When you get a few diff peeps, you get mixed ideas, thats cos we are human! I am happy to go along with liverbirds idea. Shall we arrange a date? Can anyone suggest a place to eat? I live in Cumbria now so don’t know town like I used to. Anywhere will do me. I am very busy in June but most fridays after that are fine too.


Anytime, any place is good with me. Irene I’m from Aintree too! x

Hi - I’m in Preston but would really love to meet all of you and am up for any date.

Liz xx

HI Polly , I’m 42 and shes a couple of years older than me so will ask.

. Sorry for being so non proactive about meeting up but if a date /venue is suggested I will probably just turn up . I was up in Liverpool last monday , flying viist to a funeral in Rochdale (wasnt meant to be a funeral as person I was meant to see in hospital died and was buried on the same day)

but saw 3 of my sisters in the space of a few hours , left London arrived lime st 1pm went to cathedral cafe for coffee saw sis1 , driven to rochdale by sis 2 , went for much needed drink with sis 3 after, back on 6pm train to London in time for rads next day ! Sis 4 apologised for not turning up but not sure I could have fitted her in !

Now I know a day trip is achievable and I know the train times then it wouldnt be a problem. I can stop over anyway as long as its a weekend.

Hi i will it in with everyones palans but require a bit of notice cos I am coming from midlands so please let us set a date it will be fab xxxxxxx

Right, how about fri 4th July? meeting where Liverbird said if it’s built by then, or any other ideas? I can be there anytime after noon.


Yup, I’m up for a meet. July 4th is good for me, pm if poss. I’ll pass on the shopping though as I’m not a shopper. I’d be getting the train to Lime Street so the Adelphi would be good for me, but happy with anything.

Good luck to us all.

Sorry i have been a bit quiet, just had a lot on my mind.
I know my original suggestion was for Oct sometime at the new shopping centre. It opens next weekend but not all of it officially it opens Sept. I know its a long way off and if others would like to meet the 4th July thats fine
the adelphi apparently does a good cheap 3 course lunch. My friend who is inher 60’s said its nearly all OAP’s so some of us can lower the age there others can mingle in lol!
Will enquire if you have to book which obviously means we would have to have exact numbers something i know is tricky as things do come up for us all.

Thing i think to do is about 2weeks before the 4th people write their names down. Yes it is tricky arraning a meet up but we did it once from the other site and met at the trafford centre about 5or 6 came.
Anyway will write it on my calendar and post 2-3 weeks before the 4th July. We could have an American day 4th July.

Oh and i went to Webster Road and then Earle Road, then Blackburne House High school for Girls. (very posh)
I live near Mossley hill church, see someone said they live in mossley hill.

Take Care all ya scousers


Sorry can’t make 4th July am on hols, but have a good time and if another is arranged later in year I will come along to that.


It doesn’t have to be 4th. Any other dates suggested?


Am away from 30th June to 14th July, but if 4th is ok for every one else don’t worry.


Hi Liverbird and everyone,
I’m free on 4th July or most days but can I suggest somewhere nicer than the Adelphi (it’s gone down a bit)!
Cafe Rouge in the Met Quarter is really nice.They do nice food from sandwiches to full meals depending on who’s hungry or not and we could spend all day there chatting if we wanted to.
They have a web site-see what you think! It’s just a suggestion.
I live just up the road in Aigburth.

I am ok for any dates …just let me know when and where and I will be there …it will be fun !!! Came up to town a few months ago to book my daughters wedding in the Palm House in Sefton Park .foe next September .Since ny parents passed away in 2005 dont get to come up as often as I did .

Maz x

Oh i love the palm house its 5 mins from my house and i often walk there and sit and watch the world go by. Obviously if its summertime outside (palm house no good for my flushes in the summer)
NO probs about adelphi. I will be taking a trip to the new shoppin centre on the weekend of the 7th June as i have a friend stayin with me, so will see what they have open. I like Cafe Rouge, bit pricey. Hey i can use my tesco vouchers there.
We will arrange something. Why i suggested as far off as Oct is because of hols.

Hi Liverbird,
How old are you(if you don’t mind me asking)?I wonder if I’ve seen you around seeing as we live so close to each other-you never know!
Alli x

The 4th July and Cafe Rouge is good with me looking forward to it already…xx

Good for me too, sounds good, we need a time now!


Hi everyone,
O.k. shall we make it a definite date? Friday 4th July at 1pm in Cafe Rouge(Met Quarter).

Everyone who can go then post yes and I will book a table.
If anyone can’t, then we’ve got a good excuse to do another one!

Alli x

yeah count me in will write it in my diary, its nice in there, are we lunching??
Have emailed ya Alli.
