Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

Too right and a glass of wine or two!!
Alli x

Just bumping this up.

hi Allicat …its a yes from me !! is this a definate date cos I have to book the day off from work and travel from the Midlands …itll be fab xxx

Do as many as you like cant miss any cahnces to visit my loveley hometown xx

Hi mazaroo,
Yes this is definite.I’ll book a table nearer the date when I know who’s coming.
Alli x

I would love to come but don’t think it’ll be possible, maybe you could all go to Dublin if we organise that one for the newbies like me

wow now your talking Dublin sounds cool but i think we need to aim to meet in Liverpool first and get to know each other.
Maz book the day off, i know Alli and I will defo be there.
Hope to see you soon Alli, cant believe you live 2 mins from me.


Yes defo for me too, and I will def turn up. Organised loads of things where people don’t, If I don’t it will because I’m dead or something similar!


Shall we all wear red white and blue (independence day) to recognise each other, I only know Liverbird. Or no, maybe just 1 of those colours!


I am deffo coming …not driving will train it easier in town …is he restaurant far from Lime Street ?
How many are we …?
Dont know anyone but I am sure we will recognise each other …somehow !! lol xxx

If we did all wear something recognisable it would make a great photo opportunity! Any ideas girlies?

Should be something pink ,dont you think ?


Oh My, my imagination is now running riot, something recognisable for us to wear, does it have to be sensible though???

I shall have a think. shame i havent got a large garden we could have had a party to raise money for BCC.

I still have a big bag advertising BCC which i got loadsa leaflets in on one of the courses.

Do BCC do t-shirts? Maybe we could buy them and wear them.

It isnt too far Maz from Lime St to the cafe. Let me know the time of your train and i will meet you, no probs if you want.

Should be great.


hi everyone,

1pm 4th July is good for me too… will help me to recover from my morning Herceptin!

Polly x

I like the idea of a pink t-shirt. I do have an Asda one, you know the tickelled pinks ones, but happy to buy a current one if others like the idea.

How many are we now? Is Allicat keeping track?


Have I said earlier that I’ll be there?? I’ll check out the train times and try to get to Lime Street 12/12.30. Happy to wait around for a few more and then make our way to caff.

Son’s getting married tomorrow :slight_smile: and we’re all off to Marlborough this morning in convoy. Having a great time. Uncle who emigrated to States 59 years ago is staying with us and he goes to Liverpool every trip home. His family always used to meet him under the big clock :slight_smile:

I’ve booked in for hair, facial and makeup - the whole nine yards :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Where does that expression come from?

Good luck to us all.

Hi Allicat,

Please count me in,…Would love to meet you all on July 4th!!

Take care,

Hi everyone,
Yes,I’m keeping count.There’s 8 of us so far - me,Liverbird,Kte281,IreneM,Mazaroo,pollym,GrannyScouse and TORONTO.
I’ll book the table nearer the time under ‘Allison from BCC’ so you just have to ask the staff which table is ours.
I’m really looking forward to putting faces to the your names!
Alli x

Hi all have booked my day off so will defo be there think the Tickled pink or BCC t shirts are a fab Idea and itv would lovely of you Irene M,Can meet you too granny scouse if you want xxxat Lime Street …Gonna b Fab really looking forward to putting names to the faces too xxxxxxxx

Sounds fab can’t wait.
Granny hope the wedding was really great, maybe you can bring some pics to show us in July.

Alli did you have chemo yesterday? If so how are you if not i am once again losing my marbles.

Hug Rx