
Hello everyone

I’m new to the secondaries forum - diagonosed mid-Jan this year. I’d love to meet other people in a similar situation. So, if anyone is interested in meeting up over the next month or so, please get in touch and we can organise something.

I’m based in North London but can travel anywhere really.


Hi Tawny

We have had quite regular secondary meets in London over the last 2 -3 years - meeting for coffee and then lunch at Cafe Rouge near St Pauls. I think there may be several other people keen to meet up now the weather is getting a bit better.

I’ve organised the last few meets but have just had to go back onto chemo so am a bit reluctant to take it on. Does one of the other “regulars” want to suggest some dates for April/May?

Kay xx

Hi Tawny

Just seen your thread and think it would be a good idea to meet up. There is no support group for secondaries where I live in Kent, and it would be nice to meet other ladies in a similar position for a chat and support.

Kay has mentioned the London group. I was asked to go along to the last meet but could not make it then, so have not yet met the ladies concerned.

Hope more people get in touch about this. There must be a lot of other people out there who would benefit from a meet-up.

Best Wishes, Trixie

It would be great if others were interested. Would love to meet up. Here’s hoping some of the regulars will get in touch.

Alison x

Yes, count me in! I’m ready for another meet up. Kay, I think its a bit down to you, once you’ve had one cycle of your chemo, so you can try and guess when you might feel at your best.We will fit around you. I’m quite happy to phone and book, if we want to follow the usual format. Or anyone else please feel free to suggest a change,
Jacquie x

Count me in too. I’d like to meet up and put faces to virtual friends. I can make almost any time.

Thanks for offering to sort this, Jacquie - would be lovely to meet up with old friends but also to meet some new. And it sounds as if there might be a good number of us.

And thank you for suggesting that you will work around me. I have my 2nd dose of vinorelbine tomorrow and then will be able hopefully to judge when I might have most energy. Have been feeling pretty grim since Saturday (running a fever off and on and won’t talk about my digestive system!) but feeling a bit better each day though have no energy physically (brain buzzing though) and tummy feels really bloated (look about 8 month pregnant). Fever isn’t a normal side effect of vinorelbine so they all seem a bit confused at the hospital - chemo SE? liver problems? bug of some sort?

Sorry - off topic. Basically will have to see what happens this time and then might have a better idea!

ALready looking forward to seeing everyone.

Kay xx

Hi all - hope things settle down for you Kay … thinking of you - i have been very bloated for months, by the way but onc not very forthcoming as to why … anyway count me in on the meet up - would love to catch up with old mates and meet some new …jaynex

Hi, I missed out on the last two meets because of treatment, but would love the opportunity to meet up.


This is all sounding hopeful. I’m more or less free and not suffering undue effects so I look forward to a date in the future.

Wishing everyone a ‘well as can be expected’ and lots of love.


Hi This sounds great - for whatever reasons I have never got round to making one of these previous meet ups but, given enough warning, I should be able to make this one. Would be great to have a chat with other secondary ladies and put some faces to names!
Nicky x

So when/where are we going to do this?


I too would like to make another London meet, as missed out on the last few.

Thursdays not good for me as have to take Sophie swimming so leave him by 4.30. Have treatment on Tuesdays, so next one is 30th March, and they are 3 weekly.

Let me know any dates that are good for people and will try my hardest this time. Not seen Kay and Jacqui for ages.

Take care all

This does sound hopeful - will be lovely to meet you all.Let’s wait until kay has a better idea of her chemo pattern, then we’ll put a date in, and try to give enough notice for people to sort childcare etc.
Kay, hope you’re soon better from all your peculiar symptoms! Would probably be good is it was a bug or something of a one-off.
Love J x

I’m really grateful that you’ve been waiting for me to suggest some dates that fit with my chemo etc for the next meet. I do think though that we need to settle now on a date and either I will be fit enough to be there or not. At the moment it isn’t so much the chemo as the liver function and anaemia etc that is stopping me doing more. But hopefully that is all being sorted and things will improve.

Would someone else like to suggest some dates? I’m pretty free at the moment (!!!) though would prefer to avoid Thursdays and Fridays as have chemo on a Thursday. Hope we can arrange something really soon though - and lots of people can come (both old and new faces).

Kay x

Hi all, I’m keen to meet up but have a few hols booked so thought I’d put a couple of dates forward to see if we can organise something. However if it doesn’t fit for most people, then I’ll come another time. I’ll be in London weeks of 26th April or 10th May. Any day is fine for me.
All the best

Hi - Just to make a suggestion …cant do the april week but I can do 10th, 11th or 12th May…(13th and 14th no good for kay)

Dear all

The 10th, 11th or 12th May sounds good to me. I’m off to Sicily (where I lived up until my recent diagnosis) for, hopefully, a bit of sun and fun on 15th April - just after I will receive my results for the first scan since starting chemo. Really hope we can organise a meet, often feel isolated as people say I look so well (shouldn’t complain about that, but …) and would welcome giving and receiving support from others in a similar situation

Alison x

Any of those dates would be good for me.
Nicky x

I would love to join too if it fits around my treatment schedule - one more chemo to go, then rads.