looking for friends and support

Hi Debs and Waiting how the hell are you ??xx

td. got your email. sorry not been in touch, had a really rough week. still not right, but better with each day. last one, eh, for the moment anyway, so shouldnt complain! will ring you as soon as able to spend time chatting on phone. still having mouth problems, so may be in a day or two. will text you first to see you can chat.

maz - hello stranger, where have you been? hope you are ok. hows things with you now, as you were having a pretty rough time?

had date through yesterday for nuclear medicine to dye injection into my boob. its the 7th oct, so i can only assume that the operation will be the following day. if i have not had a letter on monday, i will ring hospital to confirm.

not much else to report really as spend all week laying on sofa feeling sorry for myself! this last chemo has been a rough one, not helped by the fact that its the last one and i am impatient to get over it and have a few good weeks before the op.
going out for lunch next sunday, before son goes off to Uni, so have that to look forward to, and then a busy few weeks.

anyway, will be back on again soon to catch up. have a good weekend and speak soon

love to all
deb x

Hi Debs
Sorry you have been feeling crappy, hope you are feeling better now. Just keep thinking that you are getting nearer to recovery each day and will soon be able to put all the bc stuff behind you and get on with enjoying life. Hope you feel well for your lunch out before your son goes off to Uni, do I remember you saying he is going to Canterbury? My daughter went there and she loved it ( and it’s not too far away). Not seen you on facebook yet, this is how to get onto it. Go to www.facebook.com - first you need to register. Once registered click on groups on left then put lymphomaniacs in search box and click search icon. This should bring up a list of matching groups - find The Lymphomaniacs and click on the pic of a rollercoaster, this will get you onto the right page - click on request to join group ( top right under pic of rollercoaster) then very soon after you will be accepted into the group and you will see familiar names and can join in with chat etc. Hope to see you on there soon.
Take care, Sandra xx

Hi Debs … hope you are ok and getting near to the light at the end of the tunnel.!!! Have had afew crappy weeks ahd the tumours removed from my eyes so havent been on the PC too much and then my friend died just before bank holiday only 40 .Had her funeral last thursday still cant believe it so young and this week my other friend is having tests for a suspected kidney tumour so she is beside herself !!! Why is life so shit ???
Any way my best friend gave birth to a beautiful babay girl a week a go so that is something good happy and positive to focus on and just for the record OH is still being himself !!! I notice you are trying to get in the Lymphomaniacs and you are in there already Sandra … i hope to be in there soon look out for me
Love to all

Maria xxxxxx

well, at long, long last, today sees the first day of what i hope is the road to recovery! still tired, but feeling so much better today. hope this continues, as have a busy week ahead, and looking forward to family meal out next weekend. Chris is off to Swansea university, and Lauren is off to Canterbury, so only managed to get one of them to leave home!!! only joking, will miss him sooooo much. Think he will cope better than me! Luckily we have family there, so any problems and he is not alone, and we will visit when he wants us to.
Hope to find time during week to get sorted on the facebook. lauren will have to sit with me and get me on it. Thought I was a ‘modern’ mum, but that site has me baffled! Once on it, I will no doubt think its a piece of cake!!!

Maz - so sorry about the terrible time you are having. when we last spoke, I’m sure you mentioned about your friend, and that she was very ill. So young, its scary, isnt it. do hope your other friend turns out ok and its not what they think it to be. Good news about the new arrival though. something for you to focus on now. do hope you are continuing to give your OH a kick up the backside!!! he needs it!

will be sure to inform you all when I have managed to bring myself back to the 21st century and got registered on Facebook! Until then, you will have to make do with me on here!!!

anyway, love to all and catch up soon
deb x

Hi Deb
Glad you are feeling much better, fingers crossed for you that this is the beginning of happy chemo free days ( and hair )! You will miss your kids when they go to Uni, I missed Gemma so much when she first went but soon got used to it and as you say Canterbury isn’t that far from home and it’s good for you to know your son will be near family too. They usually come home and eat eat eat. I am home from hospital after having third op last Friday as margins not clear in last results. Feeling ok, just a bit sore and tired and waiting for results again! Will see you on Facebook soon, once you are registered the rest is easy and if I can manage it sure you’ll have no probs!
Speak to you soon, Sandra x

Hi all

  • maz, how nice to hear from you!! Sorry things have been so sh*t - life’s never easy… hope you’re getting all the support you need at home with it all…

currently suffering fumbling finger syndrome from the tax - good job I did the wedding dress last week - couldn’t manage a needle now!!

Sun is shining, but my boy has just arrived home from camping locally absolutely soaked and freezing cold! he’s thawing in the shower… Don’t suppose sun will last though… must do some washing… god, my life is so banal!!

Td xx

Hi Sandra - only chris is leaving home, lauren will be staying with us and travelling there each day, so wont be too lonely! Hope you are recovering well. ~When do you get the results? My operation date is 8th October. Have five weeks to get sorted for it and to worry!
On live chat soon, hope to see you there
deb x

Hi waiting …supportn no chance !!!

Hi Deb - I get my results this Thurs 11th, will then know if margins are clear and also get full pathology report. After that will be chemo but I want to go back to work at least for the time until chemo begins. Your op date will soon come around, you are having a big op with the reduction as well but it will all be worth it. How are you feeling now chemo has finished? Hope you had a good weekend before your kids go off to uni. Do get your daughter to help you get on facebook with The Lymphamaniacs, you are sure to recognise lots of names on there. Chat to you soon, Sandra x

Hi all
had a good weekend and nice meal sunday with familly and kids. Taking them shopping tomorrow to get last minute bits, so will be a tiring day. Also have appt. with Rheumatologist, so will be interesting to see what he wants me to do regarding my medication, as taken off it during chemo. we are having curry tomorrow night for tea. not had one since before all this started and really wanting one. hope I cope alright with it!! Still suffering some of the side effects from last chemo, this one is certainly hanging on! Family think my hair is starting to grow back, but I think they are just humouring me!!! Toes still numb, still losing whats left of eyebrows and eyelashes and suffering badly with muscle aches and weakness. On top of all that, we have seen the end of Big Brother!!! Nothing to watch now when lazing on sofa! Not much else to report really, catching up with friends, shopping and housework, whilst I can, and soooo looking forward to a holiday in the new year, all being well.
Sandra - hope the results are good on thurs. will be thinking of you. the bit i am dreading most is waiting for the results after my op.
anyway, hope you are all well and will catch up soon
take care all
deb xx

Hi Deb
Got my results early (Tues instead of Thurs), margins now clear and waiting for appt to see oncologist about any further scans and chemo regime. Not looking forward to it but at the same time want to get it started now ops are over. I agree waiting for results is the worst bit, am really hoping all will be clear for you and you can start looking forward to happier times and a well deserved holiday (everything crossed for you).
Speak to you later, Sandra xx

Hi Sandra
glad you got the results early and margins clear. when is your appt with onc? all seems to be going on for ages!!! the quicker chemo starts the quicker it finishes!!! still not feeling 100%, but still hoping to improve each day!! will be on live chat tonight. you will have to join us, you will enjoy it.
busy times now getting kids sorted for uni and will be off next thurs to take chris. so if not on site for a while you know why!
catch up soon
deb x

Hi all

good to chat last week Debs - amazing that it took us so long to get that together!! Hope the shopping trips were sucessful and that Chris is all prepared for this week. Bet he’s really excited.

Maz - what do you mean no support?/ What can we do to help? I have support coming out of me earoles and tbh sometimes I could do with a day when I’m not innundated with visitors! Now doesn’t that sound ungrateful. Sorry.
But I mean it - can we do anything? Emailing? I’ll pm you my emailaddress.

Td xxx

Hello all
Td, glad to chat too. considering we are both at home so much, you are right about taking so long to get it together! managed to get chris sorted, so think we are all ready now. too bad if we are not, as he refuses to go shopping again! so different, cant keep lauren away from shops and chris hates them! can see there will be lots of tears on friday!
glad you mentioned to maz about her message, as i couldnt really understand it myself.
hope you are ok maz?
found out on friday that we have lost our holiday to florida next sept as booked with travel city direct. can anything ever go right for us!!! luckily, only lost deposit and hope to get it back. booked another one straight away, but had to go for different hotel. hope its as nice as first choice, but at end of the day, we are still going, and only need somewhere to sleep! bc nurse rang today to catch up and has offered me counselling. am going to speak to someone and see if i will benefit from it. only three weeks now till op. will soon come around.
anyway, if i am not on for a few days, its because we are so busy getting sorted for weekend, and will be back again early next week.
take care all and speak soon
deb xx

Hi all
where has the time gone. not managed to get on this site for a while now! been to hospital today for pre-op check and given the go ahead, so will be going to hospital on 7th Oct and op on the 8th. all well with me at moment, although still suffering some side effects from last chemo.
will be on live chat tonight, hope to catch some of you on there.
hope you are all doing well
deb x

Hi Deb - just catching up and seen you are going in for your op this week, good luck with everything and hope you will soon be back home and making a good recovery. I am starting chemo on Mon 13th Oct, dreading it in one way but also just want to get it started. Have been back at work and it’s been great feeling ‘normal’ for a while. Have been on facebook and talking to the girls on there really helps.You can still join us if you want to (we have 23 members and want to keep it small so will stop at 25).
Anyway, hope everything goes really well for you
Sandra xx

Just had text from Debs - she’s sore but ok, says breasts don’t look any smaller yet due to swelling! (mine took about 6 weeks plus to go down…) and hoping to be home today.

Hope your chemo goes ok Sandra - what are you having? I’ve just had my LAST ONE today - I had 6 TAC which has been a bugger, so writing off the next 3 weeks then hope my feet will start to come back to life and that I’ll see some hair growth! I’d even welcome back the ones on my legs, but maybe not the ones on my chin!!!

Td x

hi all
just to let you know i am out of hospital. all ok. sore and swollen, but fairly moble and feeling good. cant wait to see results of reduction, once swelling down! funny, was just saying to a friend, since op, we have all been concentrating on the reduction side of it all and how they look and seem to forget the reason for the op in the first place was to remove the lump and nodes! is this a good sign, i ask myself!!! removal of drains was the worst pain i have had in years! did I scream!
get the results from biopsy on wednesday, so getting myself in state already over these and so want to hear some good news. came home to some very sad news, that a lady i saw at chemo (who is friendly with my daughter) passed away whilst i was in hospital. she had bc but had spread to her brain. her son is 22 and there is no father present, so he is now alone and having to deal with all this. i cant stop thinking of them and have gone from being happy over being home and well to crying all the time. this one has been too close to home.

anyway, on a different note, hope chemo goes well next week sandra. will be thinking of you. the sooner its started, the sooner its over. have been trying to register on facebook, but they wont send me an email to allow this to happen. hang in there and save a place for me!! will keep trying.

Td - hope you are feeling better today. you are not having a good time of it are you? they seem to get worse with each one. still, no more now and that is a lovely feeling.

my family are convinced i am now showing signs of eyelashes and eyebrows returning and also lots of fine hairs returning on head, so hope they are right! i am getting so impatient and want it all back now.
of to hospital on monday too, to have wounds checked out, but they feel all ok and nipples saved, so fingers crossed.
not sleeping too well, as never been good at sleeping on my back! was up at 3 this morning drinking a cuppa! finally got my taste for tea back just over a week ago, after losing it with first chemo! yippee
anyway, must go now but back soon
take care all and good luck
deb x

Hi Debs,

After reading your post I wondered if your friend’s son is aware that Breast Cancer Care helpline is available to him as well? Perhaps you could pass him the telephone number if you think the staff here might be able to support him through this sad time. 0808 800 6000

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator