Hi Maz
good luck to to you. will think of you too and make sure you keep still!!! x
deb x
Hi girls , wigs are exempt from vat, there is a form on this page,
or details from customs and excise
Hi ladies
Just to say that I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow Debbie. Won’t be long and it’ll be me there too. Going to the hairdressers 2day for last time in a while. Spoke with a friend of mine (who happens to be a consultant oncologist) today and discussed cold caps - a service which is routienely offered in Bristol. It involves freezing your scalp so that the hair follicals don’t get the chemo and preserves hair in some people. read on a thread before that someone was concerned tha if you had this, your brain wouldn’t get chemo. My friend says that chemo drugs DON’T cross the blood brain barrier so that is NOT an issue - but it is true that the scalp gets no drug!
Good luck in the giant Polo Maz!!
Don’t think I’ll be on line tonight - son coming back from a few days away!!
Td x
Hi Td
was offered the cold cap but refused, want to go bald gracefully!! heard its painful and only delays the inevitable, so thought would give it a miss. have appointment on friday to see wig people at hospital. will let you know how it goes. enjoy your time with your son.
deb x
Hi all …just come back from a trip in the giant polo managed to keep still just about ,just more waiting now for the results .Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine Deb how r u
Td hope yoy and yoiur son had a good time keep us posted thinking of you be in live caht tomorrow if you can get in xxxxxxxxxxxx
ah ha - a live chat thing… don’t know how!! Td x
glad the trip in the polo went well and hope results are good. was thinking of you all when sat in the chemo chair and knew i was not alone. my doctor told my sister today that he has referred 5 women to the hospital in the last few weeks with lumps and all turned out positive and have bc. bad news eh? the weather has been lovely but not been in right frame of mind recently to enjoy!!!
really hope to be on live chat tomorrow night. if not, you know i am unwell!!
td - will you be on live chat?
take care all x
look out for my new thread and join me there if you can!
deb x
in all the months of being here I have not been on live chat - is it worth while ?
yes, the live chat is good. i only registered with this site last thursday and managed to only get about 20 mins, but what a difference it made. the girls are great and welcomed me straight away.
give it a try. will look out for you
deb x
Ok thanks - its a bit like going into a pub on your own- so will you wait for me outside ha ha
I’ve explained to my son that I have the computer tonight 9 - 10!! So we’ll see…
Haven’t done live chat - where do you pick it up??
Td x
Hi waitingangel
I have added a link to How to use live chat:Search Results | Breast Cancer Now
Once the room is opened (at 9pm) click the link: breastcancercare.chatjet.com/bcc/index.html
Simply use the same login details for live chat as the forums.
I hope this is of help, please post back or email <script type=“text/javascript”>eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%4d%6f%64%65%72%61%74%6f%72%40%62%72%65%61%73%74%63%61%6e%63%65%72%63%61%72%65%2e%6f%72%67%2e%75%6b%22%3e%4d%6f%64%65%72%61%74%6f%72%40%62%72%65%61%73%74%63%61%6e%63%65%72%63%61%72%65%2e%6f%72%67%2e%75%6b%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b’))</script> if I can help further.
Kind regards
Great stuff c u in the live lounge later peeps Maz xxx
Deb if u not up to it catch ya on line .soon
the rest of ya its a date xxx ]
hi all
about to try out live chat but feeling realy rough, so may not stay on long. in bed all day. started feeling sick last night and wont go away. hope it dont last too long. getting me down now. taken meds but not helped much. sleeping loads to.
catch you in a bit.
Hi Deb. that was fast live! so, wigss tomorrow and injections for immune system with nurse… hope you’re getting all the support and love you need there… sounds like yr family amazing. Good girl Lauren - funny that stuff about age though!
I had pre op today- it was ok- just bloods n stuff. Except had to stand on the scales…
I’ve GOT to tidy up tomorrow for big party on Sat…!
Sleep well!
Td xx
Hi all
good to catch you on live chat, had to get daughter to take over as too rough! she really enjoyed it. just hope the only time she uses it is for me.
didnt go to wig appt. as not up to it, so have another in 2 weeks! worried hair may be gone by then, but fingers crossed its not as want closest match.
just starting to feel bit better today, still tired and stomach not brilliant but better.
Td - enjoy party and keep us updated. and dont worry about housework!!
catch you soon
deb x
Hope you’re feeling a bit better today Deb.
Party was fantastic. I developed a cracking migraine which holed me up for 14 hours after that though. When I got downstairs today it was all pristine!! about 100 women & girls came with decorated boobs and we raised £750!! fantastic. Photo’s will be going to fundraising dept on this site -assume we can all take a look then.
Big operation day tomorrow so out of the loop for a while…
Take care
Love Td x
Hi Td
just came on quickly in the hope to catch you before you go in hospital. Will be thinking of you and hope all goes well. Hope you are not away too long. well done for all the money raised. hope we see the pics. glad you had a good time.
best of luck and take care
deb x
Hi debs !
Home at last.
I’ll tell all on New Pyjamas!
Td x
How are you?? Get the wigging done eventually?
glad you are back. been checking site daily and was thinking last night that you should be home now! Please tell all on the new Pjs! cant wait to hear now! how did it go? how long was you in for?
I am doing better each day. had one thing after another, but wont let it beat me! not yet, anyway! even got out of house over this weekend after 10 days stuck indoors. Husband took me out last night for quick bite to eat and spent time in garden today pottering about. At hospital this friday re: wig, just hope my hair still in tact for it!!! Am going to make the most of this coming week as next weekend I will probably start fretting over the next chemo session!
take care and catch u soon
deb x