looking for friends and support

Maz - where are you??
you Ok?
deb x

D’you know, I don’t know if it’s worse to have the surgery first or the chemo! I’m dreading mine with a vengance - I just think that it’ll be completely crappy and I’ll feel sick & weak all the time. And look like gollum!! The surgery hurts though - but not for long. Never fear!! We will conquer!!! Remember (as I plagiarize here) the Boudica within!! WE ARE that Iceni warrior! (mind you, I think she had 2 breasts!!)

Thinking about you heaps. how’ the joints???!

Where’d you live ? i’m in Bristol.

td xx

Im in Kent, close to the Medway towns. Joints seem to be doing ok, few aches and pains, but still waiting for it to come at me with a vengeance!! guess what? my hair has started to fall out, yesterday. I was really upset and cried most of the day. Have not got a wig sorted yet, hopefully will get it done Friday, so please, hair, stay in till then!! its coming out thick and fast, such a shock. going off tomorrow for back massage and facial to cheer myself up. my beautician told me today her mum just had a mastectomy and is now on second lot of chemo, so dont feel too bad going tomorrow with thinning hair! If our son gets into Swansea uni in September, we will pop in to see you for cuppa when we visit him!!! How are you doing? still being looked after well I hope?
keep up the good work
deb x

Hi Debs66

I am also in Kent near the medway towns, waiting for my appointment post op and waiting to start chemo where are you being treated Medway or Darenth

Debs x

Hi Debs
I live in Sittingbourne and being treated at Maidstone Hosp. Having second chemo next thurs, all being well. Where do you live?
Deb x

Debs & Deb -

I’m often in Kent - best friend lives in Fordcombe, Tunbridge Wells - maybe a meet at sometime (if I can get it into the busy chemo, rads, feeling crap schedule!!) - I know it’s still a little journey from TW to you, but it’s 360miles nearer than Bristol!!

Swansea still bloody miles from Bristol ,Deb! Hope he gets in if it’s where he wants to go. Near to Gower for surfing etc!

Still being cared for expertly by Oh and friends. Feel quite lazy actually!! although overdid it Tue and really suffered yesterday.

Will put all my ‘good’ news onto New Pyjamas! Worth a look!!

Love Td x

HI Debs and Td

I live in Higham just outside Strood, It would be good to meet up some time. I am yet to find out my treatment plan but I know I will have to have a consultation at Maidstone about my chemo. I am a bit in the dark at the moment as I am yet to find out my full results which should be next Thursday it will be a month since my op by then. Debs hope you are doing ok with the chemo, how many have you got to have? Td have you also started chemo?

hope you are both ok today

Debs x

replied on New Pjs to your thread, good news.
debs, would love to meet up when we can all get together. I am also at Maidstone next thursday. what time are you there?
going for my second chemo session, having 6 altogether if all goes according to plan, then op, and then more chemo and radiotherapy. dont know what thereafter. Maybe we can private message phone numbers with Td too, and arrange something soon.
will be on live chat tonight, all being well
take care all
deb x

HI Deb

I have to go to Darent Valley on Thursday and then I will have to Maidstone after to see Oncologist will try and be on the live chat tonight


Will attempt live chat - boy child may let me on!! :slight_smile: not any where near you for months and months, but who knows!!
Td x

Td, Maz and Debs2030 - where were you last night? missed you all. had a good night on the chat, and you missed out!
hope you are all ok.
deb x

Hi Debs

ended up going out for chinese, couldn’t miss out on not cooking, could I?

Will try next week, Hope everyone is ok today,

Debs x

I have my OH to cook all my meals!! hoping to go out tomorrow night tho.
hope to be on next thurs, but have next chemo that day, so will play by ear.
got two wigs today and bandana, most of my hair gone now, so feeling better that have something to replace it!
two different styles. should be fun!
catch up soon
take care and have good weekend
deb x

Hey sorry Deb

  • I was all set for a very early night then started watching that programme about women with 14 children and end up both missing the chat and not enjoying the prog and getting completely knackered!!

I’ve been exhausted all day today. one achievement is though that I haven’t been cold all day, which due to lack of movement I have been up to now!

Where did you get the wigs?? What’re they like? Same colour? length? Looking forward to trying out something different … although I’m still very worried about loosing my hair. not for a month yet though…

Early night tonight!!
Td xx

hello i have been reading for what seems like a life time. my name is also deb. Ilive in fulham.sorry . i think you girls are great.

something strange is happening here, or is it me! on the front page under ‘discussions’ it states that the last comment made on this thread was by lucy, 4 hours ago, but when I came on it was be Deb43 9 hours ago!! where has Lucy’s comment gone!!!
Td wanted to watch that too, but live chat more important!! (also, OH turned telly over!!!). As for the wigs, got one in Maidstone Town centre, very nice chap who does wigs for NHS to. My family paid for this one and its very light brown, almost blond and long. I have shoulder length brown hair! Told it looks good but I still need to get used to it. Other one from hospital, and like this one best. its a short dark brown bob, and I have been tempted to have that style for ages, so now is my chance.
hair falling out fast and doing my head in - literally! scalp very sensitive and keep waking up in night as hair falling everywhere. having to wear headgear all time now. Friend coming round tomorrow to cut it all off - cant wait. did I ever think I would hear myself say that - no!
my mum and sister have been asking at work for people to sponser me to have hair cut and mum alone has got over £80, so this and all other money raised will be donated to this site.
Hope you are feeling better today. we are of out tonight for quick meal with my parents, which will be nice.

I feel so chuffed by your comment. it was really nice of you. the girls on here are a great bunch and I really enjoy our ‘chats’. Feel free to join us and tell us all.
Lots of Debs on here, and we are all great, I think. We have been hit with a whammy and are learning to deal with it, and coming on this site makes a lot of difference.

anyway, off to hoover up my hair now - have whole house to do!!

deb x
have good weekend girls
love ya loads

Deb - i wonder if Lucy whispered to someone?? wasn’t me!

Hope the scalp will feel more comfy when naked!

I’m SOOO interested to see if I’ll look like Harry Hill, Gollum or Cameron Diaz in her latest role. I would hazard a guess that it won’t be CD!!!

Td x
PS much better day today! I’ve paced myself and taken regular pain relief and found some private time with my OH (very nice!) and had a little sleep and watched Attonement… excellent day!

Lucy, thanks but NOW I am confused!!! don’t worry, it doesn’t take much to confuse me nowadays!!!
thanks for clearing that up tho.

Td. cant wait to get hair off, driving me crazy now and hair everywhere. Maggie given me a great website that does head scarves, just the ones I was looking for. Bet you will look like CD, although not seen her with no hair yet. Glad you are feeling better and sure you will improve with each day. Will let you know what my bald or baldish head looks like. Raised quite a bit of money so far for this site, so makes it worth it.
catch u soon
deb x

Well done with the fund raising Deb! I’m still waiting for our final figure before I send it off…
Feeling ok today too, although have just done the shower, hair thing so will be exhausted for the rest of the day. I also got up with the tiddly today and let OH lay in. He needs it!!

Dad’s cooking supper this pm. He invites us less & less , but it’s all picked up again of late - he’s been so worried. He nursed my mum with BC and thought that that spectre was behind us… here’s hoping that I will quash it this time!

Big love Td x

Debs 66 Its maz … havent been feeling too good of late but Im ok now … just cant seem to stay awake I am exhausted had a few stressful days at work and the hospital last week I think it all caught up with me and then to top it all we had to have the man from sky out our internet connection died …oooooh noooo
it was awful …was so lost without my BCCF and FB anyway will givev all you guys a wave o/ Deb tried to pm u but it didnt work …hope you are feeling ok and your chemo is not doing your head in …xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx get in touch soon maz xx