Thanks for sending positive thoughts poorlyboob. Not my Christmas wish but at the waiting is over now! X
@smiler4 I’m so sorry to hear of you news. I can understand it is not great to be diagnosed at the same time of year.
The one positive is that breast cancer treatment has come on leaps no bounds since your first diagnosis, so there are more treatment options.
I had two primary tumours at the same time, which is unusual. They were a grade 2 ER+ HER2+ 20mm which I found the lump and a grade 1 ER+ 0.9mm which was found sizing the first using an MRI to decide whether to have surgery first or chemo/Herceptin. I had a bilateral lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. Years ago this would have been mastectomy but was advised the outcome is the same and this was less invasive.
I hope you can have a nice Christmas whatever you have planned and your treatment plan for the new year.
Sending your love
Thank you naughty_boob yes you are right the options are very different now. In fact the consultant remarked on my old style radiotherapy markings on my other side. Best wishes to you too x
Hi smiler4
It’s definitely the most worrying time. I had my biopsy on the 15th Dec last year and was told it was 99.9% cancer but I wouldn’t get my results until after xmas and thats exactly what happened. I had my appointment for the 16th January, so a month later. Christmas was a blur I left everything to the last minute and then panicked three days before Christmas to get in presents, decs up etc, I was just not feeling it.
Im sorry if you’re having to go through the same as me or maybe you’ve had your results since me writing this.
This year I decided I was going to make the most of Christmas after last year but unfortunately got my scan results last week after being stable and all tumors not visible. Two tumors have started to grow so I’m having to start a second line of treatment in the new year.
Whatever your results we’re all here for you. The waiting game is absolutely awful but what I’ve learn’t is try and enjoy yourself and make the most of the festive season, I know it’s hard but try amd live in the present and make it the best ever!
Please keep us informed of your results, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Hi @dax1 welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry to hear of your news. I wish you all the best on your treatment.
The forum is here for you as well. Make the most of your Christmas
Let me know if I can signpost you to any threads that might be helpful to you. If you have chemotherapy there is a monthly chemo starters thread which is very supportive with others going through similar to you. The search option is helpful to find helpful or common threads or you can start you own thread.
Hi dax1 the waiting is just awful I don’t know how you managed one month.
And I’m sorry to hear your recent news.
I did have my results and it’s cancer unfortunately in my other side. But a different type this time. Going for a scan on Sunday the 29th and then another biopsy coming up on the 6th. It’s all a bit much to take in at the moment so I’m trying to take one day at a time.
Wishing you all the best for Christmas! X
My heart aches for you, I have been there, too, after a 24-year gap. I’m a year out from that now. Not to minimize what you are going through; just remember you will get through. Not easy, but you will. Sending love from across the pond.
Thank you so much that’s really nice of you. Sending you love also x
Thank you naughty_boob I really appreciate your reply. I had a lovely Christmas day with my family, having lots of food and drink.
I have had six rounds of chemo earlier in the year already and unfortunately I was really ill with every side effect going but was worth it in the end looking back.
I have been a member of this forum and have been keeping on top of relevent messages but just wasn’t ready to input anything myself.
Thanks once again and hope you are enjoying the festivities too.
I’m so sorry to hear of your news smiler4, not good news whatsoever and even worse just before Christmas where you have to put on a brave face.
Hope your scan goes well on sunday and your biopsy on the 6th, please keep is updated on how things go. Take care
Dear Smiler,
Hopefully all went well today, give yourself a pat on the back, good luck with the scan on the 6th
Will be thinking of you.
Hugs Tili
Thanks dax1 I had a very peaceful Christmas with my husband just the 2 of us in the Lake District. Thankfully we had this planned for some time and it did take my mind off things after a few days. I even managed to tick off another Wainwright! Back to reality now and scan tomorrow. I hope you had a good one and are doing ok x
Thanks Tili CT scan tomorrow. I don’t even know what day it is it and it certainly doesn’t feel like Saturday today anyway. I just had to check my phone. Yep it is Saturday. I hope you had a good Christmas and sending hugs back at ya x
So sorry smiler, I think it’s me getting mixed up with the days, another’s senior moment….blame it on the Christmas holiday.
GOOD LUCK will be with you and thinking about you
Tili xxx
Oh good, glad you managed to get away to the lakes smiler4, one of my favourite places and you had a lovely Christmas. Hope your scan went ok today too.
Christmas was lovely with my family and inlaws.
Looking forward to celebrating NYE in Paris with both my kids, we fly Tuesday am and come back Friday. Will miss hubby who isn’t coming due to anxiety issues but it’ll be my first time away in a few years so excited and a bit nervous.
Hope you get your results soon, take care and all the best for NYE xxx
Paris sounds wonderful dax1 have a lovely time! All the best to you too xxx
Happy New Year Ladies! I think I’m losing the plot again. I was due to get a vacuum biopsy yesterday and I couldn’t get there because of the snow. I am rebooked for next Monday instead. It’s only a week they say. It’s only 7 days they say. I am seriously freaking out after waiting and psyching myself up for yesterday. I even needed Valium from my GP to help me cope with the procedure which I haven’t taken yet. So a delay of one week isn’t ideal. All this waiting has been torture already. I’m posting here as nobody else understands and I know you will all get it!!
I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through @smiler4. You’ve had to deal with such difficult periods of waiting already.
Please know that our specialist nurses are here for you, on the Ask our Nurses your questions board on the forum or over the phone 0808 800 6000. As @Tili mentioned they are very helpful and caring and may be able to help you deal with the current delay.
We’re thinking of you,
@smiler4 its so frustrating not being able to get to your scan but it’s only a week. I was told bc grows generally slowly so it won’t change too much in a week.
Please call the BCN nurses for a chat if you need to 9-4 M-F.
Thinking of you
Thank you Lucy - I appreciate that x