March 2024 chemo starters

I see your doing a genetics test too. I’ve got an initial video appointment on 04/04 to go through the process.

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Hi @marionse25

Sorry you have found yourself here and with no much time to get ready for Monday. I’m assuming you’re having biweekly EC and 12 weeks of Paclitaxel? (Phesgo is Herceptin/perjeta for HER2+ tumours given 3 weekly for 18 cycles) . I’m sure you were totally bombarded with information so it’s easy to get the names mixed up.

I have bilateral ( one tumour in each breast) and had 12 weeks of Paclitaxel with 18 cycles of Herceptin. Had surgery in July, finished chemo in December, radiotherapy January and continue with Herceptin. Now with Zometa (Zoledronic acid) and Letrozole. I cold capped and kept most of my hair.

I didn’t want to chat much during chemotherapy so took a tablet with a film downloaded and took headphone so as not to disturbed others. As I cold capped I took a flask of fruit tea as the hot drinks were few, a water bottle, I also took snacks and we mainly bought food (Tesco meal deal) as we weren’t always offered lunch even if I was in at that time. So maybe bring your own next week and check what is available for further visits ( differs depending on centre). You may want a book/kindle to read. Your phone and a charger ( although I was told off once for charging as it wasn’t PAT tested. If you can buy a USB battery back up to charge if needed. Wear comfy clothes, layers to take on and off.
You may want to chat to people, you may even meet some regularly. I rarely saw the same person more than twice.

Well done for getting a soft tooth brush, daily flossing helps but very gently so you don’t make gums bleed. If you are travelling by train into London you may want to think about how you protect yourself from germs as you will be immune suppressed. I personally wore a mask in busy confined places.

Hopefully you will get a PICC line in soon as I was very grateful with weekly bloods and infusions not to have to be cannulated.

From experience these threads are very supportive and friendly.

Take care. Will be thinking of you Monday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I had my call to say I was eligible due to my diagnosis as there is no family history. Have a 3/4 month wait to hear results. No great but I’ll try to put to the back of my mind until them. It’s taken them nearly 7 months to decide if I was eligible so I won’t hold my breath!

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Hi Naughty-boob,

Thank you for sharing some tips and advice. You are right about the chemo it is 4 x EC and 12 taxol paclitaxel on my paper, and also 3 weekly phesgo. I Wish I had something in writing that is clearer than difficult to read scribbles from my oncologist.

I hope everything is going well on your side

Have a relaxing weekend

Take care



I was given permission papers for each drug that I signed and was given a copy. It included the side effects as well as dose and length of treatment. On your first EC ask if you can have the information.

This is a copy of the information I received from Velindre for Paclitaxel Paclitaxel 402, 242 & 662 - Velindre University NHS Trust

I had my Herceptin injection on Thursday so feeling a bit under the weather, it last a few days.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you Naughty boob! I will definitely ask.
I hope you feel better soon.
Take care

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Starting my chemo journey on the 22nd March, 4 x EC every 3 weeks then 12 weekly paclitaxel. picc line fitting 21st as I have twisted veins and I don’t like giving up my blood!
Was diagnosed on the 24th November 2023 3 days before my birthday :pleading_face:. ER+ PR+ Her2-.
I had surgery 23rd January and opted for lumpectomy with node clearance (right side, 2 nodes were positive) with mammoplasty reduction both sides. All went well with good clear margins, just didn’t like the drains very much.
My children gave me a ‘ prepared for chemo and prevent lymphoedema treat box for Mother’s Day , bless em! Pocket sized hand gel, antiseptic spray, skin care etc. Very nervous but trying to stay positive. All the best to everyone on their journeys. xx💪


For those of you starting your chemotherapy journey and don’t get a goody bag from your cancer centre. This charity will send you one if you live in the U.K. You will need to send details of your diagnosis but it will be deleted once the box has been dispatched.

I was so grateful for the contents of the box and use the bag to take things to my appointments.

Hope it helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@burties75 How lovely of your kids. Mine are 9, 11 and 15. I have a very similar journey to you so far and my first surgery was also on Jan 23rd. They found a positive node and have said that chemo is a possibility now but will probably be an April starter or even May as my trust are very slow with pathology results. My axillary clearance is on 19th. Good luck with your chemo. X


@naughty_boob my first EC is at Velindre on Thursday - what was your experience like there? - I’m feeling feet anxious now it’s getting closer. Can’t decide whether to try the cold gloves / socks suck ice cubes - do you know if there’s a facility to keep ice cubes if I do in the Rhosyn Day Unit ? Good you are doing well x

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  • very not feet :roll_eyes:
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Hi @kate68

It’s totally understandable you are anxious, I know I was. The first time you should get an induction. Unfortunately for me the nurse/sister I had was responsible for the ward and a bit rushed. Most of the nursing staff were lovely and treat you like you are the only one there.

I’ve sent you a message with some more information.

Typo’s you’ll be getting used to them when you’re on chemotherapy. There is something called chemo brain.

Wait until you get asked for your name address and date of birth and you have to think about it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t worry it comes back. I still have some brain fog due to menopausal symptoms.

Will be thinking of you on Thursday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thinking of you tomorrow for your first chemo - hope it all goes smoothly for you x

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I am hoping to get a picc line before my second session as my veins collapsed during an infection and visit to A&E after the first one.

Not sure whether to wait to speak to oncologist or ring BCNs? Next session is 22nd and oncology appointment is 18th.


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Sorry to hear this…I would ring the BCNs now and see what they say, they probably will do a PICC line for you so they may get you to speak to the oncologist sooner? That way they can sort it before your next infusion hopefully. Sending hugs…it’s crap anyway without having additional problems.

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I had my first chemo session yesterday. Was there for 8.30 and everything moved pretty swiftly. Had my obs done and was all ok, anti sickness meds in the cannula and a bag of steroids IV, then we waiting half hour to check for any reactions. They then did the Docetaxel for me and I iced my hands and feet and sucked on frozen grapes for this, then we waiting a little and they the did the Carboplatin and I had a reflexology lady come round and massage my feet which was lovely. Food trolly came round and I had a tuna sandwich and drank lots and lots of water!! I think I got up to pee about 8 times whilst I was there. They did the Herceptin injection and that bloody hurt as it went in…I’ve got about 50 tattoos and that was worse than some of those, then I was like great I’ve got another 17 of those to go and it’s already bruised my leg lol. Managed to get discharged around 1ish so went home with my meds and injections. The nurse encouraged me to take the anti sickness tablets daily and to keep drinking plenty. I was knackered by 8pm, but struggled to sleep and gave up at 3.30am so I’ve been on my work laptop so I can potentially crash later. Had a cup of tea this morning and it tastes weird and not like tea, and my mouth and lips feels weird. Other than that fingers crossed I’m ok at the minute!


:heart:chellebelle please just keep eye on mouth in case you are having a delayed allergic reaction to Simon the chemo, maybe quick call to your team to check all ok :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Allergic reaction to chemo :roll_eyes:sorry text gremlins changed it to Simon :roll_eyes::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thanks for the push, I have just emailed BCNs, hope to speak to them today.

My mouth felt weird too but it is more normal now in week two of the three weekly cycle.

Drinking a lot of water definitely helps but does mean even more trips to the loo than when I was pregnant.


Thanks Hun. I will keep an eye on it and call the chemo line if it stays. Lol at your autocorrect though…maybe there is someone there called Simon :grin: