March 2024 chemo starters

Similarly to you, I consider myself fit and active but have had to stop most things since the op - still doing parkrun but volunteering / walking instead of running! Planning to find the online yoga from Lockdown and try to do that as my shoulder improves.
I’m turning 60 in the summer and this definitely wasn’t on my bucket list!


I think you have to listen to your body and do what is right for you. I did yoga and weight training before my diagnosis and am struggling to get back to it 12 weeks after chemotherapy. Some of my issues are radiotherapy or medication based, it’s hard to know.

I had a session with a physiotherapist who said I need to give myself 8 months and I may be back to what I did before. But I have to listen to my body and take it slow if needed.

I think you’re doing great, a walk in the fresh air is great for your physical and mental health. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


My PICC bleed quite a lot after fitting and waited a week before attending clinic for bloods, they cleaned it all up and redressed. It can be uncomfortable a few days but anything that feels wrong, phone the helpline. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m day 2 from TCP chemo…today my lips starting peeling within half hr of being outside despite lip balm. I’ve got leg pains…like muscle cramp kind of thing which has got worse as the evening has gone on. Slept a little better last night and did manage to get 7 hrs sleep but was still up at 4.30am and didn’t go back to sleep. Food still tastes like crap with everything dulled and I had a headache this morning but that went with some paracetamol. Went for a small walk and got out of breathe and dizzy quite quickly but will persevere…other than that it’s the leg pain that’s getting to me this evening but it could be worse! I managed to sort out travel insurance for my cruise in Europe today in October which was a relief and it only cost £80 thank god!


Damn that leg pain is real. I was pretty much up all night and then slept from 4ish to half 6. Might call the chemo line today to see if there is anything I can do cos it hurts alot.


@chellebelle Docetaxel is giving me joint and muscle pain. I was prescribed codeine and advised to use ibuprofen as well as my usual paracetamol.
The first time, when I didn’t have the extra meds I found that a pillow wedged under my knees relieved the pain, or if side sleeping, a pillow between knees to ankles.
I hope this helps a little x

Thanks for the advice .will definitely try the pillow thing. The chemo team has got back to me and I’ve got to pop up to the hospital this afternoon as they want to check me over etc. Hopefully they will give me some stronger meds too. I’m taking paracetamol atm.

Crikey @marionse25 that is a long day - I have to say they all put you at ease so much though which is very good for someone as phobic of medical situations as I am. The PICC didn’t hurt - the local stung a bit but no worse than any other local anaesthetic. The nurse even gave me a hug at the end as she could see how anxious I had been.
I can’t say I slept well last night - but I never do but needed the loo a lot because I’ve been drinking so much water and had a slightly bruised stomach in the night probably from the shock of all the meds - my body isn’t used to it as I’ve always been very healthy…
Waiting for the distict nurse to come and give me my injection - not looking forward to the aches atfer that.
Hope you are doing well today - I feel much brighter than I did yesterday and the sun shining certainly helps.
Big hugs back to you too
Kate x


Thank you - it’s not bled anymore that I can see so fingers crossed all OK - it’s tender and I did knock it in the night but otherwise all good so far!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Chellebelle have you rung the number to check you’ve not got a blood clot caused by the chemo? Might be best to check with your team :heart::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


I agree with @isitreallyme that a pillow between the knees can help. I did buy a specific knee pillow but it felt too hard so a standard pillow works better for me.

One of the oncology nurses suggested eating pineapple to help with taste. Worth a try.

If it doesn’t feel right ring the helpline. No question or query is ever silly.


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Hope things get easier for you @chellebelle - I’ve been lucky so far after my first EC x


Yeah they pulled me in to hospital and checked me over. They are going to decide my dosage next chemo session and I’ve been given codine to help manage the pain…also turns out I have oral thrush too so they have given me stuff to help this.


Hi @altoan
I’ve already had my chemo, but your post sounded similar to my story and made me jump in here briefly. I know what you mean about thinking you’ve escaped chemo, and then having to do it. I had 1 sentinel node infected, and after clerance 2 others with micromets out of about 27 in total, and was recommended for chemo. I was terrified. But having done my 6 rounds now, I can say that while it wasn’t pleasant, it was alot more doable than I expected.

Hang in there all of you! You’ll get through it, and it’ll be over sooner than you think.


Hopefully they’ve given you fluconzole for the thrush and not just the drops. Glad your ok :+1::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thank you @Cali thats good to hear. I’ve now met with the CNS and have a date to start. Have been given guidance about how to try and manage side effects and was brave enough to call the wig ladies and make an appointment to chat to them next week. Step by step!


Nope just the drops and some mouthwash :sob:

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Anyone had red flushed face at all? I started it yesterday afternoon very soon after pegfilgrastim injection - temp was fine all yesterday but taken it twice this morning on different thermometers and 35.8 and 36 - left message for treatment helpine so waiting for a call back - feel fine other than looking like I’ve been in the sun :roll_eyes:


Hi everyone,

I am just wondering if anyone has had a really bloated belly. I look about 4 months pregnant. I am on the tiny side, I have always been tiny. But my belly is so swollen.

Temp normal and helpline says common to have red face with steroids so nothing to be concerned about - took the last dose of it this morning along with anti sickness. One question I have been given Ondansetron and Metoclopramide to help with sickness from now on - I haven’t felt sick at all - can’t decide whether to take the Metoclopramide anyway tomorrow even if not feeling nauseous - want to avoid the ondansetron because I’m constipated - anyone had similar issues? Or should I only take if I start to feel sick? X

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