
Today I have spoken to Marmite’s (Hilary) husband. Hilary has been unwell for a few weeks now, and it seems that the cancer has spread to her brain. This is spreading very quickly and she is only expected to live days/possibly weeks. She is lucid but is extremely nauseous, which they are trying to manage. Other than that she is comfortable. She is in hospital.

Hilary has been living with this disease for some time now - in fact she was given 6 months to live two years ago. There are some characters that always exude ‘life’ and Hilary is one of them.

I hope for the best outcome - whatever that may be. I will keep you informed

I am absolutely devastated by this. Hilary is one of the nicest, friendliest - and I have to say most stylish! - people you could ever hope to meet. I have met Hilary on three occasions and she has always amazed me by her spirit and courage towards this bloody awful disease.

I know that Hilary hasn’t been well at all for quite some time but I am shattered by the speed with which this seems to be progressing. I pray that is she kept comfortable and pain-free.

Thank you for the update Celeste. You seem to have acquired this role as a messenger and it can’t be easy - but we really do appreciate what you are doing.

Thinking of Hilary’s husband and family as well tonight


I’m really sorry to hear this. I hope Marmite, Hilary, will be made as comfortable and pain free as possible. Thinking of you Hilary and your family…Love Belinda…xx

I have met Marmite on several occasions and found her such a lovely, supportive person. Even though I knew things were deteriorating for her at far too fast a rate, it is still hard to hear this news. I hope that she can be kept pain-free and comfortable and that her family can be with her at the end.

Thinking of you, Hilary, and all your family and loved ones.

Kay xx

Oh, no! I wasn’t expecting to read this tonight. We’ve only met a few hours ago, celeste!

I’ve never met Marmite and never “spoken” to her, but have heard how wonderful she is. I’ll be saying a few prayers, too.


I’m so sorry to hear this news. Marmite was very much missed at our meetup at Bristol today. I’m thinking of her and her family very much and like Celeste said hoping for the best outcome whatever that may be.Hilary is such a lovely person and like Lesley said always so elegant and much younger-looking than her years.
Thinking of you Hilary.
Love Anne xxx

Bless, sending marmite my best wishes and strength to help her fight xx

I’m sorry to hear about Marmite and how things have changed. Although I’ve seen several comments from her over the years I hadn’t really ‘spoken’ to her but, as with all of us dealing with this rubbish disease, it is dreadful to hear bad news. I hope that she is comfortable and her family get to spend time with her whilst they can.
Nicky x

I’m very sorry to read this news. I wish Marmite peace and comfort, and also her family.


I am sorry to read the news about Marmite - I hope that she is pain free and comfortable.

Lots of love and hugs

Sorry to hear this news and hope she is pain free. My love and thoughts to her family.
Lesley xx

So sorry to hear this. Hoping they can keep the nausea and pain to a minimum and, if it is the end, that all goes as well as it can. You know what I mean.
Thinking of Hilary’s family and friends at this time

cant believe that another of our number is so ill .marmite was always so lovely at our meet ups ,really praying for a painfree passing .god bless to you and your family hilary .xxx

Just to let you know that ‘Hilary is coping but very groggy - her family have been staying this last week so she has not been alone’ Her husband hopes ‘she remains comfortable’.

Marmite is a very wonderful person and I am sending all my love or her final days. Celeste, bless you, you have had a hard time losing so many special friends - you too are in my thoughts.


Jane x

Hi everyone, I’ve spoken to Hilary’s daughter today. Hilary is home but in a coma, the whole family is there caring for her, with the help of specialist nurses. They think she has about 24 hrs left.

I am going away now until Saturday, but I will txt another site member when I hear again, so as not to leave you all wondering and worrying.

The whole family is pleased that Hilary is comfortable and not in any pain, I’m sure we all feel reassured about that.

Celeste, thank you for keeping us updated. I’m pleased that Hilary is comfortable and pain-free and think it’s lovely that all her family are around her, whilst at the same time feeling for them and how sad they must be now.

Keep us posted

Take care

Thanks for keeping us informed.Glad she is at home and at peace surrounded by her family.Such a sad time for her family,thinking of them at this time.

I am so sorry to hear this. I hope and pray Hilary is as comfortable and peaceful as she can be, and her family keep strong. My heart goes out to them all.


Celeste - thanks for the message you posted - thinking of you… and Hilary and her family - just feel so sad…Jaynex