meet up in Northampton?

Hi there im just trying to get to grips with the sight I’m a real techno phobe…I’m living with secondary breast cancer in the bones and liver and was wondering if there was anyone on here living in or around Northampton who would like to get together for a chat …thanks Jo xx 

Hello verity _1
I too am quite new to this site . So I have responded via the meet up thread . I would like to meet up in northampton but it maybe in a month or so as I am in the process of getting 2nd opinion and starting chemo in the next couple of weeks . X

Hi I’m quite new to this too. Was due to have double lumpectomy but my ct and bone scan showed the cancer has spread to leg, hip, arm and lungs. Meeting with the oncologist in Northampton on Thursday to find out more and next steps. Live locally and would love to meet up for a chat.
Christine x

Verity _1 /roxy66
I will be in touch , so nice to hear from ladies close to home .

Hello roxy66
Firstly so sorry to hear of your news . I was diagnosed with b/c November 2013 . Had masectomy with lymph nodes removed in dec. 6/17 possitive . Then ct and bone scan showed spot on liver / femur . Saw oncologists for first time yesterday . Chemotherapy 6 sessions then scan after 3rd to see if areas responding . Start tamoxifen also . So scary but really have taken great strength from some of the ladies on here . Lots of inspriring stories. Helpline extremely helpful too . Hope tomorrow goes ok . Let us know how it goes x

Hello roxy66
Hoping you feel a little better knowing the next stage … Treatment plan . I think we are both at the beginning of this journey . I’ve found it totally overwhelming today ! Especially with a young family . Got to stay possitive keep reading these inspiring stories on here and hoping to feel a little better when start my own treatment .

Hello verity_1
Thankyou for your post . I am 43 so finding this whole journey extremely emotional and exhausting like you say ! Had a very bad day today , spent a lot of it in tears ! Hoping to feel a little better when seen oncologist at the royal marsden on Monday . Having second opinion regarding treatment . Just can’t seem to get my head round this whole secondary diagnosis ! Will keep in touch and look
Forward to hopefully meeting up soon . Im Sure your 8 grandchildren keep you busy !

Hello Christine
Thankyou for your message. I’m so sorry you hear you are in such pain . Are you able to take much for it ? I was told I have a spot on each liver / femur but haven’t had any pain from either as yet . I also have a 23 year old 18 and 9 year old . My older two have also found this extremely hard but we have been very careful wording things with the younger one . It’s so nice to be in touch with others in similar situation . Have had a really bad week very tearful and as I said hoping to feel better when treatment starts . But going to be a very tough six months . I’m still not driving at present after masectomy but sure will be able to towards end of month so hopefully can meet up then . Are you still booked in for op as you
Mentioned in an earlier post . X

Hello verity _1
Thankyou for your kind message and support. I’m hoping as time goes on I will become stronger and try and be the person I was before this whole nightmare started ! I too feel so bad for the children seeing them so frightened and sad ! … I think I will may well be under the royal marsden for treatment . If I am able to . My family are all up for the journeys. But I did find oncologist at northampton very good and would be very happy to have treatment there . Let you know how it goes x

Hello ! Bit better day today ! And thankyou yes big day tomorrow .will let you know how it goes . Hope your appointment goes well with oncologist . Our lives are in their hands !! X

Hello verity_1 roxy66
Had appointment at royal marsden . Treatment would be slightly different . Tamoxifen first no chemo yet . Going to have further scans there. Feeling a little more possitive this week . How are both of you ? X

Hello roxy66
Sorry to hear you are still in so much pain . Hopefully the monthly infusion will start easing it . Yes tiring week for me too think it’s just trying to take everything all in as we are so new to this whole b/c diagnosis ! I have pet scan next week then following due to start hormone treatment . Hope next few app go ok for you . Vicki x

Hello verity_1
Glad to hear your treatments are doing their job of holding it . I think each oncologist may do things differently as I have just found out. Again this is all very new to me and still trying to get my head round it all ! They have explained the treatment plan but just running their own scans first . Will go through it again when I go back for results . Keep in touch
Vicki x

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Hello verity_1/roxy66
Been a few days since been on here . Wondering how you both are doing ? Felt a little better this week . Pet scan next week then due to start treatment following . How did thurs app go Christine ? X

Hello Christine
How has the pain been ? Hoping you may feel a little better when the treatment starts . What are the side effects of radiotherapy ? I will be having the treatment under the royal marsden. I think it’s common for another hospital to run their own scans to see what’s happening. Then I will be on tamoxifen and monthly injection too . They will discuss treatment plan fully after results which is also 24th feb . Be in touch x

Hi to you both …Christine so glad you have started treatment I was down there this afternoon for my herseptin we might have been there the same time lol …zometa next cycle I have that every other herseptin…it does help with pain and really has no side effects so it must be radiotherapy making you sick:-( Glad to here Vicki you are nearer to start of treatment its just the dreaded bloody waiting that gets you down it’s better when you get going keep in touch Jo xx

Hello to you both
Sorry to hear you haven’t been too well since your treatment today Christine . Is it the radiotherapy do you think ?
Funny you may well have been there at the same time !!
Jo how often is your herceptin / zometa ? .
Yes I’m looking forward to starting the treatment but they need do pet scan first . Don’t think much will have changed since ct scan but think it’s just what all
Hospitals do if transferring to them . Busy this end as half term now . Keep in touch . Looking forward to meeting up soon . So nice to talk to ladies closer to home going through similar experience xx

Hi Christine we were there at the same time lol my appointment was 1.30 mind you mine was in the oncology suite but they were running an hour behind Which can be often …I’m glad your feeling better today …
Hi vicki hope you are feeling ok Let’s hope this bloody rain keeps off a bit we need some sunshine it does make you feel so much better Jo xx

Hello Christine / Jo
How are you both ? Had a busy week this end with half term . Had pet scan thurs ! Bit claustrophobic ! Took 50 mins was glad when it was over ! Back for results tomorrow afternoon . Then due to start tamoxifen . Bit worried about the hot sweats already !
Hoping to be driving early next week if you would like to meet up somewhere .will send p/message as to where to meet etc . Keep in touch vicki x