Hi Ju,
So sorry to hear about your pregnancy, hope you’re ok.
Good news about the recon, are you having right mastectomy and bilateral recon ??
Re: pain relief, I was on a morphine drip for the first night but found it made me itch all over (poss side affect) so came off it the next morning, was then on high dose paracetamol and ibropufen which managed the pain ok, after a few days found it more uncomfortable than painful. I was signed off work for 8 weeks but being as I work in a school I’m not back at work until Sept, but feel I would be ok to go back after the 8 weeks.
I was able to drive after 4 weeks but only short journeys as found on longer ones I would start to ache and the swelling under my arms would increase. I was in theatre approx 61/2 hours, in hospital 7 days, four drains - two in front and two in back having these made it very uncomfortable, didn’t get much sleep (my advice would be take a portable dvd player in if you can with some good films, I found myself watching Troy at 4 am) at night but managed to cat nap during the day.
I found I was able to do day to day things fairly quickly just be careful not to overdo things, it does help doing the exercises they advise.
When I came out of hospital it was too uncomfortable to wear a bra so wore a tee shirt (had dressings on) within a few days of being out I was able to wear a sports bra (found the lonsdale bras from soccer world great - nice and cheap very comfy, the hardest part is putting it on over your head as movement in arms is limited but it does get better).
Julia, I must just say I am so pleased with the results, it has done so much for me mentally, although it is a little painful I would go through it again to get the results I have. Mr Prinsloo is a wonderful man and I couldn’t thank him enough I am seeing him again in October to discuss nipple recon etc.
I am on holiday on the 21st Aug in Spain but rest assured I will be thinking of you, I’m sure everything will go well, if you can let me know if it is bilateral recon you’re having.
All the very best, hopefully see you in Sept at the next meeting
Take care