Hi everyone,
10 days ago I had a core needle biopsy and I am now anxiously waiting for my results.
I took myself off to the GP after the area of thickening that I had for years suddenly developed a puckering/ dent on the skin.
When I was 38, I was diagnosed with a fibrocystic lump and changes by the same clinic in Jan 2020, but the same lumpy thickened area has been growing a small 2cm mass which they confirmed by mammogram and US.
I just had a feeling something was wrong and wish I’d got this checked out ages ago.
They were very thorough with the ultrasound and took ages scanning both breasts, finding a couple of other cysts and said no suspicious nodes.
The consultant did not say what she thought it was, but when I asked ‘what else could it be but cancer’, she didn’t have an answer and said I did the right thing by getting it checked out as soon as the dent appeared.
I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do but I have been preparing myself for bad news.
This forum has really helped take the anxious edge of things as I’m reading a lot of positive stories. I do have right shoulder ache but I am trying not to go down a rabbit hole of googling this, it is difficult though as I am feeling every ache and pain.
I also have a very sore boob after the biopsy, it is still black and blue. Is it normal for it to feel very lumpy?
I am hoping to get a call in the next couple of days with an appointment for my results. xx
Hi @zazzle03
Welcome to the forum, and sorry you are having such a difficult time. Everyone on here will say the same when it comes to waiting for results and how truely awful and stressful it is. There is a lot of support on here, ask questions, let off some steam or your worries. Whatever you feel helps.
It’s very difficult for medical teams to know if lumps and bumps are cancerous, hence they need to take the biopsy to be certain. My biopsy bruised immediately and the left side of my breast and armpit (the size of my hand) was black and purple, and it stayed like that 6 weeks. It was still bruised when I had my first surgery. I think it’s a bit hit and miss how bad it bruises. I remember the nurse saying something along those lines to reassure me at time.
When you get your result, you will know for sure if it’s all clear or not. You may find this difficult to believe right now, since you are at the horrible waiting stage, but many of us find the result helps lift some of the stress and if the result is cancer, the the mind starts to focus on getting a solution. And there are lots of solutions and targeted medicines - try to hold onto that thought. And of course, it may be non cancerous, in which case you can relax knowing it has been checked.
I hope it all works out well for you x
Thank you so much for your reply.
I haven’t told anyone but my husband and sister. I have read so many times on here that you feel better once you know exactly what is happening and you have a plan, so I am hoping I will feel the same.
I am usually such a logical minded person but this is really messing with my brain.
I am glad my sore bruised up boob is normal, it seems to be hurting more today than last week.
I am going to out my phone down now and try to get some sleep, but I’ll update when I know more. X
If you think your breast is getting sorer or it’s still worrying, you can ring the breast nurses (either at your hospital or with Breast Cancer Now). They won’t mind and they are so helpful x