Hi SuSanne there is one thing ive learnt and that is after all this we should all be a bit pushie why should we wait after all we are goinng through … good luck the sooner the better .
Hi Mary hope I take to it as well as you well done ,I also have a bday party my little one is 7 on the 11th it will be my 9th day in hope ill be able …
HI Linda Im glad its not to bad for you too , hope its same for me how were you with your children when your at your low immune time ? Do you have to inject ive been told i will self inject due to having no immunity .
Hi Sharon you sound really high spirited I think thats what we all need to get through this . I have also been very tung in cheek with this with my friends its the only way for me to deal with it .
Sharon have you been wearing a wig or scalf what do you recommend , been shopping 2 day only found one nice scalf in next cost fortune as silk but it is nice also spend loads on new clothes to make me feel better while im going through all this ( think i desirve it lol )
I went into work today as have not been scince found out and had op work in large office with loads of friends very emotional but glad i did it while I still have hair …
keep in touch Lisa
Hi lisa,
just to say hope all goes OK on Fridy. Have you checked out the post ‘top tips going through chemo’ there is some really useful advice on there? Hopefully you will feel so much better (well mentally anyway) when you have got one sesion of chemo behind you. I shook like a jelly before each session but they can give you some stuff to calm you down. Like a lot of people say it is ‘doable’ - although a few have a really rough time. like the others have said get a good thermomiter and keep an eye on your temp. Hope all goes well.
Hi Lisa and all
I am generaly up beat and have taken this fairly weLl up to now. but have to admit the mastectomy scares the pants off me, and my dark alter ego can be seen on other posting titled I DONT FEEL LUCKY, it is here thatI rave and that can feel could too.
with regards to head wear I bought a coulp of stylish caps that look ok and I continue to wear but found scarfs and bandanas the best, especially as weather getting better.I personly found light shoulder scarfs and those short sarongs nice to wear on the head I would clasp them at the nape on the next with with fancy hair clip and the length gave impression of hair length. Others on postings have spoke about HEAD STRONG which i understand is some organisation wear they sell head scarfs for £1.65 and show you different whys of wearing tying them to make them look fancy, I dont know any more about this organisation but have posted asking others To leyt me no more so i can pass it on. By they way silk is good but go for a cotten mix nothing worse than a sweaty head. get back with more info when i can
Sahron C
Oh dear
had too much wine my spelling was cr-p
not even my name right !!
Hi Sharon
If you would like information on the head strong service just follow the link below:-
I hope you find this helpful.
Kind regards
Sam (BCC Facilitator)
Hi Lisa
there you go just ask and answer arrives as by magic, just click on to the web site posting on above then click onto the pink writting and the infor will come up hopefully
Sharon C
No prob have one for me lol I cant spell either .
Thanks Caroline roll on Friday .
Thats quick ill have what she is drinking !!!
Hi Lisa,
Regarding my kids. They just put up brilliantly. One of my oldest son’s friend’s mum went through this two years ago and has come out other side. Both my boys saw this as we had her two boys around playing a lot so i think it reassured them that cancer is not that big a deal and whilst it is to me, i dont want it to be for them.
My low immune should be next weekend and me being a crazy woman have booked center parks at Suffolk all action weekend. I believe its earlier in week for me. I have my blood tested about five days before chemo and this time was scary as neutrophils were low. They rang me and said they would test before chemo and they had shot right back up.
As i said in earlier email, i am trying to be more health conscious and exercise more. I am not working at moment as i am a primary school teacher and the worry of picking up bugs is too much. I miss it and pop in and do little bits here and there when i know i am ok.
Anyway enough going on. Regards to Mary and all.
Lisa - day 7-14 I just planned to lie low-ish but first time round hubby was ill with toothache and I ended up going to collect prescription for him for painkillers, going to Asda for bits at the same time and kids to McD’s but just tried to rest a bit each day as they were at school. My son had bad cold and cough and then daughter had tonsilitis but I was ok…will have to see this time but so far so good (touch wood)I think you just need to take it one day at a time and see what it brings - whatever tabs they offer you take them - they asked me if I wanted anything for indigestion and I declined as it was never a problem - had the most awful bout of it between about day 6 - 10 and ended up getting some from gp that did the trick - one a day - Omeprazole! So second time I said yes to everything including tabs for constipation and diarrhoea, the joy of it all,oh and eye drops too as my eyes got very runny/sore. mary x
ps what are you having - head likea sieve! I’m having 3 x fec and 3 x tax like Linda I think - hi Linda!
meant to say had a lovely surprise - sons teacher must have been asking how I was and he must have said she won’t be going out much this week - he came home with a magazine and bag of choc eggs tied with a ribbon and a card from her…he likes the scarf better than the wig but I spose its cause the wig is very different from my hair - myhair was short but very fine so I had to go a bit longer to an inverted bob style to get the finer hair as they didn’t have any nice short ones - I’ve since heard that there’s a hairdressers near that will order some in to try so I might go there next week. bohemia fashions.co.uk have some good scarves - I got the padded front ones. Will be thinking of you tomorrow Lisa…mary x
Hi all
Just to let you know Lisa that they have reinstated my surgery so mastectomy monday going in hosptial on Sunday. oooh arrr.
Hope you have got loads of advice and are feeling a bit more confident about tomorrow I wish you the best of British.
not sure I should have told you about my alter ego!
Love Sharon C
I should bluddddy-well think so! Cheeky sods, wonder how they’d feel knowing they had to go through this? Good luck for your op, you’ll feel loads better once you’ve got that over with.
Thanks susane
thank you so much for he support, I need to get focused, what do i need in hospital any suggestions.
thanks all
Sharon C
Comfy but pretty jim-jams (with no itchy bits) plus slippers and dressing-gown. And a good book. And something nice like hand-cream with a nice smell to pamper yourself a bit. And your favourite T-bags.
Also a simple bag made out of an old pillow-case with a long length of tape safety-pinned to it, so it hangs at around the level of your knees - to keep your drip-bag in!
And as soon as you can, get up and start walking around - when you have a visitor, get them to walk you up and down the corridor, and then start to go on your own. And walk upright, breathe well, stride out - don’t shuffle along like some ill person!
Hi lias hope all went well today and thins not to bad for you.
Take it easy
love Sharon C
Hi all
Lisa hope Chemo has not been to bad for you, and you have hadlots of good advice and reassurence.
i am off for my my mastectomy tomorrow, surgery Monday. so will not be able to keep up with news for a while, miss you all, susaneA I have made a bag pins and all, packed everything i could think of. dissapointed today wanted a tit farewell party, but got a KFC instead husband was supposed to take topless photo’s for me memory box but fell asleep on the sofa, so looks like it will be a private farewell between me and my boob.
thanks to all, wont be able to post for a while expsected to be in hospital for a week, so everyone take care, hope to see you on the other side
Sharon C
A tit farewell party - I like that one! You could even have drawn a smiley-face on it with lipstick.
Hi Ladies
First day able to post …
No one said id fell as ruff as a dog that had got run over lol , hope its not this bad for everyone ( prob just me ) soz back to bed speak soon when head will let me .
Good luck shaz with op …
Lisa 4 days after 1st chemo fec i think the red one …