New Pyjamas


Yes, 12th may. having a big celebratory party on 10th may (see my thread ‘driving’ in undergoing treatment surgery) for my daughter who will be 13 - to say hello to her boobs coming and mine going…

And thinking of you too Deb - hope you will be back with us soon!

Td x

Been reading your thread with interest! have had trouble getting pj’s to. didn’t think about Tesco. Will try. Looking for satin, shorts and short sleeve top, with button down the front. Cant find them anywhere. Got last ones in BHS, but none now. As I am tall, I have trouble getting long legged ones that fit me in length. M and S used to do them, but even they have stopped; only option is to tell everyone they are three quarters!!! :slight_smile:
Good luck with the op Deb. Keep us updated.
Debbie x

So many debs!

Debs66 - how are you - when’s the op??
Archie - mines set for just before yours on 12th. Getting scary now!
Debs 2030 - Thinking of you and looking forward to hearing how it all went…
Td x

Hi All been looking throught the post’s and saw Archie’s one about the MRSA pj’s can Archie or anyone else give me any info on them especially where to buy them as i would like to get some befor my opp which is on the 19th of may. this is such a good site, if i hadnt seen it on here i would never have known that you could get MRSA nightwear.

because of size of lump, having chemo first for about 5 months to reduce - hopefully. Then having op and whatever follows that. Start chemo this wednesday. at hospital tomorrow for pre chemo chats. getting scared now!
we were thinking lots of Debs on here to. Must be the name thats bad!!!
Debbie x


It’s not the name that’s bad - it’s just that we’re all of an age!!!

Debbie, tracey, Sharon, Angela — all 60’s names!

As said on your thread, good luck for tomorrow!

Td x

HI All

Back again!!! home from hospital and fighting fit!!!. Just to let you know I had PJ’s from Marks & Spencer they were short sleeves and cropped bottoms they were perfect, on the third night I wore a T shirt as I could move my arm well. Just got to go back on thursday and have the last drain out. Good luck tomorrow Debbie

Debs x

I like to think I have a modern name!!! I was actually christened Debbie and not Deborah, so it actually modernises it by twenty years!!!
tried m and s for pjs but wanted shorts so may look at cropped ones intead. thanks.
debbie x

Welcome back Debs! so nice to hear from you! Which op did you have? Good to hear about the arm movement - in my mind I have it that I shan’t be able to move for the next nine months!! Are you in pain? Is everyone being nice to you? thinking about you! -

As you can see I can’t sleep. Was going fine tonight until little one woke for a wee, now can’t get comfy and breast aching. For no reason - no biopsies for nearly 2 weeks now… maybe it’s just saying goodbye…

What’s not modern about the 60’s debbie!!! My name is Traceydawn, all one word, 10 letters. It was great in the playground when you played that game where you step forward according to the letters called… there were also 10 traceys in my year at school (something to do with the film ‘high society!’) but I was the only traceydawn. i do know another one in Bristol though. It’s a pain now as no-one gets it right. i try to introduce myself as simply Td. My consultant is the worst… but if she does a good job I’ll let her off!

Read about your pre-chemo chat. I’m dreading it too - and i’ve not even got there yet…

Td x


Yeah I am fine, had a full mastectomy on my left side with ax clearance but must say not too uncomfortable at all and last night had the best nights sleep i have had in 6 weeks. I am having my last drain out tomorrow (c**ping myself) and then have to wait a couple of weeks to find out the ‘game plan’ just want to get on with it really. I have full movement in my arm which i know is good, I am being spoilt by my hubby and my two sons that are home, one from uni and the other from Korea I absolutely love having them around. People have been lovely but I have to keep reminding them that I am NOT ILL. they are great tho and I love coming on here and talking to everyone because at times you can feel so lonely. Hope you are doing ok, just keep doing the exercises for your arm you will be ok. By the way I am a Debra 1963, there’s a lot of us about!!!

Lots of love Deb x

hope the drain removal goes ok. sure it will. what uni does your son go to? being nosy, you are debra 1963, so what does the 2030 stand for? i tried to register as debbie66 but couldnt as already one on here. so did debs66!
deb x

Hi Deb

Goint to the hospital in a hour or so to get this out, petrified!!! just being silly tho I think. My son goes to Plymouth Uni but actually finishes next week. the 2030 stands for my sons birthdays.

Back on laters

Debs x

Bet it wasn’t as bad as you were dreading!! I was wondering if you can have gas & air for these things…!! Td x

Hi waitingangel

No it wasn’t!!! its just the anticipation of it really, all the dressing is off now appart from where the drain came out, Ooooh lovely I can have a proper bath!!!. All the heavy breathing I did put me in a trance I think Ha Ha. I feel such a baby at times.

Best Wishes

Deb x

hi debs

you area not the only one. i cried when the needle when in yesterday for chemo. worked myself up and now think that was the easy part!!!
glad all went well.
deb x

glad it was ok deb! the drainthat is… not the chemo deb66! nice to chat live via lauren!!
Td x

hi just come on to say hello as i have spoke to a few of you on chat tonight. dont often come on this site now.
i bought my pajamas in primark £5.00 a pair, nice and silky.
will be thinking of you having ops soon.
i had my mastectomy in 2005 and am well
oh… someone i know had recon using skin and flesh from her bottom.
also suppose you can use your fat rather than implant, i know someone who will be doing that soon.
anyway hi and byeeeee

Hey wonder1!
Nice to chat last night!
I’m going to wait and see how it all sits (scuse pun) before deciding on my next step - maybe lop sided will be fine but i doubt it. Surgeon wants me to consider reduction on other side, but as I’m not that big anyway (34D) I’d like to keep my cleavage if poss! Surgeon doesnt seem to think that my priority (getting rid of the cancer) should be so !!
Busy w/e coming up ladies - BIG party tomorrow to celebrate being a woman and raise breast awareness & money for BCC site! got 150 women coming to my house so the weather better be good!!

Td xx

Hi Ladies,
havn’t logged on for a couple of day. OMG where have all the Debs come from!!
Tina 57, the MRSA pj’s came from a company called Sleepeasy.

I was really suprised as when my friend said she had got me some I half expected a suit of armour but they are really soft and comfy. Just look like normal pj’s. I would suggest ordering a size bigger than you normally have as they are a bit snug!
My op date is looming closer, Thurs 15th. I was alright until the pre-op appt then it all became more of a reality.

It’s just gone 2am and I’m having trouble sleeping cos I keep thinking of the things I need to get done before thursday. I’m having bilateral mast with recon so I’m anticipating I will have limited movement for a while. It’s stupid the things you focus the wee small hours…like will I be able to wipe my own bum!!
Td, i hope you have a great party and the weather stays good.
Debi x

HI Debi

You made me laugh with your last comment!!!. Its all such a worry before the op, I ended up going to the doctors for some sleeping pills which were great to get me off but I did tend to wake up in the night as well. But I was getting some rest. I must admit I was in a bit of a state buts its not as bad as you think. good luck with the recon. Take care and TRY not to worry, easier said than done I know.

Best wishes

Debs x