New Pyjamas

Lesley, this is the thread I was thinking of. I hope this helps

Evening girls!

Just off to pack ready for tomorrow. The army of helpers are being mobilized now - first two on duty tomorrow at 7am (to take wee one to nursery. She ain’t happy and says she won’t show Meg where the nursery is!!) and 5pm to give tea & bath after nursery and with any luck bed before OH gets back from visiting me…

Party was great - raised £750 so far so v.v. happy.So many decorated boobs in my back garden!!

Operation tomorrow, so off radar for a while now… don’t suppose they have wireless connection in hospital…!!

Love Td x

No, but you should have access via the bed tv thing!


Good luck TD and thank you for being so positive and upbeat. Like to read your threads as they cheer me up. Hope your op is OK

Greetings my cyber friends!
I’m back.
Came home 6th post op day yesterday, drains out and trussed up with opsite dressing like a piece of pork from the supermarket. I’ll be gald when the clingfilm comes off!!
Had Mx & recon (LD flap) on Monday. 7 hours in surgery. Lost 4 pints of blood and am now horribly anaemic but now I’m eating well that should improve quickly - OH put 5 portions of veg on my plate last night, and lamb!! Bit sore - keep getting spasms in odd muscles which presumably are taking the strain.
I’m now the proud owner of 11/2 breasts, 1 nipple and 1 phantom nipple!! When asked as I woke up ‘do you have any pain?’ I replied ‘only in the bit that isn’t there’.
Stay in hospital was ok. Couldn’t operate the bedside TV thingy, besides which I was far too busy helping my fellow patients and watching one particular nurse who I think may have been an imposter!!
So now home and lamenting the state of the house! Had a mate come to hoover yesterday and another came to entertain little one so OH could do the kitchen! I must refrain from a)commenting on the mess too much & b) doing it myself!!

What’s happening lisa - I’ll look at your thread for news…

Big, Huge love from me to all of you
Td xx

Welcome back, now sit back and recover like I did… NOT :wink:

seriously those awful exercises. I recommend doing them as often as you can but only doing a little at a time rather than doing a lot in one go. I found not sitting too still for too long really helped me get back to full motion quickly. 12 weeks since my bilateral and I’ve been painting ceilings this week (please no one tell my breast care nurse who told me to take it easy :wink:

I was a little anaemic about 3 weeks after my op and can I suggest this supplement called spa tone (boots does it). It’s actually just water from a spring that’s naturally fortified with iron really helped me get soem strength back and I noticed the nose bleeds and bruises cleared up within 2 days. I think it’s part of boot’s 3 for 2 offer at the moment to so I’d get yourself a 3 months supply.

Oh it’s much better if pour the sachet into fruit juice apparently. My Mum said it upset her stomach on it’s own (it’s *very* rich in iron and the vitc in fruit juice helps your body absorb the iron).

Anyway I’ll get into trouble as I’m not a nutritionalist or anything so as always consult your doctore before taking supplements blah blah blah :wink:

thanks for the spa tone reminder! I always recommend it to my patients (pregnant ones) (i’m a midwife) I’ll send OH out for that!
Td x

Glad everything went well for you Lisa

Hi ladies

You all seem to be doing so well! I’m not having the best day today… it seems to be like that - I’m alright for a day then in complete despair the next! I was diagnosed last Friday (9th May). Went to see a plastic surgeon on Tuesday who says she can do a recon but I will have to god for an MRI first to check that there’es nothing else - dont you juat love how they throw these littele comments in - NOT! Anyway I have my MRI on Wednesday and we will see after that when my surgery is. I can honestly say I’m scared senseless! How do you get through all the Godd awful waiting?
Also my lump is 28mm which seems huge - is it?

Sorry for ranting on…
Ali x

Hi Td
just read your lovely description of your hospital stay! considering what you went through, you seem very chirpy! keep up with the veg and sure the anaemia will soon fade away! whats with the tv in hospital then? surely they are not that complicated!!! lol. :slight_smile:
I am doing better each day, but still having to let OH do the cooking, he loves to fuss over me and needs to feel wanted!!! ha ha. who am I to argue!! keep up the good work and catch you soon
deb x

So glad to hear youre home and well.
Feet up tele control. Perhapds not with daytime tele. Good book and take it easy till the little one gets home. THE DUST WILL WAIT.
Bridie x

Well guess what girls - I’ve got a little band of volunteer helpers to do house work!! Guess having such a big party 2 days before op has its advantages!!

I’ve been reading a lot but have a problem with propping books up in bed - you will of course remember that I was after glam pj’s… well i bought silk and problem with that is that you slide down in bed!! If the book’s too big I can’t manage it on my side (lets face it even Red magazine’s too heavy to hold!!)

A bit of poem I used to give to my mum’s who wouldn’t rest after childbirth:

“Cobwebs lie down & dust go to sleep,
I’m rocking my baby & babies don’t keep”

-sure we can adapt that somehow!!

Big love to all Td xx

i bought cheapo night shirts £4 from peacocks. NOT GLAM AT ALL. got passed fit for surgery lasy night so all systems go for next thursday.
Love and hugs

oh and eyeore slippers for luck. I’m 51 by the way! my daughters waiting for me to grow up.

“Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow For babies grow up, we learn to our sorrow
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I’m rocking my baby - and babies don’t keep!”

My ‘baby’ is 16 but a magazine cut-out of this lovely extract has been on my kitchen pinboard since I was pregnant with my eldest, now 21! Should really find another excuse not to do the dusting…

bmt56 I’m 51 too and still sleep with the teddybear I was given for a hospital stay 45 years ago! Eeyore rocks
All the best
Lyn xxx

Morning all!

Well done Lyn & Bridie - I haven’t managed to keep hold of my teddy - whe’s called Wendy Boston (which is actually the make, but when I was 3 I asked my mum what was embroidered on her leg and assumed it was her name!!) - she’s now in the littlest one’s bed… very sweet to look at and now I actually have an OH that I like (as well as love, adore etc) I can cuddle him. Or I could if I could lay on my left side. Which I cant. And I dont want to change sides of the bed as he’s nearest the door and gets up for tiddly at night!!)

Good news at my first f/u appt yesterday!! The DCIS was huge and high grade as expected. Margins were clear except in a small spot on skin, so rads to ensue for that. The grade 3 IBC tumor was a lot smaller than thought - 11mm not 26mm, Still need chemo for that. And (fanfare) ALL 14 lymph nodes were clear!!! Fantastic news! Tumour is Her2 + so awaiting one more test (a FISH test) and may also need herceptin. Anything to get rid of it!!!

So, feeling very happy!!!

Love to all!!

Td xxx

Hi Td
great news, really pleased for you. Here’s to getting rid of it once and for all. Well on the way now. Hope you are still doing well and catch up on live chat tonight hopefully.
deb x

how did the MRI go? Hope you are feeling a bit happier. My lump is between 30 and 40mm, seems huge, I know! You will find this site a great help. Try and get on live chat tonight, sure it will cheer u up.
deb x

Hi Deb!

MRI was weird! They couldn’t find a vein to get the drip thingie that pumps the dye in so had to use other arm!!! Bit of a mess this morning as I bruise easy and I’m going to a wedding on Saturday and wearing a sleeveless dress!!! Aarrggghh!!! Anyhow found it a bit uncomfortable trying to lie still for 20mins but I guess you just have too! They didn’t tell me anything (not for my lack of asking!) and just said my results would go to my consultant. Waiting on him phoning me to arrange an appointment to discuss. Surgery provisionally booked for next Saturday (31st) - totally brickin it about that! How are you doing? How do you manage to keep up with everyone? I wrote all this and then tried to flick back to see your story and when I got back here it was all gone!

Anyone heard of an organisation called Maggies? is’s a kind of support group. There’s one here in Glasgow that I was thinking about going to this afternoon but I’m not sure!

Anyway hope all of you are good today!
Ali x

Td, glad all went well. I’m back home 6 days post op and found myself getting withdrawal symptoms for this site. Feeling suprisingly well but a bit sore.
Bit like Ive been kicked by a horse! Have a mono boob at the moment that starts under one arm and goes right across to the other. Heres hoping its just swelling!!
Stay in hospital was interesting to say the least but had a wonderful night nurse who gave just the right amount of fussing.
Must go as tapping of keys making me sore (have also answered tons of emails, that probably could have waited!)
Debi x