Newly diagnosed

Hi I was diagnosed around a month ago with grade 2 invasive ductal breast cancer with high grade DCIS with positive sample from lymph nodes. 53mm with both progesterone and oestrogen positive. And positive for Her2.

Had my CT and MRI scan last week and just waiting for a phone call to return to clinic for my results. I know due to being Her2 positive I will be having chemo first.

The last few days I have been really anxious about my scan results. I keep thinking because of the size of the tumour it’s bound to have spread. I have been having upper back pain and so convinced it’s in my spine. I am trying to stay positive as I am usually a positive person but finding it difficult.

Is there anyone with similar diagnosis and large tumour that could put my mind at rest

Thank you :two_hearts:

Hi Jackgard70

I’m sorry you haven’t received a response yet. If you would like to talk things through with someone in the mean time, our friendly nurses are available to lend a listening ear on our confidential Helpline.

You can reach them on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). We’re always here to support you 

Best wishes,
