
I am sure that a lot of you Secondary ladies will have been helped and Supported by Nicky 65 ( sally). She started the Xeloda ‘week off’ thread.

It is with such great sadness that I let you know that she died on Friday at 8.50 pm. She left a loving husband and a ‘just’ 16 year old son.

Anyone that spoke to her( or met her in person as I was priviledged enough to do) will have been taken aback by her zest for life, exuberance, vivacity and intelligence. She was always happy to offer her help, support, humour and advice. She was supremely intelligent and such a beautiful person inside and out.

Those that knew her may wish to join us on Secondary live chat on Tuesday with a candle ( as is our tradition). If you have secondaries and have never been on live chat before, please join us.

Julie x


Thank you for posting. I had a pm from her not that long ago saying she had gone back to work after her brain mets treatment. She was so supportive and her warmth and humour really shone through in her posts.

So very, very sad. Condolences to her husband, son and family.

She did go back to work , very bravely about 4 weeks ago. She experienced a sudden deterioration in the last few weeks. We are not sure that it was realted to the wbrt. It was just so sudden.


Oh my goodness. This is just dreadful news + I cannot believe It :frowning:
like laurie, I thought she was doing well after hearing she had returned to work following the wbr.
I was planning on pm’ing her for some advice regarding my forthcoming treatment- I had noticed she hadn’t been on lately but hoped it was for good reasons.
Thanks for letting us know Julie- a dreadful shock + an even worse, cruel loss. she truly was a Lovely lady who will be sorely missed. Heartfelt condolences to her family + friends, including all her friends on here. RIP Sally,
Love Tina xx

Oh dear, how terribly sad, another lovely lady gone far too soon to bc. I just noticed the other day that she hadn’t been around for a few weeks and hoped that she was OK.

RIP Sally and condolences to everyone who knew and loved her, family and friends both here and elsewhere.

MG xx

Devastating news, truly devastating. RIP sweet Angel, sleep peacefully xxx

How very sad, RIP & love & thoughts to her family & friends.

Really sorry to hear this. RIP Sally and condolences to her family and friends.

Tournesol x

So, so sad and a real shock that this happened so fast. My heartfelt sympathies to her family and friends. RIP Sally xx

OMG I’m so shocked. I too thought she was doing much better.

Very very sad news.

Thinking of all those who knew and loved her.

Lulu x

Oh no not another poor lady I’m so sad we spoke a few times rip my angel xx

I just cannot take this news in…
It’s all been so sudden and so awful for her family and her friends.
Special hugs to all of you who have been close on various threads here, this must be very hard on you.

Such a sad loss. RIP lovely lady.


Sally seemed like a lovely lady. So awful for her husband and son. RIP.

Sarah xx

Hi there,

I had a few encounters with Sally and she was a very wise lady indeed, always willing to help or make a suggestion or just being supportive in so many ways.

My heart goes out to all her family as I know some of what they have beeen feeling as I am at my last chance saloon.

I send luv and hugs to her OH and son at this awful time

Clare xxx

Thanks for letting us know Julie…x
I was thinking of Sally last week, I’d noticed she hadn’t been posting and hoped this did not mean she was too poorly to post. Sally always supported others when she was having tough times herself. I’m really sorry to read this news.
Rest in Peace Sally, sincere condolences to your family and friends.x

Oh what sad news. I think Nicky65 (as I ‘knew’ her) joined this forum about the same time as me, both with mets. I had noticed her absence also but put it down to other commitments like work. I am so sorry to see this news this morning and my heart goes out to Sally’s husband, son, family and friends. Thank you for letting us know Juile, I will light a candle tomorrow.
Nicky x

I am so shocked and sorry to hear this news. I had also noticed Sally hadn’t posted lately - things really must have deteriorated very fast indeed. She was also so helpful and supportive on these forums. Thank you for letting us know Julie. My sincere condolences to her husband, son, family and friends.

Lesley x

Dear Julie

May I pass on sincere condolences to Sally’s family and friends from all of us at BCC, we are very sad to hear this news


Thank you for posting this Julie - I know it will have been difficult for you to do.

I too am privileged to have known and met Sally, the last time being in mid-Jan when I shared a room with her on a little get-together of some mets girls. There was no inkling of the tragic time to come (I’m sure those of us there will remember Sally talking about going back to work which we all thought was amazing) and I wish I could have savoured that time even more than I did. Still, at least we did manage to meet a few times.

With lots of love to a lovely lady who will always have a special place in my heart, Liz xxxxx

So sad to read this. My sincere condolences to Sally’s family.

Yet another one snatched away by this cruel, unpredictable disease.

RIP Sally/Nicky65