
I lit a golden candle. Appropriate I thought x

Yes, I lit a small jewel coloured tea light in a crystal holder. So sparkly and bright.
Nicky x

Such very sad news, Sally has been a tremendous support to many, including myself, on this site even though she was enduring difficult treatments herself. She will be truly missed.

My heart goes out to her husband, son and all her family and friends.

Marina x

Just read the very sad news about Sally. Am very shocked as she was always very upbeat despite what she was going through. R.I.P. Sheila x

Hi to all the lovely ladies on this forum. I am Sally’s Sister-in Law (Mike’s sister) and it is comforting to read your comments. Sally was inspirational to everyone who knew her and I know she gained a lot of support from your comments and, fortunately, meeting some of you. Mike hs set up a facebook page - Celebrating Sally - where you can read comments from her family and friends. THANK YOU to everyone on this forum. You have helped Sally, and her family and friends, more than you will ever know. Best wishes to you all and good luck as you move forward with your treatments. H X

I am so sorry to hear such sad news. Thoughts go to her son, husband and friends.

sorry to hear this sad news,my condolences to her family and friends.missmessyx

Thank you H for taking time out from what must be a very difficult time for you all to post this message. Our thoughts are with you all.
Nicky xx

Thank you for posting H and hope that you and all Sally’s family will be buoyed by her memory in the difficult days to come.

Re: Facebook page. I have searched for it and can’t find it. Is it possible to post a link. Thanks

Laurie x

Thank you for posting H. xxx

I will try to post the link when i can. Unless another one of the Tuesday chat girls helps me out.

I am at work and am being a bit naughty…

Julie x

I’ve no idea how to post the link but <script type=“text/javascript”>eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%63%65%6c%65%62%72%61%74%69%6e%67%73%61%6c%6c%79%40%67%72%6f%75%70%73%2e%66%61%63%65%62%6f%6f%6b%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%63%65%6c%65%62%72%61%74%69%6e%67%73%61%6c%6c%79%40%67%72%6f%75%70%73%2e%66%61%63%65%62%6f%6f%6b%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b’))</script> is the email for the fb group set up in Sally’s memory. Don’t know if this will help anyone find it. xxx

No I can’t find it either the email don’t do much

I know we usually can’t post FB links but posting it quickly maybe if you can join it before it gets zapped into cyberspace.

Oops sorry juliet I only just saw your post onthe group… Sorry hope I never jumped on your toes

Thanks Lulu, Here is is again.

Thanks for posting the link Julie and Lulu. Have just been looking at the Facebook page, what a lovely tribute to Sally, she seemed like a truly lovely person. So sad

Lesley x

Yesterday I had the privilege, along with Helen and Julie, to attend the service of celebration for Sally. I think we felt we were there to pay our own personal tribute but also on behalf of the ladies from this forum who couldn’t make it.

The church was packed with standing room only and that was testament to such a beautiful, bubbly lady taken far, far too soon. How her husband and son managed to speak of their wonderful wife and mother, I just don’t know. Sally would have been so incredibly proud of them both.

Sally will still be with us on Tuesday night chat and always part of our laughter and tears.

Liz xx

Thanks for posting and representing us all Liz.

Sounds like it was just the sort of service Sally would have loved.