Nipple discharge

Hello to everyone

Just a quick note to let you know that I am feeling much calmer now and my sleep is a bit better. All your messages and understanding have helped with this. Only 8 days to appointment now.

Thank you all

Hi catsmother

Good to know you are feeling better. Love the names of your friends chickens - Paxo and KFC - love it.

Take good care of yourself.

Love Anne x x

Hello ladies

Debs, glad to hear you feel calmer now and like you say only a week to go - try and try to forget it for the time being, deal with whatever you have to on that day.

Well, our 3 chickens are called Ginger (because she’s brown) she is one of our original ones so is now 2 years old, then the newer two are called Blanche (because she’s grey … reminded us of Blanche on Corrie) and Dot (because she’s black… reminded us of Dot on Eastenders! We get 3 eggs a day which is far too much for us to eat so the dogs end up getting egg suppers most days. They’re canny characters, although they’re free range, before they were penned into an area they had the run of our field so they used to come and sit on our terrace banging at us through the patio doors! They love to eat anything, believe it or not they are actually meat lovers.

Hope everyone is ok, its still very hot here (did I say I live in South West France, the Dordogne?) so I am having to water all our plants and veg every day. I pray for rain!

Take care and in case I don’t check in before your appt Debs, I wish you lots of good wishes, fingers crossed for you that all will be well

Love P xx

Hi all I haven’t read any further posts as on hol but soooo happy debs is ok xxxx

love to all and for one week only Lynn is…cancer free!!!

hi all

just back from my hols and wondering how Debs got on with her appt?

Hope everyone ok?

P xx

Just bumped debs post. Dx

Hi all

Debs started another thread and good news she has the all clear. The details are on another threat I’ll post the link when I find it but she if fine and full of thanks to the forum and all the support.

Goodness there are so many posts on this forum isn’t it wonderful how we support each other so much .

Anyway she got a diagnosis and it is not cancer. Woo Woo great news.

Anne x x