Northern Ireland Meet-ups

Hi all

I think we need to get a date organised soon before the Easter holidays. I’m up for anything, anytime, anywhere? So if we can decide on a mutual place and date that would be great.


Mrsmc - hope you are feeling much better and will be able to make the meet-up, we’d all love to meet you. Taking one day at a time is most definitely the best approach.

Unfortunatly girls the rest of my scans etc didn’t come back clear and it looks like I’ll be making myself known on the secondaries threads. But as I said to Mrsmc I’m trying to take one day at a time too.

Hopefully hear from you all soon.

Carolyn xx

Hi Carolyn

So sorry to hear about your scan results. Do you feel up to chatting about it? Thank you for the invitation. I go for my third FEC on 23rd March so that is proably me lying for a few days after that. But I could make a date either before that or the week after my treatment.

Please try to stay positive and as you say one step at a time

god bless x

Hi Girls,

Wecome Mrs MC, hope to meet you soon, and you chemo is going as well as can be expected.

Carolyn, im so sorry to hear re your scan, thought all was ok as mammo ok, its a real bugger, you look great, so hopefully new treatment will killer the nasty cells.
Hi to julie and Carole, hope you are ok,

It would be nice to meet up before Easter, im easy, anyplace, can travel,
jill xx

HI Girls,

Hi Carolyn as I said in my text if you need too chat please ring me but I understand you need time too digest the results of your scan but I’m here if you need to talk.

On thursday 18th its my first anniversary from when i was dx , quite ironic that my best friend has found a lump in her breast she was with me last year at the hospital when I was dx , she has been given an appointment for thursday 18th with the same surgeon ,we both can’t believe it, but my fingers are crossed for her, Ive offered to go with her but I’m not sure how I’d feel , a bit of dejavau.

Gill and Carol not sure if you saw my post on the old thread but my first mammo after the year was clear or satisfactory as the letter said , thank goodness .

Mrs Mc,I hope everything is going ok for you at the moment .

I hope we can meet-up soon.

Julie x

Hi All

Right it’s about time we get the ball rolling regarding meeting up. I’m available as I’ve said before weekends, evenings and if necessary and I fancy a half day from work, afternoons.

As Mrs mc will be having her next chemo on 23 March it might be nice, if she wishes to meet with us, to arrange a date when she’s feeling more herself. If it’s not too short notice there is always next week.

Julie, I haven’t been able to ring you this week due to waiting for architects to arrive, trying to book a holiday and basically being totally shattered all the time. This putting on a brave face all the time is absolutely knackering. So the sooner we all have a meet-up the better so I can have a good old natter with you all. Was thinking of you yesterday and I must admit my first anniversary after dx certainly brought everything back; I was quite surprised how emotional I found it. I do hope your friend had good news – please do let us know.

Hopefully hear from you all soon.

Carolyn x

Hi everyone

Oh Carolyn, I have just caught up with this new thread today and am totally gutted for you. we really must meet up soon for a chat.It mustbe so hard to take all this in.
The only Saturday I’m not free is 10th April so i will certainly fit in with the rest.
Any suggestions anyone? Lets plan something for the coming weeks.

Julie, so glad your result were clear. It must be a huge relief. i know I am dreading my 1st anniversary but we all must stay positive, if possible.

Hi to Gill and hope all is going well with you.
Mrs Mc … hope your treatment is going as well as possible.
Hope to hear from you all soon and look forward to meeting up

Carol x

Hi Everyone

Had my 3rd FEC yesterday and am heading to my GPs later to get the cell booster injection as my bloods were a bit on the low side yesterday. But thank god they went ahead with the treatment.

Don’t feel too bad today but that was the case last time and the SEs started to kick in day 3-5 but fingers crossed.

Please go ahead and organise something as if I’m feeling ok there will be no stoping me. Im looking forward to a good natter!

Hi girls,

Hi Mrs Mc I hope you have picked up a bit after your 3rd FEC and are feeling a wee bit better, on wed nite the 31st March , myself,Carol and Carloyn are meeting at the Pheasant Restaurant Annahilt ,Hillsbrough at 7pm , we are having a meal and a good old natter if you would like to join us , and anyone else,you are more than welcome too come.

Jill, I’m sorry you can’t make it , hopefully you can next time.

Carolyn and Carol see you on wed nite.

Julie x


Julie I’m so glad you put your message on re Wednesday night for Mrs mc - I haven’t had a chance this weekend and saw your message today at work. Will ring you tomorrow some time re picking you up Wednesday.

Mrs mc - it would be great if you could meet up with us although I
know you’re probably going through your rough week. Hope your feeling ok and battling through those SEs.

Jill good luck with the new job - we’ll miss you at our little meet-up.

Carol - see you at 7 Wednesday.


HI Girls,
i may be able to make it to the Pheasant,as my hours are changing daily! now working wed pm only, so if it is ok if im feeling ok, i will meet up for a while, and meet Mrs Mc…blame the Belfast Trust…dont know what the left from right is doing…but we as patients know that!New job still Thurs…but would love to see you all, and its very local to me!

Hope to see you, if i dont make it have a lovely time,


Hi Jill

That would be great - even if you can only pop in for a quick hello.

Hopefully see you tomorrow night.


Hi everyone

Glad to hear you’re all well and looking forward to our meet up on Wed at the Pheasant
Mrc mc and Jill - hope you can make it,

see you then Carol x

Hello ladies

Hope you all had a lovely evening. Sorry I hadnt post earlier. Meant to post on Tuesday but it went out of my mind. I googled the location and it was an hours drive away so it was a little too far for me as I still wasnt back to myself. But I have been much better in the last few days.

Will post soon

Hi girls ,

Our wee thread been a wee bit quite for a while , Mrs Mc I hope all going well with your treatments at the moment .

Jill hows the new job going ?.

Carol and Carolyn i really enjoyed our nite at the pheasant, Carolyn I hope you recieved my wee text , just too see how things are going at the moment, with your tests and things.

Julie xx

Hi All

Hope everyone is keeping well and enjoying this sunny dry weather we’ve had for a wee while.

This is just a quick update on what’s happening with me now!! I type better and faster than I text.

Went off to Scotland and had a lovely time catching up with friends and even the weather was good. Came back expecting to hear from hospital to go in for op on 12 April. Call never came so rang them to discover I was down for 24 April - not exactly the two weeks the surgeon had mentioned and on a Saturday when he said he works Mondays and Tuesdays!!! Anyway had appointment with Onc who wasn’t impressed with the long wait and tried to get it brought forward. She checked me over while I was there and found an enlarged lymph node just above my collarbone - and stated that if they could get a sample from that and it showed up cancerous it would mean I wouldn’t need the lung op. So had the fna last Monday, rung the City today and op in Royal will go ahead - so I assume the needle aspiration was normal.

So I am going off to the RVH tomorrow for a wee holiday of about 5 days - op Saturday. I also got a letter re chemo for 4 May 2010 it mentioned Docetaxol (Taxotere) which I was on before so it looks like its bye bye hair, again :frowning:

As I said before I hope you are all keeping well and look forward to our next meet-up - I enjoyed the last one and maybe next time we’ll manage to get all five of us together.

Carolyn xx

Hi Carolyn,

Im glad I text you earlier as you were in my thoughts all day ,what can I say just remain as positive as you are ,If you need anything you only have to ask ,If your feeling up to it give us a wee text after your op,I hope everything goes ok at the hospital.

I’ll be thinking of you ,Brian and the girls over the next couple of days, keep strong and positive. Talk soon.

Julie xx

Hi Ladies

Carolyn all the very best wishes for your op and further treatment. Keep positive and we are all thinking of you.

I have had my first tax last tuesday. had aches and pains, awful mouth, no taste and its only starting to come back around slightly. I just wish I could get the next 2 over as quickly as possible but will just have to persevere!

Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the dry weather.

Hi Girls,
Carolyn, ive been thinking about you today, i hope the surgery went well. Its such a shocker you had to have it and restart chemo. I know its a bummer, especially with your hair looking so good. You are in the best hands, and i know you will get through this blip.

my new job is going well, im still in old job half the week, so busy getting used to new routine.

Im so sorry i missed “The Pheasant”, but im really looking forward to the next meeting, when Carolyn is up for it,

thinking of you all,

Hi girls

Carolyn just got your text and am feeling so shocked. I was really staying so positive that the 20% would be in your favour. The chemo has worked for you before so it’s now a matter of throwing everything at it staying positive ( I know that might be easier said than done)
Hope everyone else is keeping well and that it will be possible to catch up before 18th May. Unfortunately I am away this weekend and out on Sat 15th Evening but all next week im free. I will certainly fit in the best I can so organize things on the forum and I’ll keep an eye on it.
Carolyn, sending all my best wishes to you and family and look forward to seeing everyone soon
Hopefully Mrs Mac can meet up this time too
Carol x

Hi everyone,

Carolyn I’m the same as Carol still in shock after your text this morning , but as Carol said treatment worked the last time ,so this time it will again, sending hugs too you ((( ))).

Regarding our next meet-up before the 18th, I can meet any night apart from monday night the 10th and fri the 14th, Hopefully we can
arrange a date that suits us all.

Mrs Mac hows treatment going , how many more tax have you too go, I hope the side-effects have settled down for you ,they sound awful :frowning:

Jill I hope you can make it too.

Julie xx