Northern Ireland Meet-ups

Hi Girls,

As the others have said i too am so upset at Carolyn’s latest news, but as i txt her, she is strong, and hopefully caught it early, but what a bugger to restart chemo…
I too am away this weekend, and next, but anything Sun to Thurs is good ( thats evenings), could also do lunch Tues or Wed??

Hopefully we can work it out,

Looking Forward to seeing you all,


Hi Everyone

Carolyn your are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep strong and you know we are all thinking of you.

I had my 2nd tax on tuesday so se’s are beginning to kick in but i would love to meet you all and will try my very best for any date you come up with


Hi Girls

How would everyone be fixed for Thursday evening 13th May?
I know Mrs Mc would have a bit to travel so I would be prepared to drive if needed.
Julie and Carolyn, I can now drive the ‘Big’ Car, so I could be chauffeur.

Let me know what you think

Carol x

Hi everyone,

Thursday the 13th suits me ,Carol congrats on driving the big car lol, although I do love your wee sports one, I’m sure once we sort out a venue and if its closer to Mrs Mc ,we can organise the car situation ,thanks for the offer Carol.

looking forward too catching up with you all.

Julie x

Hi girls

I should be weel on the turn around by then and would love to met you all. i’ll keep checking the posts

Mrs Mc
Just wondering what part of Co Tyrone you’re from so as we can organise a meet up suitable for everyone

Carol x

Hi carol

Please dont put yourselves out. Im about 15 miles outside cookstown but anywhere in mid ulster area or up towards craigavon etc is fine. You all decide on a nice place and i will do my best to make it


Hi All

Thursday 13th (hope that’s not an omen)suits me fine too.

I can’t think of a suitable venue at the moment but if I do I’ll let you know.

Mrs mc hope you can make it this time and we can compare notes on what a lovely chemo taxotere isn’t.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Carolyn x

Hi All

I’m going to pencil in Thursday 13th May in my planner for our next meet up.
Really looking forward to seeing everyone then if that date still suits.

Venue to be decided- i will keep an eye on the site and hopefully someone will come up with a good suggestion

carol x

Hi girls,

The 13th still suits me , maybe Mrs Mc has a few ideas were we could meet if we are heading up that direction , only other thing we can do is google it and see what comes up, I too will keep an eye on the thread looking forward too seeing you all and catching up.

Julie x

Hi Girls,

Thursday suits me too. I will keep checking on site for venue.

See you soon,


Hi everyone

just wanted to let you know i have a dodgy tummy at the minute. it can come and go at no warning as it did after my last treatment so i would much rather you all met somewhere more convenient for yourselves and i would come along if i feel up to it. that way it will work out ok for everyone and wont be a wasted journey. hope everyone is feeling good

Hi Everyone

Mrs Mc sorry to hear things are not just so good for you at the moment… I hope things improve quickly for you.

If I could make a few suggestions of venues based on Mrs Mc being unsure of being able to come, then I can avail of 50% off food in our Bars… The Crescent Town House in Belfast, Chelsea Wine Bar on the Lisburn Road,Robinson,s Gt Victoria Street, Four Winds or Cutters Wharf off Stranmillis.

If any of these sounds appealing let me know.
The Chelsea does good food and would be about 1/2 way.

Carol x

Hi Carol

Good suggestions. I quite fancy The Chelsea, never been but anywhere suits to be quite honest, I’ll go with the flow.

Mcs mc - hope you recover quickly, thinking about you.

Carolyn x

Hi girls,

The Chelsea sounds good to me too , if that’s a agreeable with everyone else, looking forward too nice food and a good catch up, oh and I forget to mention the wine lol.

Mrs Mc , maybe next time you’ll be feeling more up to it , hope your feeling better soon.

Julie x

Hi Girls,
Sorry you arnt feeling too good Mrs Mc,

The Chelsea sounds great to me too, an old haunt of mine!

Looking forward to catching up with you all,


Hi girls

OK…Chelsea is booked for 7 pm tomorrow night - unsure yet if our table is upstairs or down so shall we meet up in the bar downstairs?

The menu looks delicious - go to if you fancy a preview.

This invitation is open to anyone else who would like to come along…i would need numbers by tomorrow afternoon so I will keep check on the site.
Mrs mc hope your feeling better - if you feel like joining us just say- we can add another one on no problem at all.
looking forward to catching up with you all


Great Carol

See you there :slight_smile:

Carolyn x

Hey girls where are you all???

Seems like we have all gone into hibernation!

Wee update on my situ - had first Taxotere on 18th May as you know and to be quite honest its not been too bad, I was expecting worse. Although worse may be down the line as I get each cycle but anyway at the moment I’m ok. I’m more tired than usual (takes ages to get up and about and then mid afternoon I get really tired) and my head feels woolly, some foods taste slightly different (not as strong) but not like I remember from before. My hair is still hanging in there although that’s early days too - Wendy Mk 2 is ready and waiting :-). I was still having problems with one of my wounds and was put on anti-biotics and fingers crossed that seems to have helped and the wound is now healing - it was weaping constantly (I felt like a tree with sap running out of it). That’s about it.

Hope you are all keeping well. We will have to put our thinking caps on re the next meet-up.

Thanks for your texts and I do apologise if I haven’t replied.

Carolyn x

Hi Carolyn,

Glad to here your not feeling too bad at the moment ,hope it stays that way , I was having probs logging in, don’t no why. I was just getting my clothes ready for tommorows RACE FOR LIFE , I hope it doesn’t rain :frowning: and that my wee legs survive heart attack hill up at stormont estate lol,So I thought I’d try and log on ,I’m glad I did, I got my first appointment with the phyiso on the 7th of June for my bad arm , not really lookin forward too it as its so painful at the moment but I hope it helps me long term. glad too here from you ,
I hope everyone else is well and looking forward too the next meet-up.

Julie xx