Northern Ireland Meet-ups

Hi Everyone

Carolyn, so glad to hear that things are not just as bad as first expected…hope it stays that way for you.

I’m not on the site so much now as am trying to build up some more hours at work to try and establish some normality.I’m finding things are going well so am pleased about that.
Julie, I was thinking about you yesterday, the weather kept up anyway for your race…how’s the legs today? Feeling a bit stiff i’m sure. Well good on you for making the effort.
Hi Gill …hope your also keeping well, working away as usual.

Mrs Mc you must be near the end of your treatment soon and hope you’re also keeping as well as expected.

As soon as Carolyn and Mrs Mc are up to it we will have to organise another night/afternoon…I really enjoyed the Chelsea.
Meantime take care everone and will keep in touch
carol x

Hi girls,
time does fly! Carolyn im glad the chemo isnt too hard, but you are right early days, stay with it, rest as much as you can.
I really enjoyed the Chelsea too, i can still taste the crayfish!
Hope you are all well, and look forward to the next meet,
Love ,

Hi Girls ,

I hope everyone is feeling ok , Carolyn I no you’ve just finished no 3, I hope things have settled down a wee bit for you I no its tough but you half way there,keep the chin up.

I got the results of my two scans, mri scan of my back showed up wear and tear of discs in my lower back and neck ,my bone scan showed up arthritis in my ankles ,knees ,lower back,wrists and neck,I’m an old croc lol,refering me to a specialist re:arthritis (excuse the spelling ),but thank goodness no signs of anything sinister, you all no what I mean, more physio ouchhhhhhhh.

We’ll have to set a date soon for our next catch-up soon. looking forward too it
Julie xx

Hi Girls

Just wanted to touch base with everyone to say ‘hello’ and hope you’re all doing ok.
Our thread has been quiet lately.
Carolyn and Mrs Mac - hope the treatment is going to plan and that it hasn’t been too harsh for you. I know you go for number 4 next week Carolyn - over half way :slight_smile:
Mrs Mac - you probably have finished your cemo?

Hopefully looking forward to catching up as soon as everyone feels up to it.

Gill and Julie - hope you’re both well.

Keep in touch
Carol x

Hi Girls, long time no see - we have been very quiet haven’t we!

That’s no 4 ticked off the list although whether I’m half way through or not is debatable as my onc mentioned another couple of small doses at the end. The last one knocked me for six so this time they dropped my dose a little, so far it seems to be better and I will hopefully get a decent break from the side effects before the next one on 10 August. I also have a CT scan on the 3rd so I should know on the 10th if the chemo is working.

As you can tell from the above I should be feeling like my old self the first week of August so if your available a meet-up around then would be great.

Hope you are all keeping well and will see you all soon.

Carolyn xx

Hi everyone

Hope you are all well. Just checking in to say ‘hi’ and as carolyn mentioned about meeting up i thought we might try to do that. Miss all your craic and would love to organise something if it would suit all maybe next week as carolyn as suggested or whenever!

let me know what you think

Love Carol x

Hi everyone. I was in dublin for weekend so saw this post just now. Im in my second week of radiotherapy and am at the city hospital every morning so i would be about any lunch time or could ‘shop’ about to evening no bother!!

Just let me know and ill see what i can do

soglad your getting through chemo carolyn. just keep the old chin up and think of that lovely holiday you’ll deserve after this

Hi everybody

So glad to have spotted a Norn Iron thread-feeling isolated and low right now. Could do with some company-from your photos and posts you’re a bunch of lovely ladies! Would you mind if i joined your next meet-up?

Hi again

Lilac, you are very welcome to join our group - at the same time so sorry that you have had to. Of course you can come along to the next meet up, just keep watching the thread for updates.
Have you been diagnosed recently? What hospital are you attending? Let us know your story.
Mrs Mc, hope you’re getting through your rads with not too much bother.I myself have an appointment this week with my consultant to check out my surgery and also for him to give me the results of my 1st year mammogram - I was at BCH last Monday, so very anxious time for me this week, but fingers crossed it will be good news.

Carolyn, how are you getting on with your chemo? Hopefully all is going to plan for you and the sickness keeps at bay.
Jill and Julie how are you both? Working away and keeping well I hope.
I know it’s pushing it a bit, but I’m still on for this week if it would suit everyone? Perhaps some evening? What do you think?
Carol x

Hi All


How is everyone fixed for a meet-up on Thursday evening (5th Aug) – City Centre, possibly Robinsons (handy for the bus or train) or any other suggestions welcome.

Seems like we’re keeping BCH busy this week:

Mrs mc with her radiotherapy – hope it’s all going well and you’re not suffering too much with tiredness or skin problems. Would be great to eventually meet you if you’re available Thursday.

Carol and her appointment with her consultant – hope all goes well and the mammo results are clear.

Me with my CT scan tomorrow and ‘Look Good, Feel Better’ at Macmillan afterwards.

Julie and Jill – hoping to hear from you both soon and hope all is well.

A big welcome to Lilac – as Carol says you are very welcome to come along to our meet-ups and it would be great if you could make it on Thursday.

Hopefully hear from you all soon.

Carolyn xxx

Hi All
Just to reconfirm that I am free and keen for a meet up on Thursday evening 5th Aug.
Will keep a check on the site to see if it suits everyone else.

Everyone welcome to come!

Carol x

Hi girls,

Sorry I haven’t been on lately I was away for 2 weeks on holiday and then back too work , time really does fly , Lilac welcome too our wee group but as Carol says sorry you had to.

I could make fri nite this week, if it suits everyone as I’m busy on wed, thur, and sat night, but if not go ahead and I’ll catch-up on the thread ,

Carol fingers and legs are both crossed for you ,for your results this week x

Hi to everyone else and I Hope we can all get updated when we all meetup next.

Jules x


welcome LILAC, as the others have said sorry to meet under these circunstances, but we have great craic when we meet up.

Carol, best of luck with first mammo results.

Carolyn, you sound to be bearing up well, enjoy the “look good feel better” day, i had a lovely couple of hours there and the make up is worth a couple of hundred!

Mrs Mac, looking forward to meeting you at some stage.

Julie hope you had a great holiday,

Im sorry girls but unfortunately i cant make it this week, have to pick mum and son up at airport on thurs night and going to caravan for weekend.

Have a great night and i will catch up the next time.

Love Jill

Hello again
Thank you all for your warm welcome!
A bit about me - diagnosed May, had WLE and further surgery to improve margins, saw onc for 1st time yesterday and chemo to start 25 Aug. To think that a couple of months ago I’d never heard of all these terms!
I’m not in the Belfast area, but will do my best to make it if you organise something. Otherwise maybe coffee with anybody free during the day?
If I don’t manage to meet with you before I start chemo, can you give me some advice about how to prepare? Thinking of getting hair cut short before it starts. What are your thoughts?


Jill, I’m sorry you won’t be able to make the meet-up, we’re going to miss your company but have a good weekend at the caravan and I’ll keep my fingers crossed for good weather.

Mrs mc and Lilac - the day of the meet-up has been changed to Friday and will be in Robinsons Belfast, usually we meet around 7pm but time still to be confirmed. If you are going to be able to make it please let us know so we can book a table - we’d love to meet you both.

Lilac - it’s like learning a whole new language isn’t it? When I went through all this c**p the first time I had long hair and just before my first chemo I cut it to just above shoulder length and once I got fed up with my hair falling out and the slight soreness that can accompany it I took my husband’s shaver to it and gave myself a no 1. I was really dreading losing my hair but when it came to the bit it didn’t bother me as much as I expected. Actually it bothered me more this time because it seemed to have taken ages to grow back and then it all fell out again. Do you know what chemo regime you are having? eg 3 x FEC 3 x Taxotere(Docetaxol). Hopefully we’ll see you Friday and we can pass on tips for chemo.

Carolyn xxx

Hi all,

Friday night at Robinsons sounds great ,lovely food and great craic, Lilac and Mrs Mac I hope you can make it.

Lilac when I started my chemo I had shoulder length blond hair , it started too fall out around day 14 after the 1st one( May 09), I didn’t cut my hair at all as I had and thank goodness still have very thick hair in fact when its first washed and dries my family have nick named me subo ( susan boyle) lol, needleless to say I straightnen it. It was around treatment 4 when I got my niece to shave the rest off, I then wore my wig when ever I went out any where, after my last chemo had finished (sept 09) it started too grow very quickly and when I returned too work (Jan 10) I didn’t wear my wig I just wet gelled it or used wax, I hope this is helpful,

Jill sorry you can’t make it , but I hope to see you all on friday night.

Julie xx

HI Girls,

Have a great night, im really sorry to miss you all.

Lilac, i had FEC chemo and was warned hair would fall out around day 13, which unluckily it did!I drove down to my wig fitting with window open, pulling handfulls out the window! This was end of November, but the lovely lady at Tresses put a towel over the mirror and shaved my head and i wore my wig home. I too had a blond bob, funny thing was it was my work christmas dinner a couple of days later my first outing!! My ex hubby actually admired my hair style when he picked kids up (he didnt have arealise it was a wig!)My colleagues were very good to me as i was very nervous about the wig moving.
But that night gave me confidence and i never left the house without the wig, in the house i wore bandanas and hats but my kid were 11,8, 6 and didnt like my bald head.
Everyones experiences are different. I think, if i had to go through it again i wouldnt be so shy and wear bandanas out!

Lilac i work very near the City and could possibly meet up for coffee at lunchtime some day.

Enjoy your night out,

Cheers Jill

Ps see you all next time

Hi Missy
Thanks for the invite-have got babysitter and will be there. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Jill-thanks-will get in touch about meeting for coffee, probably once my daughter goes back to school.
C U all soon

Hi Lilac

That’s great, looking forward to meeting you. Time to be confirmed shortly.


Hi Everyone

I have booked Robinsons for 7pm for 4 of us for Fri evening 6th Aug and am really looking forward to it.
The restaurant is one the first floor and its booked under my name so if you get there first, go ahead on up.
Lilac - so glad you are able to come along - see you there.
Jill sorry you cant’ come but maybe next time? Meantime take care.
Mrs Mac should you be able to come along just let me know and I can book another place.

See you tomorrow night

Carol x