Northern Ireland Meet-ups

Hi All

Weebuns, I see you’re rather busy on Wednesday does that include the evening too, as it looks like the evening is preferable to everyone and it would be a shame not to meet you until the next time.

Julie, Carol and Isy - looks like we are on for Wednesday night, just waiting for Jill to get back and confirm. As soon as I know I will book us a table.

Carolyn xxx

Hi Carolyn, yes includes evening, don’t worry i will find you next time. Thanks again. C.

Hi Girls,

Great night last night, food and a wee glass of vino and the craic was great. Looking forward to the next one ,

Julie xx

Hi Girls,
I agrees with Julie, what a lovely relaxing catch up it was, i even learnt a lot re trees!
We must do it again soon, and hopefully Issy and Weebuns and any other shy girls from Northern Ireland will join us,

Jill x

Hi everybody

Glad you all had a good night. I was so disappointed to not be able to make it - was hoping up to the day itself that I would be alright to come, but just so tired this cycle I didn’t trust myself to be able to do that drive.

Maybe a day out at the North Coast some time for anybody feeling up to it? Lots of nice places to eat up here.

Isy x

Hi All

Just checking in after our little meet-up. As usual I had a great time with a great bunch of ladies and now thinking about the next one. Isy, Weebuns and MrsMac hopefully you can all make it, wherever it may be. Isy your suggestion of a day on the North Coast sounds a great idea. Do you have anywhere in particular in mind?

Well that’s my last chemo over, thank goodness. I’m looking forward to feeling a bit like my old self (whatever that was) again. Isy hope your last chemo isn’t causing you too many problems and Weebuns same regarding your radiotherapy. MrsMac, haven’t heard from you for a while, hope you are also keeping well.


Carolyn xxx

Hi All

A few suggestions for places to eat up this way: Gillies at Galgorm Manor, Ballymena, is great, as is Yoko (noodle bar/asian) in Coleraine and the Ramore Wine Bar in Portrush is fab.

Hope everyone is keeping as well as possible - look forward to seeing you all next time we get together.

Isy x

Hi Isy

There is absolutely no competition with where we should go out of your suggestions. It has to be Galgorm Manor.

Carolyn x

Hi Girls

Just logging on quickly while on lunch break.

Anywhere suits me, will keep an eye on the site, the Galgorm would be lovely.

Hope everyone is well and keen to meet up soon for another little chat and good food and vino

Carol x

Hi Girls,

The Galgorm sounds great , all we need to do is set a date and time for the next meet-up, Maybe daytime if it suits everyone or an evening I don’t mind.

Carolyn I’m glad you’ve finished chemo, and I hope everyone else is well too.

Has anyone thought of any suggestions yet on what we are gonna call our wee group?

I too will keep an eye on the thread for any up-dates.

Julie xx

Hope the effects of chemo are leaving you, carolyn. Galgorm sounds great,maybe a sat or sun?
Hope you are all well and looking forward to our next meet

Jill xxxxxxxxxx

Hi everybody

Hubby has arranged a night out for me on Tuesday 23rd November (just before my chemo day). Personal shopping in LK Bennett at 7.00 pm.

All of you are welcome to come along - let me know if you would like to come as hubby has to tell them how many people are coming.

Isy X

Forgot to say - LK Bennett supplying drinks and nibbles and there is no obligation to buy anything

Hi Lilac,
Is that in Victoria square?

Count me in!!
You have a fab husband!

Jill x

Yes, Victoria Square, Belfast

Hey girls am just back from a lovely week in Scotland with my mum and catching up with u all on the thread. Would love to meet up at lk Bennett . Meantime also available between now and then if anyone wants to meet up . Hope everyone is keeping well . Carol x

Hi folks, yay, I finished 6 wks of radiotherapy last Friday. No problems really, in fact I was was great until the 5th week when felt I had run into a wall, and have been pretty lethargic since. But only to be expected. Hair is on the march (last chemo was Aug 23) and eyebrows are completely normal now, eyelashes halfway there, so am very happy really. I recognize myself in a mirror again.

Nov 23 in LK Bennett would be great, thanks a million Isy’s hubby. If I am feeling brave I will dispense with the wig so will be instantly recognizable to you all!


Great news, Wee Buns, that the rads are finished and your hair is growing back. I don’t know how bald men cope with the cold - I’ve been wearing a fleece hat inside. Sod’s law the one time I didn’t, trick or treaters came to the door. Dunno who scared who the most!!

Looking forward to seeing you, Jill and Carol at LK Bennett. Anybody else want to come, let me know.

Isy x

Oh, forgot to say (scary how much I’m forgetting things at the mo) that I’ve just posted a new thread on the rads section - any advice about rads welcome - thanks.

Hi girls,

I hope everyone is well, Isy count me in to I’d love to come to lk Bennett looking forward to meeting up .

Julie xx