Northern Ireland Meet-ups

Hi Everyone

Isy, is it too late to add another one for LK Bennett? What a great husband you have, mine would never think of doing anything like that in a million years!

Like Carol I’m also available in the meantime. It’s great not to have to arrange everything around my good week after chemo.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Carolyn x

Carolyn - no prob, would love to see you there.

Hello girls, hope you don’t mind me dropping in to say hello. Its great to finally find a local group.
Im Sally, 39, from Belfast. Mum of 3 boys. Diagnosed with triple neg b.c. sept. Had a quadrantectomy, and started fec last Tues. Attending the Ulster hospital but will be at the city for rads next year. Oh the joys.
Hope you are all doing well. :o)

Hello Sally

So glad you found our little group. As I’m sure you have noticed if you read through previous posts, we are all at various stages of our cancer journeys and are great support to each other. We try to meet up as often as we can usually for a meal and a few drinks and you would be very welcome to join us. I hope you are finding the FEC side effects not too bad and when you’re feeling better between cycles you will be able to join us on one of our meet-ups. Just keep an eye on the forum for info on any arrangements. The forum can go a bit quiet sometimes but don’t worry we all tend to check in on a regular basis even if we don’t post.

Carolyn xx

Hi Everyone

Anyone up for a lunch time get together over the next week or two? I’m getting rather bored at home.

Also, any thoughts on a name for our little group? All suggestions welcome.

Bosom Buddies
Northern Ireland Breast Cancer Ladies NIBCL
NI BCC Support Group

I’m sure somebody can come up with much better ideas.

Carolyn x

Hi Sally - Not the best of clubs to be joining, but you are very welcome!!

As you’ll see from my previous posts, some of us are meeting up on Tuesday 23 November at 7.00 at LK Bennett in Victoria Square. You are very welcome to come along and feel free to bring a friend. Just let me know how many are coming as LK Bennett need to know.

Carolyn - Love the name Bosom Buddies! Sounds more us than anything more formal.

Isy x

Thanks everyone.
Lilac, my next chemo is the 23rd but Im a social animal so I hope to meet you all at some stage.
Hi Missy, thanks. The forum kept me quite entertained last nite. Good craic.
CT scan today just waiting for results now. Any idea how long this usually takes? Its great to be able to share the journey. Double the joys and half the problems :o)

Hi Girls
Just popped in to see what activity there was on our thread. Sally…welcome to our little group and hopefully we can all get together soon…it would be great to meet up with you and Weebuns… not a great way to join a club but we really do keep each other sane i think and the more the merrier, if you know what I mean.

Just to let you all know that the Four Winds are doing a Molton Brown evening on Wed 24th Nov, a 2 course meal and goodie bag with the option to buy Molton Brown products and all for £20.00
Unfortunately it’s the night after Isy’s LK Bennett evening so it may be bad timing, 2 nights in a row, but just wanted to let you all know anyway.
Carolyn, if you’re climbing the walls, i might be free next friday lunchtime, will let you know next week if you fancy a bite of lunch and of course if anyone else is free, that would be great.
Hope everyone is doing well and hopefully will see you all on 23rd if not before

carol x

Oh by the way, I like the name Bosom Buddies, the others are a little formal for us, I agree with Isy on that one.
Carol x

Will think about it more over the weekend x

Hi girls,

A warm welcome to Sally, I hope everyone is doing ok, Sally I also had tnbc , I had a partial mastectomy Stage 3,Grade 3 ,32 lymph nodes removed , none effected thank goodness, Are you on a trial ? I’m on the Beatrice Trial, although I didn’t get the drug , but I have had all the other benefits of the trial ,heart scans, 2 mri’s & a bone scan, 6 weekly checkups although now that I’m passed the year I get seen every 3 months.I was treated at the City hospital.

I’m looking forward to lk Bennetts and catching up with you all.

Julie xx

Back again. Thanks agan everyone. Had a dramatic time just after that post. Thurs nite taken into hospital with neutropenic sepsis. That wasnt fun. Just out today. Went in with hair and now Im totally bald. It’s been mad!!
Hi Jules, Im being treated at the Ulster so no trials. Would have been good though. Going to see Harry Potter this Fri at the Odyssey with ‘Action Cancer’ if yis are about. :o)

Sally, that sounds horrible and frightening. Hope you’re being well looked after at home. A shock too to lose your hair so suddenly - you haven’t had time to adjust to that.
Let off steam when you need to on the forum - I’ve found so much support and understanding here and there’s always someone who can identify with what you’re going through - hang in there.
Isy x

Just a wee reminder for everyone planning to come to LK Bennett tomorrow night. We’re meeting up at 7pm there - look forward to seeing everybody.
Isy x

Hi Girls

Hope everyone is well. Am just logging on to say I might not be able to come to LK Bennetts tonight.
Lately I have been feeling absolutey exhausted with minimum energy levels…maybe to do with now working 32 hrs per week! Needs must as they say. Anyway,Isy, if I don’t make it, apologies for booking me in and being a no show, everyone else, will hopefully catch up soon and will keep an eye on the thread.

If I do find I can make it later then I’ll see you all there.
Love Carolx

Hi all, I am still hopping to get along tonight, but may have childminding problems if dh home from work late. I was also back in hospital for more surgery on Friday but got out on sunday feeling pretty good, so that isn’t really keeping me back. Hope to see you all later on.

Oops, obviously hoping to get along, not hopping :slight_smile:

So sorry I didn’t make it, am sore and tired, and a bit dopey with cocodamol, hope you had fun. C.

Issy, et al
Im so sorry, i forgot about Lk bennet, the weeks are going too fast. I hope you all had a great time. Perhaps we could meet up for a Christmas Dinner, or maybe better a past Christmas Dinner in January?

Any thoughts??

Hope everyone in well,

Jill x

That sounds good. My next chemo is 15 Dec so before that or in the New Year would be good for me.
Carolyn and Julie - hope you both had a good night. Great to see you. Sorry I didn’t get to chat to you much - too busy being Belfast’s Next Top Model lol!

Isy x

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven’t posted much, but Its been a bit rough and you’re all so positive I didn’t want to put a dampener on it. Some friends of mine are having a wee do in Morrisons, Bedford st on the 11th Dec to raise money for breast cancer awareness. Unfortunately Im an oule mod so most of the music etc will be mod/soul etc but if anyones about and fancies sticking their head in for a nosey you’re more than welcome. Food is great downstairs too! At least it’s city centre so if yis arent keen there’s plenty of choice. Here’s hoping. :o)x