Northern Ireland Meet-ups


10th is good for me too :slight_smile:

Carolyn xx

10th it is then! I’ll probably get the train up and have a bit of retail therapy so anywhere in the City Centre is good for me - maybe those of you who know Belfast better than me can suggest somewhere?
Isy x

Bummer :frowning: Can’t make the 10th now - appointment for bone density scan came in this morning for the afternoon of the 10th. Was really looking forward to meeting up with you all.

Carolyn xx

Hi girls - hope you don’t mind me popping in here to say hello.
I began the journey through breast cancer in June 2009 and delighted to say I am well. I had the best of care in our local health service - we have so much to be grateful for. After various challenges with shopping for post surgery bras I decided I needed to open my own lingerie shop - opening 18th June - obviously stocking mastectomy wear!
After contacting bcc to offer in store lingerie evenings for mastectomy girls in northern ireland I discovered they have no such service here. This is definitely part of my vision for the days ahead. If any of you would like a sneek preview shopping time I would be delighted to host you - we have a fabulous coffee shop on site!
Let me know what you think - would be lovely to meet some of you.
best wishes, Jean

Are you based anywhere near Belfast, Senga?

Hi Girls,

Friday the 10th suits me also, Carolyn what time is your appointment at , maybe we could work around it either before or after your scan if that suits you,

Jean what a great idea you have came up with , I only at the weekend spent over an hour in Marks and Spencers trying to get fitted by the bra mearsuring service ,I ended up with 2 bras which aren’t really of my taste , but I bought them anyway as I needed them badly, as Jennifer has already asked where you are based I’ll wait on your response,

Jill great to hear from you ,and that your doing well, anybody else who would like to join us for lunch come on ahead the more the merrier, I to will keep an eye on the site for any arrangements for our meet-up.

Julie xx

Hi girls

Thanks for the interest. I am based in Lisburn.

I have Anita bras in stock and awaiting delivery of Amoena. Also if folks have any specific requests or needs I would love to be able to help out. Planning to have specialist fitting days also so will keep you posted.

A little bit of luxury girls - because we all deserve it!

For anyone on facebook - check out Azizi Lingerie - and please ‘like’ too!!


Eventually - haven’t been able to get on the site these past few days, don’t know what was up.

Anyway, hi everyone and welcome Jean and Jennifer.

Jean congratulations on your new venture and I wish you the best of luck. I live in Lisburn so I will definitely be calling in.

Julie, unfortunately my appointment is at the wonderfully convenient time of 3.30 on Friday at Musgrave. Thanks for offering to try and fit things around me but I honestly have no idea how long I will be. If I’m in and out quickly I might be able to catch up with you all if you’re still at your venue. Will keep an eye out to see where you are meeting up.

Good news - my last bone scan came back clear so my holiday is booked and I’m off to Cyprus for two weeks - can’t wait.

Hope everyone is keeping well and fingers crossed I’m able to drop in on the 10th even if it is only for a quick one.

Carolyn xx

If we make it an early lunch, maybe you can make it before your appointment, Carolyn? Say 12.00 @ La Tasca in Victoria Square? - it’s never busy at lunchtime
Isy x

Hi Girls’

La Tasca sounds lovely for lunch , if possible could we have lunch nearer to 1pm as I work till one , and on that day I’m also training ,Carolyn I hope you can make it , I’ll keep an eye on the site anyway,

Julie xx

1.00 pm La Tasca fine for me - anybody else able to make it?
Isy x

Hi Everyone

yes…this Friday at 1.00 o’ clock is perfect for me.
See you all then at La Tasca

Carol xx


See you at 2!

Actually see you all at 1. (Doesn’t rhyme with woohoo)


Carolyn xx

Hi Girls ,

See you all tomorrow at one pm ,

Julie xx

Hope you all had a good lunch meet-up. I wish I had come now - maybe next time?

Yes, it was fun! Nothing organised yet but you’d be very welcome next time.
Isy x

Hi girls’

La Tasca, was a really lovely place to eat, and as usual we had great craic a wee glass of vino and great company, Jennifer you more than welcome and anybody else who would like to join our wee group looking forward to the next meet-up, Carolyn I hope your scan went ok , enjoy your holidays , I can’t wait until mine either,

Julie xx

Hi Girls,
Just a quick note, sorry i missed lunch, but i went to Kinsale for a couple of days and ended up in Cork University Hospital for 11 nights with food poisoning and every “itis” going, and pneumonia…im ok now, just very tired. Btw care there was second to none, got 2 CAT scans in 3 days,echoes ect, unheard of in the NHS!

Hope you are all well and enjoy the summer. I will check in here from time to time.


Hi Girls

I’m off on my holiday tomorrow so thought I would check in before I go. Had a great afternoon at La Tasca, great company. I’m back on 14th so will be looking forward to another get together.

Julie - hope you have a really good cruise and anyone else who is getting away for a well deserved break have a brilliant time.

Jill - great to hear from you but sorry that you have had such a rough time of late. Glad you are on the mend and it would be great to catch up with you again.

Jennifer - ditto what Julie says: you will be very welcome to join us next time and anyone else who may be lurking around our little thread.

See you all soon.

Carolyn xx

Hi Bosom Buddies

Got my first year review coming up at Antrim Hospital Breast Clinic next Wednesday (13th). Getting very, very nervous! Keep everything crossed for me!
Isy x