November 2017 Radiotherapy



Starting a new thread for ladies who are starting their rads in November xxx

Thanks Helena - for some reason I have mixed feelings about this next stage and I really look forward to having some company along the way. I start on 6th November through to 1st December x

Hi Anitajane, I started yesterday and finish on 14th November, so will be with you part of the way and would be happy to keep you company! My first two sessions have been fine xx

Thanks Helena I’ve got the same plan with 15 and 5. Whilst I was hugely relieved that I had clear margins and no lymph node involvement, I had a wobble when I was told they only achieved 1 mm clear margin in one area as the tumour was so deep and therefore recommended the 5 day booster. That’s made me really concerned about an increased risk of it coming back which I didn’t have before so now I don’t know how big the risk is of a reoccurrence x

Thank you Gail - I feel better already now I’ve got company x

Hi Helena I was also diagnosed as Stage 1, Grade 2 IDC 12 mm and felt so positive at being diagnosed so early due to screening. I was on a high at my follow up appointment after my surgery right up until my radiotherapy planning appointment when the whole margin conversation came up and now I feel like the odds have increased massively on it coming back as 1 mm is such a small margin. I also started Letrozole last week initially for 5 years. It’s so strange as I’ve honestly been so positive since my diagnosis on 25th July that I’m finding it difficult to understand why I’m feeling the way I am now x

Hi anitajane and Helena, I have similar diagnosis to both of you, had clear margins and no lymph node involvement and am also having 15 regular and 5 boosters. Mine was symptomatic as hadn’t started on the routine screening.
I think everyone has a wobble at some stage, mine was in the days after being told the good news about clear margins and no lymph node involvement - I should have been over the moon, but I was an emotional wreck! I think you’ve just got to roll with it. I started Tamoxifen 4 weeks ago. Still feel a bit emotionally incontinent!
We can do this Anitajane xx

Thanks to everyone who replied to my little wobble last night - I’m feeling in safe hands again and just cracking on with normality (until the next wobble of course when I know where you will all be!!).  Anita x

Thank you Helena. Have a lovely weekend. Anita x

Hi everyone, I start rads on 15 Nov and like some of you I’ve got 15 and 5 as a booster. I had a lumpectomy but had to have a second lot of surgery to ensure clear margins, but was relieved i was told that at my results because I was also told it hadn’t spread and therefore didn’t need chemo so felt it was a good day.


I have been really positive throughout all my treatment so far because I’m glad it was caught early and that the rads and Tamoxifen are my insurance policy! I’ll start my Tamoxifen in a couple of weeks. I know that my positive mental attitude may well take a hit when it’s all over. I’ve heard that that can be the time when people have the time to sit back and reflect on what they’ve been through and can then have an emotional wobble. Maybe being conscious of that may help.


I have my planning appointment next Friday and have been told I may need a second one to learn breathing techniques as it’s my left side that needs treatment. The annoying thing is that my appointments are all round about 2pm and I’d hoped for later. I am going to try to get it changed but I know I might not have much luck. A good friend at work told me that I must stop trying to fit this around work and that I must concentrate on myself - she’s right of course but I wasn’t just so pleased to get back into work after 5 weeks off that this will be a pain in the neck to work around. I will get my head into putting myself first mode shortly!


i’ll be having my rads at the Kent & Canterbury hospital in Canterbury so if there are any other ladies on here having their treatment there too, let me know and we can support each other in person as will as virtually.


My line in the sand is Christmas - by then it should all be over and I’ll be feeli normal again … I hope!



Hi momo, I started last weds and am also doing the breath-holding technique - it’s been absolutely no problem (even with the end of a cold!). Hope that puts your mind at rest! X

Hi Ladies. I start my radiotherapy on 13/11 & have to have for 4 weeks, so assume like others of you that’s 15 & 5 boosters. I had my last chemo on Weds, not feeling so good at the moment, but expect as usual that will pass. I had my lumpectomy in May, apparently clear margins but 1/2 lymph node involvement, as these were the only nodes they took I am confused (& worried) that others not affected??? I have a CT scan & radiotherapy assessment on Friday, I am claustrophobic & worried I have to go in a “tunnel”, have any of you had this done? I have been told I have to do the left side breathing technique as well, I’m finding the thought of all this very scary. 

Hi Kimi,
When I had my CT scan, it did not involve going into a tunnel & I was in & out quite quickly, the whole appointment took about half an hour.
I was told that I might have to do the breathing technique, but in the end, it wasn’t necessary. The CT scan gives the radiologist the info on whether this is required or not.
Even if it is needed, the team will look after you.
As ever when going through this, the prospect is usually worse than the reality.
It might be an idea to ask your team about the nodes, so that you are clear about it.
ann x

Thank you Gail. I thought once I got to end of chemo I’d be over the moon, but I’m just worrying again, maybe it’s early days & SE’s are getting me down, I will have to have a talk with the experts on Friday when I go. Think the Oncologist Registrar has put the fear of God in me listing all the possible risks & side effects as well. You’d think the chemo would have sorted things, I’d like to know why Radiotherapy too? Anyway I will remember your kind re-assurances & hopefully get it done & over with. Thank you.

Hi you lovely ladies.  I just got a phone call this afternoon to say my planning appointment is next Wednesday, 1/11, so I guess I’ll be joining you all for rads in November!  I had my lympectomy back in July, which seems like ages ago now, and at the end of August was told that chemo wasn’t for me.  I started on Letrozole a month ago and will be on them for the next ten years. 


Apart from the bc I also suffer severly with my mental health and am in such a bad place right now I have been considering stopping all treatments.  I’m still unsure to continue or not.


I wish you all well on your journey. xxx

Hi all I’m a week away from starting my radiotherapy hope it’s ok if I join  this November group very nervous about it all had my lumpectomy back in August then second op in September seem like a life time ago

can I also ask if any one else has heard of lipomodeling (I’m very small chested A cup) and it has been suggested that this will be an option for me ( unfortunately I’ve seen a video on it ) now I’m really unsure about it. But think I’m still to young to live with the (dent) in my little booby: sending big hugs to everyone 

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hi Pili Pala,
As ever with these things, sometimes there can be a bit of a wait, but it will be all ok, so try not to worry, in view of where you are at the moment.
Do come & chat whenever you want to.
ann x

Hi first post I have had my wire guided lumpectomy and 3/4 nodes removed 2nd Oct nodes have come back clear but had more surgery on 23rd Oct as it was deeper than they thought. Got those results 3rd nov and then really hope to start radiotherapy in Nov have a provisional appt booked with oncologist for the 8th Nov. I am very positive about getting through and coming out the other side. My biggest problem is I am a control freak and find not being able to plan is so difficult. Ruth

Hi Ruth

I start my rads on 6th November following clear margins and no lymph nodes involvement.

I’m also a control freak and had to learn a new set of skills in trusting my medical team and letting them be the boss!! They are the experts and it didn’t take me long to let them take control and I definitely feel better for it.

We can compare notes on the rads as we journey along together.

Take care Anita xx

Hi Anita thanks for the advice I will try to take on board?. Good luck on the 6th. Ruth x