November 2017 Radiotherapy

Hi! I’m joining the radio fun in a couple of weeks, prob Nov/Dec. Just relieved to find out today that they had clear margins from my second surgery, I was so blasé back in Sept thinking it would be one surgery and all done! Sadly not so simple. 


I’m hoping to keep working through radio, I’ve missed so much and love my job. But I know some people get really tired. I have been much tireder after the surgery than I anticipated.  I had three days of feeling actually well and energetic between ops, and I’m really missing being able to go running, though I have been for some nice walks in the autumn sunshine, and I’m trying to keep flexible with a bit of yoga in between naps. 


Hopefully the treatment phase will be all over by Christmas, but how long till I’m back to normal energy levels after all this?


Hi Head&heart,
As Helena says, we can differ in how we respond to rads. I was able to have sick leave during rads & tbh my energy levels were not affected, but, I was not working at the time.
It could be fine, but as ever, be kind to yourself when going through this.
ann x

Starting radiotherapy on Monday. Had 2 ops so far and started on tamoxifen about 4 weeks ago. Been really upbeat until this week and now really emotionally crappy…

Hi Aline

I had my op in September and have been on Letrozole for 3 weeks. I start rads a week on Monday and it couldn’t come too soon as I see it as such an important part of my treatment. Don’t get me wrong, my emotions have been up and down but my surgery is behind me as, hopefully, is yours. The lovely ladies here tell me the rads are very ‘doable’ and I trust them completely. I’m very relieved I don’t need chemotherapy and I can see normality on the horizon again.

I wish you a good night’s sleep and hope you feel better when the sun comes up tomorrow. It’s supposed to be a lovely autumn day and I’m getting my walking boots out.

Take care Anita xx

Hi Aline

Emotional ups and downs seem to part of the package. You’ve done well to stay positive up till now, but it’s ok to let the negative emotions happen too, and express them to people. I found that my best friend 5ought I was absolutely fine and happy as I’d been presenting a positive side on Facebook -when she came to see me she was shocked how tired I was and how long the recovery was taking. So I’ve learnt to be honest with myself and my friends about the negative as well as positive, and to be kind to myself. When I feel low I find a walk outside in nature really helps, or a nap, or both!

take care 


I went back to work after my surgery and before my rads start (they start 15 Nov) and threw myself back into full time work. I have a big, stressful job, but I usually thrive on the stress. I also commute to London but worked from home mainly. It became apparent after about a fortnight that it was too much for me. I was feeling very tired but felt I couldn’t take it easy due to work pressures. However I put this pressure on myself as my boss (and others) had told me to work reduced hours and keep myself away from the day to day stuff and let my team carry the workload between them. So last week I made the decision to do what others were encouraging me to do and I’m now working three hours a day. But I had to find it out for myself as I don’t like being told what to do!


I had my planning appointment on Friday and now have my three little tattoos and although it’s my left side, I won’t need to learn breathing techniques as my heart won’t be in the way. I’ve been really positive up till now but I have to admit I found the waiting room at the oncology department a very depressing place. 


Like me others I think I’ll find the fact that I need to be at the hospital every day a real bind, but it’s only for four weeks (3 + 1 booster week) and then it’s all done by Xmas. I start my Tamoxifen next week so am concerned about the combination of side effects from that and the rads but I keep telling myself that the medical professionals are the experts and everything that is being done is for the right reasons.

Hi everyone 

feeling very nervous and tearful today think I’m just dreading tomorrow my first session but reading all the threads on here I’ve got nothing to be worried about been told I will have to be on tamoxifen for 5 years but have not yet been given it was just wondering if I should of started it before my rads. Big hugs to all X 

Good luck for tomorrow merc :slight_smile:
Tomorrow is day 9 for me
Loving the spangly pants Helena! Xx

Glad it went ok merc. Must have been those sparkly pants! Are you making sure you drink plenty?
I’m halfway through today, am feeling more tired and skin a bit pink now, but all good apart from that.
Hope everyone else is getting on ok xx


Well my appointment for my results from re excision haven’t come back so tomorrow appointment cancelled and rebooked for next Wednesday so no chance my rads will start this month. It has been so much harder waiting for these results than the originals as I have been so positive and was only expecting good news. Just so fed up waiting and to tired. I also think my hormones are now kicking in as I have pcos and have had the marina coil fitted on and off for 18 years which for me has been fantastic but without it I get so down before period approx 1 week either side. Just want results and plan moving forward. Thanks for listening Ruth x

RuthJ, interesting what you say about the Mirena as I had to have mine removed too and having not had a period for about 13 years I’m having to get used to that and how I feel. I felt really ropey this morning and had a really bad head and then discovered my period had started. Rubbish getting used to that again with everything else going on!

Hi Momo it was terrible mine started 5 days before my 1st op and it was horrendous ended up in boots getting incontenance pads on advice from the lovely health advisor not looking forward to this. Hope you don’t have that xx

Thanks Helena waiting is the toughest challenge to overcome x

Hi ladyblower, I hoping I don’t have to wait that long. My initial treatment was really quick and now I’m going mad. I found a lump 8th Sept following week mamo ultra sound biopsy. Results 22nd Sep first lumpectomy and node removal 2nd Oct these results 20th Oct re excision as no clear margins 23rd Oct. have been called now and told these results 8th Nov. I know I have been really lucky but in my life I don’t cope well without a plan even if I knew I had another 4 weeks to wait that would be ok just want to ? Ruth x

Hi ladies hope everyone is ok first week over for me and feeling ok apart from full up with a cold dose any one know if you can take ibuprofen whilst on rads X 

Hi merc, glad your first week went well :slight_smile:
I was having a few stabbing pains and rads team said to take ibuprofen for them if necessary. You could always double check with your BCN?
Hope your cold gets better quickly and you can rest up over the weekend xx

Merc, I’ve got 7 sessions left. Skin is a bit sore, but was given some cool dressings yesterday and they are very soothing! Am tired, so glad it’s the weekend. Am doing absolutely nothing today and loving it!
Hope next week goes well for you xx

Thanks merc x

Hi Ladies.
I had my CT scan (which thank you Gail & Ann, was fine) & assessment for RT last Friday. I was tattooed & have been told about breath holding & will have 15+5 boosters. I saw a different Specialist & she informed me I have only had lymph node biopsy, I thought they’d removed two, & I may have to have more surgery after RT, I did get upset & she then told me RT has been proved in trials to be as effective as surgery, I’m a little confused now! Anyone else have this experience? I was told about using E45 cream regularly throughout RT treatment & drinking plenty. They have some honey based cream if we need it, should we get sore, which the nurse told me isrealky good, called something like Medihoney? Hope all goes well for everyone. X

Hi everyone I’ve been reading everyone’s posts on this thread. Wow - the journey we are all on that none of us chose. I start my 15 & 5 rads tomorrow. My surgery on 20th Sept seems such a long time ago. I’m now a month into 5 years + of Letrozole. Had a few side effects mainly my carpal tunnel syndrome returning after a complete absence of 4 years. I wish I wasn’t here but I am. Thanks to this forum I never feel alone. Anita xx