November 2017 Radiotherapy

Thanks Helena - are they real bells or virtual? X

Hi everyone hope you all got on ok today unfortunately my session was cancelled is any one else having stabbing pains mine are very bad today to the point they are taking my breath away hugs to you all X 



I think you have finished your rads today so well done and hope you have something really nice to celebrate it.


No more going to the hospital every day and you can start to get your life back


Ringing the bells for you tonight


Helena xxx



tough pants.jpg

Hi All

So my first session is over today with 19 to go! Felt a bit emotional before I went in but it was all very straightforward and the staff at The Royal Marsden are lovely.

Roll on 1st December!

Hope everyone else all ok?

Anita xx

Hi ladies
Anita, glad your first session went well :slight_smile:

Merc, I also had the stabbing pains, they seem to have calmed down a bit now. Hope yours do too.

headandheart, I’d echo Helena’s advice about giving them a call - I waited a few weeks for my biopsy appointment and when I called to chase it up I was told I should have been there on that day, but I hadn’t received a letter or phone call


I got a call today, appointment on Thursday. So relieved something is happening. 


I wonder if ‘radiation’ sounds more scary than it is. Maybe think of it like a sunbed? :wink:


I don’t like what I’m reading here about people’s Mirena coils being taken out: I am going to get very stroppy if they want to take my Mirena coil out. No. I’d rather take the risk, and be sure of contraception / no periods, based on what I’ve read.


But noone’s mentioned it yet - I will argue this one with the oncologist!




I hope you are all okay.  I went for my radiotherapy planning meeting today and will be starting on the 22nd Nov.  I’ll join this thread and also the December one too. Any tips or advice would be good.  Best wishes everyone xx

Hi Ladies. Pecan, I was like you & terrified of the thought of radiation, but when I went for my assessment meeting, the nurse I talked to was so lovely. I had been told some horrible things before going & the nurse reassured me. I start on Monday & whilst like all of us I wish I wasn’t, after joining this group & talking with the nurse, I’m not so scared now. Could you talk to your BC nurses? I always find them very good when I’ve spoken to them. Good luck. Xx

Hi everyone, after a bit of advice. I start my rads next week and feeling quite chilled about it - only frustrated by the bind the daily trip to the hospital will be for four weeks. Throughout my two lots of surgery and all the emotional upheaval, I’ve actually been really good and could probably count on one hand the times I’ve been a bit emotional since diagnosis. But I started taking my Tamoxifen last week and over the last few days I’ve been feeling unusually emotional. I could cry at the drop of a hat and not on the usual stuff like M&S Xmas ads! Always cry at that type of thing anyway but more around things that wouldn’t normally faze me like work and family stuff. Is this likely to be down to the Tamoxifen and my body adjusting to it?

Just got back from clatterbridge after my first lot of radiotherapy. Cannot believe how emotional I feel. Have been really upset for the past hour (can’t stop crying). I wasn’t expecting to feel so overwhelemed. The actual room itself (felt like something out of a syfi movie), the machinery (didn’t realise there was so much of it) the feeling of vulnerability (arms in stirrups above your head while topless) - totally blew my confidence. I’ve been quite positive since being diagnosed with high grade DCIS back in Sept. Had most of my right breast and all my nipple removed and my left breast reduced, don’t think I cried once through all of it. Today as thrown me completely and I’m questioning whether I have been coping or whether I’ve been suppressing my feelings. Did anyone else feel upset during their 1st session? I’m also feeling a little sensitive on my breast, not pain just feels different. Is this in my mind or should I be feeling anything so soon? Thanks everyone x



Thank you for your advice.  I’ 'll stock up on E45 before I get started xxx





It sounds as though your first rads session was pretty traumatic for you.  I don’t start mine until 22nd, so really have no idea what it will be like.  I’ m a nurse and much of my career has been working in intensive care so I appreciate how overwhelming big, scary machines can be, especially when we’re not sure exactly what they do! Maybe speak to the team looking after you and they can explain things and reassure you. You have been through so much already and coped amazingly by the sound of it. It’s usual I should think, to feel overwhelmed by it all at some point ( it hasn’t hit me yet) so take it easy and accept the support from those around you. Sending you a hug and I hope your next session is a bit better xxx

Hi ladies, I can also relate to ‘feeling like a fraud’. At the moment I’m finding it really hard to keep a lid on my emotions, feel like there’s a tidal wave in there waiting to explode and am not used to feeling so out of control.
I’ve only got 2 sessions left now and am really tired (actually feel like a zombie!).
At diagnosis I was probably fitter than at any time in my whole life - I ran the London marathon in April and am still struggling to get my head around it!

Helena, can I ask who arranged your counselling - was it via your GP or BCN?

Have a peaceful weekend everyone xxx

Thanks Helena, will try upping the fluids to see if that helps and I’ll try Macmillan re the counselling. Your boss must think a lot of you to have arranged it for you :slight_smile:

Ablondemoment - I’m also wondering if tamoxifen is partly to blame for my emotional instability!

Like you’ve all said, it is good to know we all feel similar and are not alone.

Roll on Tuesday


I have my schedule at last.  Starting the 23rd November, ending 13 December.  They haven’t mentioned boosts, so not sure if this means I don’t need any.  I hardly stopped crying all through the consultation.  I have an innocuous-looking packet of pills to start taking when I have the courage.  (Letrozole)

And this has to be one of the lowest points of my life.

Hi Pecan I’ve been using organic aloe vera gel. It’s lovely. As long as it’s water based is what o was advised at a presentation this week at the Marsden. I use is first thing and last thing. Very soothing. Xx

Apparently E45 is recommended as well. I just prefer an organic option.



Yay you have finished rads today so we are ringing the bells for you today.  Hope you have something nice planned to celebrate no more active treatment.


Take care of yourself over the next couple of weeks because you will still be feeling the effects of the rads.


Helena xxx




Thanks Helena! And for all your support and encouragement, you’re a star :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone else still going through or about to start - there is an end to it!! Xx