November 2017 Radiotherapy

Hi Helena I’m having 20 sessions 15 regarding then 5 boosters thanks for the tip Helena I would never have thought of doing that it’s amazing what a little shove from above can do!!!

Hi hope everyone is feeling ok I’m on my number 14 out of 20 boob very burnt and red nurse said she hasn’t seen one like mine before it’s very painful (taking painkillers like sweets)and doing cream four times a day got review on Wednesday hope they can give me some advice can’t wait for it to all be over X 

Dear M ,
That’s super advice , I don’t like soya but I do like coconut one so il do that as I know your tips are well worth listening too as they are from your very considered experience and knowledge.
The ladies who do my rads are ok but I do feel like I’m on a conveyer belt , I suppose they have a job to do and time I’d precious . They have not given me much advice on minimising effects or best creams but my Chemo girls have and your good self.
I definitely miss your thoughtful realistic approach on here and will check in with you and some of the other amazing ladies, who’s strengths and journeys are just incredible.
Biofine and medihoney also dermol lotion are all good and help, I also take vit e tablets as well as a good multi vit ( solgar ) . Good old aveeno is good too . Just a practical tip for the other rad ladies il pass on … this site can be so useful for support and passing on knowledge.
Much love to you M you are an inspiration and I’m hoping that you are doing ok atm . ?xxxx

Merc - for my poor nipple that is also scar from surgery too … just to add to the pain . They have me a hydro jel dressing - a skin dressing used for burns patients, it’s protection for it and keeps cream in and clothes rubbing away … it’s helped a lot , ask your rads girls , they will have them in their draws and should really have given you some x

That’s gave - my phone auto corrects gave and I’d and a few other words if I don’t spot them . Sorry I’m not illiterate… actually just got my first class degree last month so very proud of myself after having the year from hell on top of Doing that and my 3 kids … lol now I’m just showing off ?

Yeah Helena they explained I will probs have to do the sat before Xmas and new year due to it being a Bank Holiday and the dept being closed so the gap isn’t to big between sessions so yeah a Jan finish!!! I had hoped I would be starting back end of this month but never mind at least now I’ve got my start dates just going to have to online Xmas shop!!

Had planning appt today and ct scan chest X-ray markings and deep breath hold practice it was ok just felt like I needed to drink a bottle of water and brush my teeth to remove the plastic feeling ?. Rads all booked start on the 6th Dec finishing on the 3rd Jan 15 normal and 5 boosters. Having 2 Saturday appointments to cover Christmas and New Year. Doc wants me to start tamoxifen today as I have pcos to try to stop my periods so fingers crossed x

Hi Helena
Thanks just picked up the first lot read the leaflet wish I hadn’t bothered? but fingers crossed and hope for the best if I have problems with these they want me to have my ovaries removed which I don’t have a problem with but my gynaecologist doesn’t want to go it now as since May I’ve had 3 general anesthetics thinks I need to give my body a rest before doing that and have to have rads first. But at least now beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Xx

I’m going to wait until tomorrow and take duing the day just encase.
Did I see you say you are going to the craft fair this weekend have you been before is it any good? My daughter wants us to go to the German market not sure if I can face it.

Hi ladies I’m new to the forum. I started radiation therapy last week and the radiation sisters told me to neither wash nor apply anything to the area being treated, left breast and armpit, this doesn’t sound right to me please advise I want to minimise burning thanks in advance ladies


It looks fab maybe next weekend but enjoy xx

Hi Native

I haven’t started yet but been told not to use anything oil based and perfume free shower gel hope that helps

Hi Native

Organic aloe vera is wonderful twice a day and approved by the staff at the Royal Marsden.

Perfume free shower gel like Simple.

I’m on treatment 13 of 20 and skin in great condition just a bit pink and warm so far.

Hope that helps.
Take care Anita

Hello Lovely Ladies.
Thank you for advice & re-assurance Gail & Helena, this forum makes me feel a bit better. Started week 2 of RT, some pink areas, but not too bad, but I am using moisturiser as advised, I do use organic Aloe Vera in the evenings, do wonder if I should though, also getting areas wet & using deodorant, conflicting advice we seem to get. My mind still does overtime & I get so worried that I’ll have a reoccurrence, how do we stop that? Think I’ll have to have a chat about the Letrazole, I ache almost everywhere & have a strange taste in my mouth, that won’t be fun for next 5 years! Glad you got sorted Michelle, sometimes admin is rubbish! Hope you’re sorted as well Merc, doesn’t sound much fun if you’re sore, only 4 more to do now, & to all of the rest of you, hope you’re all doing ok. It’s tough isn’t it? Xxx

Hi Pecan. I’m also in week 2 of the dreaded Letrazole, hopefully these symptoms will wear off as time goes by. I’ve read taking magnesium helps with aches, I’m going to ask Oncologist, I’ll report back, but not seeing her for another couple of weeks, hope your hip pain goes, I’ve got backache, but as Helena told me, could be that hard RT bed & the stretched out position you have to lie in. Thank you as well Moijan, others experiences are helpful. X

Hi Kimi how you doing yeah scan tomorrow and start 8th Dec I hope the SE of the pills settle down for you it was strange today not going for chemo! Still have really numb hands and sore joints!
Definitely pleased no more chemo!

Hi Michelke. I’m ok, thank you, still coughing & hoping part of reason I feel as I do is because chemo still getting out of my system combined with starting RT, I’ll see Consultant in next couple of weeks I’ll have to ask her. So glad you’ve finished chemo, bless you, I’m two weeks ahead of you, so good you’ve got RT sorted. The scan is fine, if it’s like mine you’ll be drawn on, you’ll get used to that with RT, I joke with them it’s to check I shower before next session! You’ll get a couple of tiny tattoos that look like weeny moles & compared to chemo it’s a breeze. Glad it’s going to start for you, as you start that’ll be my last one, but I’ll be cheering you on & it goes quickly. Good luck tomorrow. Xx

Hi Moijan. Hope you’re right & it goes more than comes, it’s horrid! I agree about the sense of smell as well, to the point that horrible smells can make me gag. Chemo has done all sorts to us hasn’t it? I’d like my hair, eyebrows & eyelashes back to their original state, oh & my nails are going peculiar now as well!! Xx

Thank you so much ladies for all your advice I feel I have found a home here, hugs to everyone

Thanks Kimi Angela is next on our thread to be starting she’s the 27th Nov!! I’m glad you are finding it a breeze to chemo that’s good to know app went well got tattoos got a bit of a sore neck today but it was already sore so not necessarily from lying on the board!! All done for Christmas Kimi lucky thing!!!