November 2017 Radiotherapy

Hi everyone 

hope all are doing well I’ve had another session cancelled today but to be honest I was very pleased as my skin is suffering doctor gave me a cream to rub in four times a day and it’s taking the burning down I bit.feeling very sorry for myself again and I’m being horrible to my husband (bless him) hopefully he knows I don’t mean to be.x

Hi Pecan my aloe vera gel is by comfort zone and it’s organic leaf juice. If you would like me to get some for you let me know. It’s lovely x

So first day of rads yesterday which means one down, 19 to go! The worst bit about it was as it was my first one they had to do some X-ray imaging so it took a bit longer than usual. That said it was all done and dusted in 15 mins. Arms ached a little afterwards and throughout I kept getting an itch in various places and of course couldn’t scratch them! It was probably all in my mind - when you know you can’t move, you need to move!

Second lot of rads today and boob feels a bit sore, achy really. Is that normal so early on?!

So I have my dates now, starting 27th Nov, over by Christmas. I guess I’ll join the December group. I’m planning to work through treatment, but with slightly reduced hours and some responsibilities taken off me so I can rest during the day a bit rather than my normal 13 hour full-on work schedule. But if it’s all too much I can take time off. Very grateful for supportive boss. 

Hi all well had my oncologist appointment on the 16th blood tests today ct and chest X-ray booked for the 21st. Have been told 1st rad booked for the 4th Dec but I am going to beg if possible to start on 30th Nov so it will be finished in 2017 and can start 2018 anew. Hope everyone’s treatment is going well.
Ruth x

Ptt 23


Think you have finished your rads today so ringing the bells for you hope you are doing something nice to celebrate the end of active treatment, but remember to keep up your regime for the next couple of weeks as you will still be feeling the effects of them.


Helena xxx




15 normal and then 5 boosters and then tamoxifen for 5 years

So relieved Helena just feel better having dates and a plan. Silly question I know I can’t use oil during radiotherapy but will it be ok to use on my legs? My skin is so dry if not I look like a crocodile ? xx

Did you take tamoxifen?

How do you find it? I was worried about it as oncologist said it can cause osteoporosis in premenopausal women and my mum had osteoporosis and when she died 5 broken bones in her spine ankle and wrist. But they said it benefits out way the risk. And I have a bone density scan 2 years ago which was fine and they are testing my calcium levels in my blood today. Nothing is simple on this journey? but chin up and on we go

Thanks Helena you are always here to help much appreciated?

I had first RT on Monday, I couldn’t stop crying, maybe the unknown, maybe the Letrazole I’ve started taking, I felt like an emotional wreck! Tuesday was better & I saw my Consultant afterwards as needed to sign another part of consent for boosters. I’ve completed a week now, so 15 left to do, I’ve got backache now, any experience of that anyone? Every ache/symptom scares me as I imagine the worst, but only finished chemo four & a half weeks ago. Good luck to everyone, so far (apart from Monday) found it tolerable, agree the marking up takes time, didn’t expect that, I’m having RT to left boob, armpit & collarbone, have to do breath holding, find I run out if steam towards end of session!! Xx

Hi kimi, as Helena said, the boosters are a lot quicker, I also had to do the breath holding, but not for the 5 boosters.
I’ve been the opposite of you - started off positive and up beat and have hardly stopped crying since finishing on Tuesday! Am blaming it on the tiredness and tamoxifen.
Best of luck for the rest of your treatment xx

Thanks Helena. I’m totally with you re anyone saying something nice sets me off! Xx

Hi ladies I need to ask I had first meeting with radiotherapy onc to sign consent forms nearly 2 weeks ago I’m post chemo 3 weeks this Wed coming and still have not had my planning scan app yet I’m getting concerned as it was explained that rads take place between 4 and 6 weeks of last chemo I rang them yesterday and they said I was in the system but no appointments were in place yet I’m really concerned about this as I know it takes up to two weeks after scan to start

I did that on Friday and she’s on holiday for 2 weeks! I rang the scheduling department and the just said we have you on the system but no app is in place yet I’m getting worried about it x

Thanks Helena I will do that first thing on Monday xx

Hi Helena took your advice have a scan on Thursday morning start radiotherapy 8th Dec will be 5 weeks post chemo so within the time limit xx

HI Moijan,
Sorry haven’t replied for ages , needed a break .
Rads is tough tough tough - burning boob and sore nips. Funny positions on a hard cold board - people peering over my boobs with pens and rulers … then running from the room leaving me withsuch bright lights on I’m dazzled !!
Not to mention the fatigue and just generally weird feeling , or the 2 hour round trip everyday …
oooo moan over - positives ; I can and have shopped so much in my beloved Cheltenham that all my Xmas presents are done ??? Pret manger for lunch most days … yum yum yum … on 3rd week now so not much shopping from now on and my hubby getting worried about the growing stack in his shed ( my new hiding place) … and his bank balance lol …
Any way keep fighting ladies , we are winning xxx