November 2023 chemo starters

I haven’t heard about nadir phase yet. I’m sure I’ll find out next week. My visiting sister in law has just presented me with a big bag of goodies to help me. She helped her daughter through this at the beginning of covid.
I watched the youtube of my oncology centre. One of the things they say is to try to carry on as much as normal as you feel able. I will take on board what you have said and what they say x

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:heart: do everything your way and what’s right for you and get safely through chemo :heart: keep track of your temperature and be vigilant, if your wee burns but no temperature ring your rapid response number it could be a uti caused from chemo and will need antibiotics, also chemo can cause thrush mouth again your team are ones to contact and get fluconzole tablets don’t be fobbed off with the drops. Your teams don’t mind you ringing and checking, they appreciate you being vigilant it helps them get you safely through :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


After heavy hair loss over four days (should have done it earlier) I had head shaved to a No 2 yesterday by hairdresser. Head was sore beforehand and I was told that it would have made it worse if I’d gone shorter. Washed it when I got home. Well, I couldn’t sleep last night as hair was so prickly and sticking in scalp. I did wear a sleep cap which didn’t help. Washed again this morning and moisturised as advised but there was loads of short hair coming off into my hands. Still lots left on head. Can’t wait for the rest to come off now. Smooth would be good! Wearing a lovely soft head wrap during the day. I do know what others means when they say that they can cope with the big stuff but it’s sometimes the smaller stuff that gets them. x


I’ve had two rounds of EC now. I gradually felt better as each day went by and the second week I felt almost normal (almost!). I’m not sure I would want to socialise though as I did still feel a bit nauseous. Everyone’s different though. Low immunity is an issue and I was advised not to socialise with groups of people if it can be avoided. x


Thank you again. I will think very carefully. If I don’t feel like going I won’t go, and I will consider all advice x

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Hi! Personal experience of my first EC 2 weeks ago - extreme tiredness and brain fog - couldn’t concentrate on anything and had to force myself to get off the sofa. They gave me dexamethasone (I think) steroid tablets to take for 3 days after the infusion. The 4th day when i didn’t have steroids was the worst and I got better every day after that. My infusion is every 2 weeks. I also had to give myself an injection the day after my infusion and that made my bones ache all over too.


Hi, thanks for sharing @countrygirl1 @jolly_bongo_owner it is helpful to have a bit of an idea of what is in store even if we are all different.
I’ve found this online I can’t endorse it as I don’t know about them but I have signed up for the online zoom this evening (CHC Cody Eyelure: Event Nov 2023 registration) from the cancer hair care charity.
Hope everyone is having a decent day today. xx


Hi. Thanks. Have just signed up. Hope I can stay awake as I just fell asleep for an hour on sofa! See you there. x

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What did you think? Did you make it? Hope the nap did you good? I thought it was pretty good and bonus five sets of lashes to try. I’m happy with that! Good to put the mirror down in order to get the lashes on well. I’m sure my daughters will let me know in no uncertain terms if I do it wrong! :rofl:

I’ve donated my hair, been to the dentist, read the mountain of information given to me by the unit ( honestly think the chemo ward could save the planet on its own!!) boiled sweets and comfy clothes at the ready. PICC line tomorrow then we begin. Nearly at the starting line!!


Hi. Yes, I thought it was good. Never used false eyelashes before but I’ll definitely give it a go now when they start falling out. Doesn’t look too difficult. :thinking:. Well done being so organised. Know what you mean about the paperwork. I’ve bought a box file to store it all! Hope PICC line and treatment goes well. x


Forgot to say, I’ve just been for a wig fitting and I’m wearing it. Feels comfortable, so far. It’s blonder than my usual hair. Why not! Do feel a bit self conscious as I think people will be able to tell. Will probably get used to it. With my blonde graduated bob and eyelashes, no one will recognise me! x


Hope your picc line went in ok and wishing you all the best for tomorrow. The hardest part for me was the wait leading up to it but the day itself was nothing to worry about in the end! xx


I’ve got a wig too. Not sure about it as I have fine hair and this one is quite thick, so having the same thoughts as you. I have a few hats and scarves too so will just have to see!


Why not indeed! I’ve got a wig it is fairly natural colour. Some of the ones she suggested aged me 20 years and I looked like I had come straight from the set of Dallas (that’s not my vibe :rofl:) There is a blue and gray wavy hair one that I really fancy We should have fun with this. I’ve made my mind up that the worse I feel the more glam I’m going to go!

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PICC line went well on second attempt. Think he was getting a bit nervous as we only have one arm to go at. Went a bit higher than he would have liked but all good. Sat waiting for treatment now. Getting stuck into Sarina’s book.
Are you finding a bit of a pattern to each cycle or still taking each day as it comes? Xx

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Glad PICC line was ok in the end! I’ve only had two treatments but it tends to go - feeling grotty for a couple of days, then better and second week ok. Really hope all went well with chemo today. x


Dallas? Noooo! Agree that we should go for whatever makes us happy. Glam sounds good! x

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Sallychloe were you miss Ellie or Sue Ellen :joy:I had one that made me look like deneary from game of thrones :joy: I ended up with about 10, coloured bobs, tinsel wigs it was steroid finger shopping :joy: now you’ve all been warned about steroid finger shopping too (ie shop away and explain it all away on steroid finger) :joy::heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Full on Sue Ellen :rofl: not sure I’m brave enough for a tinsel one but I do go a bit mad for Christmas and that with steroids Who knows!! :rofl:
First one has gone fine. Thank you :blush: I didn’t realise the nurse is with you the whole time and I was in a side room with another first timer who is on the same regime so hoping we can buddy up each time.
The sweets went down well with patients and nurses alike.
I’ve just realised the injections need to be kept in the fridge so they have been out for a good 7 hours. Is that ok? Anyone else having filgrastim injections?

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Glad its gone ok! I have 1 pelgraz inj to take which gets refrigerated and i did the same but was only out for about 2 hours. The leaflet says don’t use if its been out of the fridge for over 72 hours so you should be ok but best to give your team a ring to be sure. It leaves me with really achy hip and rib bones for a few days x

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