November 2023 chemo starters

Glad it went well. I have nurse with me to slowly inject first part of the EC then I’m left for 45 mins for the second part. It’s a large room though so plenty of people about.

I have to inject with Filgrastim for 7 days after each cycle. Was a bit worried about doing it but it’s one of the easiest parts of the treatment. I left them out fridge for 7 hours too. Well it’s not the first thing you think about when you get home is it? Did some research and found out it was ok to use them.

Hope you have a good day. x


I’d be well in on the 72 hours. Will have a look and contact team. Sounds like @countrygirl1 all fine. It does say all over the carrier bag to keep refrigerated but who reads carrier bags?? And for sure not the thing top of my list to do when home just glad it was over!

Do you inject at night before bed. And does paracetamol take off the pain? The nurse said it causes bone and joint pains more so in hips.

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Last night I woke up hot and feeling nauseous. Took me a minute to realise I’d left electric blanket on heat up mode! Turned it off went back to sleep! All good :rofl: can I blame chemo brain yet!! :laughing:

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I took mine late afternoon and paracetamol seems to do the job at keeping the pain at bay. A combination of having the munchies from the steroids and rib pain woke me up about 2:30 this morning and I took paracetamol then along with a glass of milk and a cereal bar which helped a lot!


:grinning:. Def blame chemo brain. I found a tea bag in the dog treat bag! Have done other equally weird things. x


I inject late afternoon too. Not sure why. I made a tick list for the various medications each day following treatment and it just fitted in there. Haven’t had any bone pain. I do sometimes have a headache and I take paracetamol for that if necessary. x

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Hi. How have you been doing since your first chemo treatment a few days ago? Hope it’s bearable. x

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How’s everyone feeling? I had my 2nd cycle of EC on Wednesday and from then on my hair has really started to shed. Was expecting it but I’m feeling quite low and every time I touch my head it comes out. Have ordered some nice scarves. Got my bloody period aswell. Thought it would stop and that’s one of the things I was treating as a positive but early days I suppose x


Hi. Thank you :blush: doing ok. Feeling a bit ropey today day 3. Craved MacDonalds yesterday- my daughter is worried now :rofl:
I’m trying to get out for a walk each day and be a little sociable.
How are you doing?

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That is a bummer I had my period just before starting chemo and thought this is the last one! Perhaps not then. :persevere:
This is just for a season. You’ve got this. Rock those scarves hun. Xx


Hair loss was a real low after second EC. Had a No 2 shave which was very prickly to sleep but since then it hasn’t been coming as much and is even growing so is softer on the head. Hmm! No doubt it will all fall out soon. When I go online to shop now it’s usually for headwear! x


I’ve bought a few already mainly hats and headband type but not that keen on them. Ive gone for big scarves this time - give my pinhead a bit more of a bulk out :joy:


Sounds quite good then if you wanted a MacDonalds! I’m doing ok thanks as I’m due 3rd EC on Tuesday. Just starting to feel almost normal then off we go again. Agree that a walk does help. Maybe not when it’s wet and cold like today. :thinking: Snuggling under a blanket on the sofa and watching a film is tempting. Hope you’re feeling a bit better tomorrow. x


What are your film go to’s? I’m thinking Die Hard might be good to get into. Not too soppy! Arthur Christmas is a must and Polar Express! The great escapers has been recommended. As you can tell I’m not a film boff!! Should be some decent ones for Christmas.
I’m doing 25 miles winter walk for sands charity. It’s getting me out and keeping me motivated but I do have 5 miles in the bag already for days like today!! Xx


Now you’re making me feel guilty with the walking! I will make more of an effort. I’m not much of a film buff either. Just choose something from Netflix that looks ok and then fall asleep. :grinning:


I’m re-watching Game of Thrones - on the last season. Wasn’t keen on the ending but will be on the look out for a good film after that - something that doesn’t involve a lot of thinking due to chemo brain! I had a little walk in the snow today - was nice but I don’t have much stamina. I do like Arthur Christmas though so that’s a good shout!

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I had my third weekly paclitaxel on Friday and hair started coming out on Saturday so took the plunge and went for a no 3
Hope everyone is coping ok so far


No guilt trips on here intended! Please don’t feel guilty. Definitely need to just do what we can. Hit a bit of a wall yesterday. Sad change in taste meaning my glass of red in the evening is no longer enjoyable :cry: felt sick and so tired! Bit better today. I guess we have to take one day at a time.

What are you eating and drinking? I’ve just got Ryan Riley recipes that look really good. Had the garam masala cod with salt and vinegar cucumber salad which was actually lovely.
I’m also liking white toast which I used to think was like eating air!! This is going to take some getting used to!!


How was number 3 @kitty3 @countrygirl1 ? How many rounds are you having?

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No 3 ok but not sure I can sleep tonight. I’m wide awake!! I do have a headache though so will try. I’ve had 3 cycles of EC two weeks apart. Start Docetaxel in two weeks time and I’ll have 4 cycles three weeks apart.

Are you on EC-T?

There could be a problem as I may need a blood transfusion. Only just ok today to go ahead and levels will probably drop again before next cycle. They’ve been gradually dropping since I started. x

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