November 2024 chemo starters

oh no!! I’m so so sorry to hear that!! is this only your second infusion?? that’s a bummer that it will be delayed but then again looking at the positive, at least you will be recovering until the next one and you won’t be too poorly for Christmas!! and plus they’ve given you some meds to help you along the way, I’d you’re low in something it can really make you feel crappy!!

How have you been feeling since they gave you iron etc??


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How’s everyone doing on this sunny day (well it is here in Brum) makes all the difference when the sun shines, right?!

I’m off out for a walk to a little Tesco for something to do soon, break up the day a bit as I’ve been soooooo ridiculously bored sitting around every day. I’m 15 days post my second Docatoxal (probs spelt that wrong). I’ve been feeling fairly good, tired eyes a lot but I’m better if I go out for walk or put my mind at something otherwise sitting around makes me more tired. Other than that I’m pretty ok. Pretty dreading my third one on Friday as it’s so close to Christmas and I don’t want to be really ill or any reactions etc, but trying to just focus on today…. Im usually fine once I get in there.

Hope everyone is coping fine and not too many side effects!! who’s watching Strictly tonight?? I can’t wait although nervous as I really want Chris to win!!! How amazing is he!! Makes me emotional every time I watch him!!

Big love all xxxxx


@stevie86 my nurse friend said to me look on the bright side … at least you will feel better over Christmas but the trouble is I don’t want to delay too much … however it as clearly needed as I came home yesterday exhausted and went to bed at ten and got up at nine this morning !
Today I feel almost like my old self pre chemo … I’ve done a bit of housework without keeling over and although I’m still a bit tired … I feel that ill definitely be able to face my next chemo now where as yesterday I felt like I might die with another infusion

Enjoy the walk … It’s so Blimmin boring isn’t it keeping away from people etc … the sun is shining today so hopefully the sun and fresh air perks you up … you are smashing through those cycles ! Almost halfway through already


I’m sorry to hear that but sounds a good thing they figured out what the problem was before you had your chemo. Three weeks sounds like a long wait so I hope they fit you in…much as I’m sure it’s a bit tempting to have a Christmas break.

@stevie86 yes, third one yesterday. I felt blown away when I got home - like the first time. And nauseous in the night for a couple of hours - not bad but enough to wake me, so taking it easy today. I’ve been out for a decent walk with the dogs this afternoon, which blew away the cobwebs a bit. xx I’ve also been writing Christmas cards, but there seems to be a disconnect between my brain and my hand so it’s probably all rubbish!


@flojo - good to get out in the fresh air even if you feel below parr … you might be feeling the cumulative effect of the chemo now .
I’m going to start pestering the hospital on Monday to find out if the scheduling team have slotted me in as aside from anything else I need my bloods doing and they’ve added cortisol levels on now which can only be done at 9 am .
I am worried that they’ve forgotten to ask to reschedule me and I’ll be lost in the system and won’t have anymore chemo

I’m sure they will sort you out. They just seem too busy and disorganised at my hospital - there are so many people coming through the system. I hope the iron makes you feel a bit better in the meantime. That sucks. xx

Ahh what ashame that your treatment has had to be delayed slightly :pensive: I really hope they can slot you back in soon & get you back on track. I know these things can happen from time to time & it’s out of our control but you get into the motion of wanting to stick to the plan & getting those treatments ticked off!!! Hope you are feeling a lot better now after the iron infusion :crossed_fingers:. Hope you get some answers from your team next week for your next chemo xx

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Me again with my questions! Is anyone getting a super painful scalp (sore enough to wake me up when I move at night)? If so, was it a precursor to your hair going? I’m 17 days after the first EC, I did cold cap and I’m moulting body hair but nothing from my head so far, so I was hoping I’d got away with it, but perhaps not!


Hi @flower5
I also cold capped for my 1st session of EC then from day 17 started to get a sore scalp & by day 20 my hair was coming out in big clumps in my hand & shedding everywhere! I decided before my 2nd round of EC to brave the shave. This isn’t the case for everyone so hopefully the cold cap will work well for you & you will keep most of your hair :crossed_fingers:. Is it the machine you are using? The hospital that I am at only offered me a gel cap that is kept in the freezer that you have to have changed 1/2 way through. I know that people who use the machine seem to have better results x

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Thanks @shelbylou81, I used a Paxman machine, and the cap seemed to fit well, but I understand that this is still not a guarantee of success. Based on your experience I’ll see what happens over the next few days!


I haven’t cold capped but 2 weeks after first infusion of Docatoxal my hair was falling out (only my head) and becoming very painful, then it became very matted and clumped all up so my sister had to cut it into a short pixie cut……… I’m not going to shave it as it’s fine now and just wisps of hair left, I’m just always wearing turban hair wraps etc and no pain anymore!! I think it’s just from your hair follicles getting irritated :(( it’s horrible but I’ve felt much better since having it cut. I don’t really think about my hair now, it will grow back eventually ;))


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I cold capped for my first session of tchp just over the 2 week mark my scalp felt relly sensitive at the very top and has shed yhenmost there and at the sides abive my ears but the sides and back are holding on :crossed_fingers: i have a few wigs just incase but i have heard yhe cold capping is good for the regrowth aswell x


Hi, I chose not to cold cap also. Planned with my hairdresser that my hair would start to thin after first session and we would cut it short. My nurse advised me it would start around week 3. It was exactly as she had predicted. I felt pain in my follicles for around 3 days and it started falling slowly and within 5 days was coming out in handfuls. I hadn’t expected it to be that quick so decided on a number 4 all over on the clippers . Another week later and I’ve lost it almost all above my ears and around the back. I bought some really lovely hats from Etsy . Mix and match headbands to accessorise and although it’s a look I didn’t ever expect to be wearing I’m happy as can be and I’ve got a wig very similar to my pre chemo hair style. Strangely for all the inconvenience cancer has caused to my life losing my hair is the one side effect that has caused abit of a dint in my confidence. I’ve taken everything else it’s thrown at me but the hair feels very personal. Xx


@arty1 how are you doing? Any joy with the hospital? :hugs:

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@flower5 - My scalp started to feel very sore from about day 12 , if I touched my hair it was really ouchy…. I got my hubby to shave it when it started falling out … I’ve got a spikey buzz cut now but if I rub my hands across it … my hair just goes everywhere and I can effortlessly pull it out at the root !

@flojo - How are you feeling today ? I went into the day therapy unit yesterday and spoke to the receptionist, no new appointment had been scheduled but she emailed scheduling as urgent and rang me later to say I was back in this Thursday , so I’ve just been in and had my bloods done x

@louisea77 - I have to confess I find it hard to see myself in the mirror without my wigs now , I used to hide behind my hair a little really by keeping it long and a bright colour … I feel exposed and vulnerable . It’s weird


:heart:arty1 how are you doing today :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

I had tinsel bobs for Christmas during chemo :rofl: I used the excuse chemo made me crazy and the steroids gave me shopping finger :grin: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Our Christmas tree appears to be shedding extra needles in sympathy this year!


That’s good you’ve got an appointment sorted. I hope your bloods are ok - fingers crossed! Hopefully you will be alright for Christmas - feels a bit odd this year, to be honest! I walk around looking at everyone’s Christmas lights and decs and feel decidedly un-festive! Early days, but I’m not feeling too bad, thanks - plodding on and trying to ignore it all. I know what you mean about mirrors - I hate looking at my head and my boobs - just feel so ugly. Let us know how you get on. xx


I am just back from my first cycle of Abraxane (nab-paclitaxel), and so glad to say it went in without any reaction at all. I have spent the last 2 weeks stressing about today!
It is quite a relief that even though it is a 3 week cycle instead of the planned 2 weeks, there are far fewer steroids involved, and also no injections.
So ‘Just’ waiting for the side effects to kick in now.
Interestingly, I have been having quite a few side effects after the last chemo which surprised my as only 15% actually went in. I think this was mostly down to the massive dose of steroids they gave me to stop my body from reacting. And after a bit of miscommunication about today’s appointment being in the afternoon, I took the dose of steroids too early as my notes said I should be there for 9am, and then experienced bone pain and some other effects which I had so far blamed on the chemo.
I spent the rest of the morning cleaning the house and doing chores thanks to the energy boost from the steroids - there are good side effects too :smile:

Do other people also find it difficult to regulate their body temperature? I keep alternating between feeling too hot, having hot flushes (I am also menopausal) and getting too cold. The only thing that seems to help is going for a walk and getting my heart rate up a bit, but I do not always feel up to doing this.